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时间:2022-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第二节 企业简介的翻译随着经济全球化的进程不断深入,中国与世界各国的经济交往越来越密切。宣传企业,树立良好的企业形象,拓展国外市场,打造享誉世界的名牌,企业简介在这些方面起着举足轻重的作用。因此,保证企业简介英语译文的质量是企业对外推销产品的基础。

第二节 企业简介的翻译








【例1】Terraseis is a widely recognized leader in acquiring seismic data in particularly challenging geographic, economic and political environments and in working with clients requiring complex and demanding services agreements.

译文:Terraseis 能在具有挑战性的地理、经济和政治环境下获取地震数据,能与客户一致达成复杂而条件苛刻的服务协议,是业内公认的领头羊。

【例2】Naturally PostBus Tourism is not only concerned with groups but also about the individual traveler who would like to explore Switzerland under their own steam.


分析:以上两例用词通俗易懂,汉语译文中未使用生僻词。例1中“a widely recognized leader”译为汉语中习惯表达“业内公认的领头羊”,符合原文意思;例2中,“concerned with”根据后面的搭配,具体分别译为“提供服务”和“提供帮助”。

中文企业宣传简介在行文中往往使用极富感染力的词汇,尤其是四字成语,字斟句酌,但极其醒目,煞费苦心提高企业的知名度。 但在译成英文时,若不明就里照字直译,其效果将令人不堪卒读!因此,需要在保持原意和美感的基础上,借鉴英文简介的特点,对译文进行适当简化,以符合行文习惯。

【例 3】我公司经营的品种中有举世闻名的贝雕工艺品;色彩艳丽、种类繁多的人造花卉;令人爱不释手的小工艺品;体态生动活泼的各式玩具;款式新颖穿着舒适的各种工艺鞋;稀有名贵的钻石珠宝;技艺精湛巧夺天工的玉石雕刻;格调高雅的抽纱工艺品与50余类其他商品。

译文:Our famous products include shell carvings, a variety of colorful artificial flowers, small arts and crafts articles, lively toys, fashionable and comfortable shoes, rare jewelry, meticulous jade carvings and sophisticated embroideries as well as over 50 other varieties of goods.


【例 4】虎豹人以其特有的灵气极目一流精益求精,集世界顶尖服装生产技术装备之大成。裁天上彩虹,绣人间缤纷,开设计之先河,臻质量之高峰,领导服装潮流,尽显领袖风采。……(浙江虎豹集团宣传资料)

译文:The Hubao Group, equipped with the world’s most advanced technology and their efforts, has been taking the leading role in designing newest fashions and producing fine-quality products for years, appearing a king-like manner in the garment world.




【例 5】Strong involvement in domestic production as well as the company’s own development of technology became the groundwork for the current Hitachi’s growth and the source of its subsequent exports and diversification of products.



【例6】Reliability, security and customer proximity is included in the philosophy of PostBus Switzerland.





【例7】ABB has maintained its leadership position in HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) transmission through careful, customer-focused innovation that expands the usefulness of our existing technology.


【例8】The BBC uses the income from the licence to provide services including 8 national TV channels plus regional programming, 10 national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and an extensive website: http://www.bbc.co.uk.




【例9】 Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Orient Overseas (International) Limited (OOIL), a public company (0316) listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.OOCL is one of the world’s largest integrated international container transportation, logistics and terminal companies.As one of Hong Kong’s most recognized global brands, OOCL provides customers with fully-integrated logistics and containerized transportation services, with a network that encompasses Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia.

译文:东方海外是香港联交所上市公司(0316)东方海外(国际)有限公司(OOIL)的全资附属公司,为世界上规模最大的综合国际货柜运输、物流及码头公司之一,亦为香港最为熟悉之环球商标之一,为客户提供全面的物流及运输服务,航线联系亚洲 、欧洲、北美和澳大拉西亚。



【例10】3M at a Glance (Year-end 2011)

● Global sales: $30 billion.

● International (non-US) sales: $19.5 billion (66 percent of company’s total).

● Operations in more than 65 countries.

● 3M products sold in nearly 200 countries.

● 84,000 employees globally.

译文:3M 概览(至2011年末)





在全球拥有84 000位员工。

分析:例10中采用省略的方式列举公司概要,有的省略主谓,如:“Operations in more than 65 countries.”有的可能省略主语,如:“84,000 employees globally.”等等。对于英语省略句的翻译,在不引起误解的前提下将英语省略句翻译成相应的汉语省略句即可,从而可以使读者快速抓住主要信息。



Our Values

● Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in everything we do.

● Satisfy our customers with innovative technology and superior quality, value and service.

● Provide our investors an attractive return through sustainable, global growth.

● Respect our social and physical environment around the world.

● Value and develop our employees’ diverse talents, initiative and leadership.

● Earn the admiration of all those associated with 3M worldwide.



● 严格遵循正直、诚信的商业操守

● 以创新的技术、卓越的品质、价值和服务满足客户的需求

● 持续发展,为股东提供可观的回报

● 尊重社会和自然环境

● 尊重员工价值、发挥其潜力、鼓励首创精神和领导力

● 成为备受尊崇的企业楷模



【例12】To truly reach out to all consumers, GIGABYTE further expanded its product portfolio to include more diverse digital products such as Notebook and desktop PCs, digital home appliances, networking servers, communications, mobile and handheld devices, servicing every facet of people’s lives at home or at work.


【例13】Once recruited, promising employees must be encouraged to stay by rewarding them with the right work environment and offering with opportunities for personal growth.


分析:例12中,使用了动词不定式短语“to truly reach out to all consumers”和现在分词短语“servicing every facet of people’s lives at home or at work”,在汉译中,根据汉语的习惯表达,进行了语序的调整,将现在分词短语独立成句,使表达更为通畅。例13中,使用了“Once recruited”、“by rewarding them with the right work environment”、“(by)offering with opportunities for personal growth”,用这些短语提供尽可能多的信息。例13比较长,翻译成一句话比较困难,所以采用了拆分法,把介词“by”后面的部分单独翻译成句,使表达更加流畅和通顺。

【例 14】酒店内外由名家设计,风格简约、别致,设施齐全,展现的是一个干净、温馨的住宿环境。

译文:Designed by famous architects, the hotel provides a clean and cosy environment, with an unsophisticated and unique style and complete facilities.


【例15】上海银舟大厦位于上海浦东陆家嘴金贸区①,东临主干线源深路②,西濒该地区的集中绿地双子广场③,占地5 037平方米④,楼面面积37 700平方米⑤,高100米⑥,28层⑦,为商贸结合的高级办公楼⑧。

译文:Located in the center of Pudong’s Lujiazui financial centre ①, the 100-meter-high⑥Shanghai Silver Boat Mansion is a 28-storey⑦ deluxe commercial and office building⑧, standing on a site of 5,037 sq.meters④ with a GFA of 37, 700 sq.meters⑤.It faces on the east the Yuanshen Road, one of the city’s main roads②, and the Shuang Square green zone on the west.③




【例16】Citi China’s business is based on the highest standards of ethical conduct and maintaining full compliance with the laws and regulations that govern our company.We proactively uphold rigorous standards of corporate governance, encourage healthy competition in the banking and financial services industry, support and protect the rights of our customers, and ensure our people have the training and development they need to fulfill their career potential.Citi is committed to providing the best possible working environment and empowering our people to raise their own high standards when interacting with customers and other key stakeholders in China.


分析:本例中英语原文中使用了“our company”、“We”、“our people”,同时以“our customers”称呼顾客,显示了亲切和尊敬的语气,体现着“客户至上”的企业文化精神。又如:

【例17】Since our founding in 1933, our main focus has been pursuit of excellence for our customers.In Hong Kong, our vast network of over 210 service outlets means a Hang Seng outlet can be found around most corners—to better serve you.


分析:本例中“our founding”和“our vast network”缩短了企业和客户的距离,“you”同样透露着亲切和尊敬的语气,凸显“客户第一”的企业文化。



译文:Bank of China was established in February 1912 under the approval of Sun Yat-sen.

From 1912 to 1949, functioning as the central bank, the foreign exchange bank and the specialized foreign trade bank successively, it maintained stable development in line with the mission of serving the people and rejuvenating the national financial industry.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China (in 1949), Bank of China became a specialized foreign exchange and international trade bank, making significant contributions to the development of China’s foreign economy and trade as well as domestic economy.

In 1994, it turned into a wholly state-owned commercial bank.The demutualization process of Bank of China started in 2003.In August 2004, Bank of China Limited was established and then listed on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange in June and July 2006 respectively, becoming the first Chinese commercial bank listed in both the mainland and Hong Kong.

分析:该段文字以“中国银行”为话题,按照时间顺序行文,以营造一种正式、权威的氛围,以赢得客户的信赖,而通篇采用第三人称的视角,给人一种“企业至上”的感觉,反而会疏远企业和客户的距离。试将译文划线部分“it ”、“Bank of China ”、“The demutualization process of Bank of China”分别改为:“We”、“We”、“Our demutualization process”。


汉语企业外宣文本结构一般较完整,各项信息逐项展开,一般开头部分介绍企业的性质和历史发展情况,结尾部分是目标愿景,其余各段的顺序形式随意,无规律可循。而大部分英语企业外宣文本结构相对完整,顺序形式比较固定,一般为Who We Are, What We Do, Where We Work, Our People, Our Clients,Our Culture and Mission, Our Goal and Commitment,等等。但实际行文顺序根据企业不同会略有差异。






中国石油化工集团公司(英文缩写Sinopec Group)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司基础上重组成立的特大型石油石化企业集团,是国家独资设立的国有公司、国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司。中国石化集团公司注册资本1 820亿元,总部设在北京。




About Sinopec Group

China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) is a super-large petroleum and petrochemical enterprise group established in July 1998 on the basis of the former China Petrochemical Corporation.Sinopec Group is a state-owned company solely invested by the State, functioning as a state-authorized investment organization in which the state holds the controlling share.Headquartered in Beijing, Sinopec Group has a registered capital of RMB 182 billion.

Sinopec Group’s key business activities include: industrial investment and investment management; the exploration, production, storage and transportation (including pipeline transportation), marketing and comprehensive utilization of oil and natural gas; oil refining; the wholesale of gasoline, kerosene and diesel; the production, marketing, storage, transportation of petrochemicals and other chemical products; the design, construction and installation of petroleum and petrochemical engineering projects; the overhaul and maintenance of petroleum and petrochemical equipments; the manufacturing of electrical and mechanical equipments; the research, development, application and consulting services of technology, information and alternative energy products, the import and export of commodities and technologies both for the Group and as a proxy (with the exception of those commodities and technologies that are either banned by the State or to be carried out by the state-designated companies).

分析:本例中,第二段列举了中国石化的主营业务,作为外宣的核心内容之一,信息堆砌,层次不清,重点不明,显然会影响外宣的效果。借鉴美国能源巨头ConocoPhillips“Who We Are”部分中有关公司活动的表现形式:

The company has four core activities:

● Petroleum exploration and production.

● Natural gas gathering, processing and marketing, including a 50 percent interest in DCP Midstream, LLC.

● Petroleum refining, marketing, supply and transportation.

● Chemicals and plastics production and distribution through a 50 percent interest in Chevron Phillips Chemical Co.LLC.


Sinopec Group has 6 core activities:

● Petroleum exploration and production.

● Natural gas gathering, processing and marketing.

● Petroleum refining, marketing, supply and transportation.

● Petrochemicals and other chemical products production and distribution.

● Industrial investment and investment management.

● Petroleum and petrochemical equipments overhaul and maintenance.


