首页 理论教育 商务英语合同的文体特征分析


时间:2022-04-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:商务英语合同的文体特征分析——以英语人力资源供应合同为例[1]陈士法1 刘 佳1 李 颖2摘要:本论文利用Wconcord语料库分析软件,以英语人力资源供应合同为例,分析了商务英语合同中使用的词频、词汇、短语和句法特征。


陈士法1 刘 佳1 李 颖2




A Stylistic Analysis of English Business Contracts:Based on English Contract on Manpower Supply

Chen Shifa1,Liu Jia1,Li Ying2

(1.School of Foreign Languages,Ocean University of China,Qingdao,Shandong 266100;2.School of Foreign Languages,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao,Shandong 266590)

Abstract:The present paper analyzes the stylistic features of English contract on manpower supply with Wconcord software in corpus linguistics,with the expectation that the specific use of English in contract will be found and the construction of text built.The analysis of word frequency features indicates that both the technical terms and the basis core vocabulary in English contract play a similarly important role in the text.The lexical features of English contract are discussed in terms of the use of shorter forms,technical terms,fuzzy words,archaic words,formal words and lexical reiteration.The phrasal features of the contract focus on the use of participial phrases as attributives,prepositional phrases and verbal phrases.The complexity of sentence construction and the use of declarative mood,passive voice and conditional clauses contribute to the syntactic features of the text.Meanwhile,the shortcomings of the present sample are also elaborated in the paper.

Keywords:contract;frequency features;lexical features;phrasal features;syntactic features


人力资源供应合同(contract on manpower supply)是商务英语应用文写作中的一种。作为一种实用性很强的文体,人力资源供应合同在现代经济生活中起着重要的作用。其主要内容为A国某一企业(公司)为B国的某一企业(公司)提供人力服务从而获取劳务费。该合同的特点不仅表现在使用目的和意义方面,而且表现在词汇、句法和篇章的构建方面。本文以《商务英语应用文写作》(刘庆秋2009)中提供的英语人力资源供应合同文本为分析语料,建立语料库并进行标注,然后利用Wconcord语料库分析软件,分析了该合同中的词频、词汇、短语和句法特征,意在发现其使用语言的特殊性及对商务英语语言教学的指导意义,以期探讨人力资源供应合同的语篇构建。


利用Wconcord语料库分析软件,我们制成了本文的按照频率排列的单词表,分析该文的词频特征。通过分析,我们发现本合同共使用了3 868个英语单词,含有768个词条、154个句子。其中出现频率最高的前10个英语单词见表1:

表1 本合同出现频率最高的10个单词


从上表中,我们可以发现频率最高的前三个英语单词为the、of和and。这与目前已有的语料库中按照频率排列的前三个单词的排序是一致的,如美国的布朗语料库(Brown Corpus)、卡罗尔语料库(Carrol Corpus)、英国的伯明翰语料库(Birmingham Corpus)以及我国上海交通大学杨惠中建立的语料库(陈士法,1999)。这说明无论使用英语进行何类交际活动,掌握最基本的核心词汇是必要的。



位居词频表第8、9、10的分别为in、to、for三个介词。介词是在英语当中被广泛使用的词汇,基本上每句话当中都有介词的使用。如果介词被省略掉则语句就显得很不完整。本合同也不例外。在一篇3 868个单词组成的合同中,in出现的次数为74、to的为71(内有表示不定式的),for的为63。这充分表明在商务合同当中介词的地位和所起的作用:表达一种动作的连贯和传达。毋容置疑,介词是本合同中最为重要的起导向作用的词语。




命名实体主要包括人名、地名、机构名、日期、时间、百分数、货币。其中人名、地名和机构名是最重要的三类。机构泛指机关、团体或其他企事业单位,包括院校、公私企业、政府部门、院校、宗教组织、科研部门、国际组织、体育团队、音乐团体、军队等(沈嘉懿等,2007)。一般来说,命名实体的名称较长。为了方便,易写易读,人们通常使用简称。本合同文本中存在着5处对地名和机构名的简称。对于意大利的A公司简称为“the Employer”(雇主),对于中国的ABC公司简称为“China Corporation”(中国公司)。对于中方雇工简称为“the Personnel”,对于从事的工作简称“the Works”,对于施工的地点简称“the Worksite”。这些简称的使用一方面避免了语言文字的累赘,另一方面使得本合同简洁有力。



a.Semi-skilled worker,Cook helper,Service man

b.Skilled workers of various trades,Cook


d.Technician(Junior engineer),Nurse,Interpreter,Accounting clerk

e.Camp manager


g.Senior engineer

h.Deputy authorized representative

i.Authorized representative


Lakoff(1972)认为词义模糊是指“有意把事物弄得更加模糊或更不模糊的词语(words whose job it is to make things fuzzier or less fuzzy”。语义中的模糊现象主要涉及了形容词的使用。统计分析表明本合同中使用了amicably、friendly、integral、authentic、smooth、necessary、appropriate等形容词,表明在合同中也存在着一定程度的词义模糊现象。模糊语的使用似乎明显违反了合作原则,但实际上,它的使用正是语用原则的体现。即使在严密的法律英语中,我们也可以经常看到模糊语的使用(孙肇春2009)。

Meanwhile,the Employer shall also,through the appropriate authorities of the Project-host country,inform of the same Embassy of the Project-host country in Beijing,so as to facilitate China Corporation procurement of visas for the Personnel.



在商务合同和法律条文中,常会使用一些非常古朴的词以示严谨。由于这些文本具有法律效力,为了体现法律的权威性、严密性,大量的古体词被使用。在本文中,古体词thereof、hereinafter、hereto、herein、thereupon、therefrom等7个词多次出现。其中thereof出现了10次,hereinafter 5次,hereto 4次,therefrom 2次,herein 1次,thereupon 1次,共计23次。因此,我们可以说古体词的使用是法律英语合同词汇的特点之一。这些古体词的意思如下:

thereof:of that;relating to something that has just been mentioned(由此、关于……)

hereinafter:in a subsequent part of this document or statement or matter etc.(以下、在下文中)

hereto:to this writing or document(到此为止、关于这个)

therefrom:from that circumstance or source(从中、从此)

herein:in this place,document(此中、于此)

thereupon:immediately after that(于是、立即)



表2 本合同中出现的正式词汇



The arbitrate award is final and binding upon both parties.

The Personnel shall be entitled to twenty(20)days of annual leave with pay in their home country upon completing of one(1)year’s service at the Worksite.



He shall then prepare payroll of the Personnel thereupon and submit the same to the Employer’s authorized representative for approval not later than five(5)days after the closing date.

If such a person is not recovered after three(3)months,the Employer shall stop paying him any wages and shall send him back to China for continued medical treatment and bear the travel fares for his return trip to China.

The Employer shall provide the Personnel free of charge with handy tools required by them for various trades.

The Personnel shall be entitled to two(2)days rest on each occasion following their arrival at the Worksite from China and prior to their departure from the Worksite for home after expiration of their term of service.



The Employer shall undertake to go through for the Personnel all necessary procedures for the trips to and from the Project-host country,including residence permit,work permit and driver’s license if any etc.

China Corporation shall inform the Employer or its authorized representative at the Worksite of the Personnel’s particulars as set forth in Appendices I and II such as name,date and place of birth,occupation,passport No.

统计分析表明动词permit用作名词,出现了10次;形容词particular用作名词,出现了1次。在提到本合同时,大写CONTRACT的每一个字母,但是,contract做定语修饰其他成分时不大写,如contract wages。在编写本合同时,为了重点强调某一单词,往往大写该单词的第一个字母,例如“of Actual working months”中的actual一词的首字母“A”。使用精确的数字是本合同的另一个词汇特征。在具体使用过程中,为了避免歧义往往使用英文和阿拉伯数字两种表达方式:先用英语表达,后用阿拉伯数字,并使用括号括起来,例如:

The Personnel shall be entitled to twenty(20)days of annual leave with pay in their home country upon completing of one(1)year’s service at the Worksite.




China Corporation authorized representative at the Worksite shall fill working hours and overtime in the forms prescribed by the Employer.

All the public holidays promulgated by the Project-host country as well as the above-mentioned Chinese holidays,and annual leave days shall be paid full contract wages.


The Employer shall assist China Corporation in taking up matters involving the Personnel and the Government of the Project-host country or any other third party,arising out of Personnel’s misconduct or negligence on duty.

If the Employer requests China Corporation to purchase the special labor protective articles in China,the cost incurred thereof(including packing and freight charge)shall be fully reimbursed to China Corporation from the Employer.


统计分析发现,本合同使用了12个介词短语,主要有according to,in respect of,on behalf of,owing to,in connection with,in accordance with,at one’s own cost,upon receipt of,in case of,as a result of,due to,in cooperation with等。这些介词短语与介词一样起着重要的导向作用,例如:

China Corporation may,after consent of the Employer,purchase the traditional Chinese medicines as required for medical purpose on the Employer’s behalf.

Of the total amount of wages and overtime due to China Corporation,fifty percent(50%)portion shall be remitted by telegraphic transfer to China Corporation Account No.

In accordance with the progress of the Works,the Personnel may work overtime and/or at night time through consultation and upon agreement between the authorized representatives of both parties at the Worksite.


在合同这类正式文体中,人们较少使用动词短语。统计分析发现全文共有take up和carry out两个动词短语。另外,本文在表示否定时不使用动词的缩写形式,使用cannot和is not,而不是can’t和isn’t,例如:

The Employer shall take up all matters involving the Personnel and the Government of the Project-host country or any other third party,arising out of the execution of/or in connection with the CONTRACT and bear the expenses incurred thereof.

The execution of this CONTRACT may be suspended after consultation between the parties if it cannot be carried out further as a result of natural calamities,war,internal commotion,blockade,insurrection,illness of epidemic nature,coup d’etat etc.

If such a person is not recovered for more than one(1)month and less than three(3)months,he shall be entitled to sixty percent(60%)of his contract wages.


副词短语free of charge在本合同中重复出现了11次,表示“免费”,说明了该短语在合同文本中的重要性,例如:

In case that the contracted number of the Personnel exceeds a hundred(100)Personnel,the employer shall provide free of charge drivers,fuel and service for the above-mentioned vehicles.



商务英语行文严谨,逻辑严密。因此,句子结构一般都比较复杂。利用Wconcord分析软件,以句号、问号和感叹号(事实上,本合同中没有问号和感叹号)作为句子的标记对本合同进行分析,我们发现本文共有154个句子、3 868个英语单词,平均每个句子25.12个单词。根据王佐良、丁往道(1987)的研究,日常会话的平均句长为不足12个单词,新闻的平均句长大约为28个单词。本合同的句长处于二者之间。



China Corporation shall bear no responsibility and consequence whatsoever should the Personnel be barred from entering the Project-host country or fail to obtain the residence permit and work permit owing to insufficiency of the information and documents caused by ambiguous definition on the part of Employer.




If the Personnel are compelled to leave for home owing to the same reason as indicated above,the Employer shall bear the travel fares of such Personnel’s return trip to China and also pay such Personnel their one month wages as compensation(从句使用被动语态).

The daily working schedule shall be discussed and fixed between the authorized representatives of China Corporation and the Employer at the Worksite(主句使用被动语态).


就句子类型来说,统计分析表明本合同中使用了大量的条件从句,其中由“if”引导的条件从句有11个,in case of/that引导的11个,例如:

(1)If the Employer fails to notify China Corporation of such alterations in due time,the Personnel are already mobilized on schedule for departure and air tickets are confirmed,the Employer shall bear the losses arising therefrom.

(2)In case of the Employer delay in making the above payment,China Corporation shall be entitled to interest paid by the Employer calculated at the daily rate of 1/1,000against the total overdue amount.

(3)In case that the Employer requests substitution for the sick/injured,the Employer shall bear travel fares for the outgoing trip of the substitute from Beijing to the Worksite.





The Personnel working overtime at night time shall be paid at the rate of(two hundred percent)200%of the contract wages.

The Personnel working overtime on public holidays and/or weekly rest days(i.e.regardless whether at day time or night time)shall be paid at the rate of(two hundred percent)200%of the contract wages.

上面两例中的数字应该为two hundred percent(200%),而不是(two hundred percent)200%。此处顺序不一致:先在括号中标出了阿拉伯数字,后用英文表达。

其次,名词短语the Project-host country在本合同中出现了15次,14次在Project和host中间使用了连字符,只有1次没有使用连字符:

This period personal accident insurance is carried in China,China Corporation may,at the request of the Employer,submit to the Employer necessary documents and certificates to save the Employer from reeffecting the insurance for the Personnel in the Project host country.

另外,the Personnel作为专有名词,指雇员,在本合同中出现了60次,59次其首字母P都大写,只有1次没有大写:

The Employer shall bear the travel fares of a roundtrip and the fare of 20kg excess accompanying luggage on each trip between China and the Worksite for each of the personnel.




[1]Lakoff,G.Hedges:A Study in Meaning Criteria and the Logic of Fuzzy Concepts[A].In Paul Peranteau,Judith Levi and Gloria Phares(eds.)Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting,Chicago Linguistics Society(CLS 8)[C],1972:183-228.








