首页 理论教育 信息介绍类的翻译


时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈


信息介绍(Information Introduction)是指用精练的语言,简单地说明情况,使读者对要说明的详细情况先有个简单的了解,并激起读者探求详细信息的兴趣。信息介绍包括公司介绍、产品介绍等。信息介绍通常使用较为正式的语言,句子一般较长,多使用复合句,结构相对复杂。翻译时,可以采用“长句的译法”所涉及的技巧,还应注意其他翻译方法和技巧的使用,如“词义的选择”、“增词、减词”、“直译和意译”等;信息介绍中还往往含有一些专有名词,如公司名称、产品名称以及地名等,翻译时也应该注意。信息介绍用词严谨、考究,翻译时,译文语言应与原文的语言风格一致,即使用书面语或与原文一致的语体。在选词时,注意准确地表达原文的意思,避免采用笼统的或模糊的词汇。请看下面的例子。

例1 ABC Company is one of the largest software companies in China,which develops computer software.Its headquarters is situated in Dalian,the North of China.



很显然,这是一则公司简介中的两个句子。译文A中有多处值得商榷。第一,将in China翻译为“我国”,含义没错,但翻译是国际沟通的桥梁,在此例中,译成“中国”能使不同的读者获得相同的信息。第二,将which引导的非限制性定语从句前移,不如译文B表达得准确。第三,the North of China应翻译成“中国北方”,“华北”的英文表达是North China,这是约定俗成的。再如其他表示方位的词组:

the South of China中国南方

the West of China中国西部

East China华东

South China华南

West China华西

Central China华中


例2 The Company has opened three branches separately in South Africa,Japan

and Canada and it has a large staff of 500.




例3 The Caravan Inn(凯乐温饭店)is located on the way to Sunlight Hill and only ten blocks south of the shopping center on Grand Avenue.(2005年6月A级)




在信息介绍的翻译过程中,专有名词的翻译是经常遇到的问题,如原文中出现了三个专有名词。The Caravan Inn的译文已经给出,为“凯乐温饭店”,照搬即可;Sunlight Hill译为“日光山”或者“阳光山”都可以;Grand Avenue译为“大林荫道”要比翻译为“林荫大道”好。

后两个专有名词都是由两个普通名词构成的。翻译时,通常有两种做法:一种是将这些普通名词的意思翻译过来,如本句译文B中的“日光山”和“大林荫道”;另一种做法可以将第一个普通名词音译,第二个译出它的含义,如可以将Sunlight Hill和Grand Avenue分别译为“三莱特山”和“格兰德林荫大道”。大家比较熟悉的Wall Street“华尔街”、Downing Street“唐宁街”等等,使用的就是这种译法。当然,还有其他的翻译方法。但有一点需要注意:如果某个专有名词有了“约定俗成”的译法,我们就应该沿用,否则就会令读者感到困惑。比如,我们如果把Wall Street译为“墙街”,恐怕读者无法同“华尔街”联系起来。

例4 According to Shanghai Daily on February 19,Shanghai Telecom(上海电信公司)started to supply the 2004 version of its“Shanghai Yellow Pages”yesterday for free to its subscribers(用户).(2004年6月A级)



这个例句的两个译文的差别在于标点符号。首先Shanghai Daily是报纸的名称,翻译成汉语需要使用书名号。由于英语中没有书名号,翻译时应该通过上下文,弄清楚专有名词表达的概念,如果是书刊或文章名等,则汉译时需添加书名号。再如大家熟悉的China Daily《中国日报》、The New York Times《纽约时报》、Time《时代》周刊、Newsweek《新闻周刊》等等。另外,“Shanghai Yellow Pages”用双引号,表示借用。Yellow Pages属于商标,指“电话号码簿”,原文借用Yellow Pages的含义,造出Shanghai Yellow Pages。翻译时可以直译为《上海黄页》。

原文中的Shanghai Telecom给出的译文是“上海电信公司”。公司名称也是我们在英译汉时需要注意的问题。口语中我们可以讲“上海电信”,但书面翻译时“公司”一定得加上。

例5 If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service we provide or feel you have been treated unfairly,you may call the Branch Office.They will handle the matter.If you are still not satisfied and wish to make a formal complaint,you should contact the Head Office.The contact details are listed on the back cover of this handbook.(2002年12月A级)




例6 Location:South Africa is located on the southern tip of the African continent,bordered by northern neighbours Namibia,Botswana,Zimbabwe and Mozambique.It encompasses the independent mountain kingdoms of Lesotho and Swaziland and is flanked by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and the warm Indian Ocean on the east―giving the country its spectacular range of biodiversity.To view a complete set of maps of South Africa,please visit our South Africa Map/Atlas section.

地理位置:南非位于非洲大陆最南端,北面与邻国纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳、津巴布韦和莫桑比克接壤,独立的山地王国莱索托和斯威士兰处于她的环绕之中。西面和东面分别是大西洋和温暖的印度洋,这赋予了南非极其丰富的物种,生物呈多样性。若想查看整套的南非地图,请点击链接South Africa Ma p/Atlas section。

例7 Climate:South Africa enjoys a temperate and pleasant climate,with warm sunny days most of the year.The seasons of the southern hemisphere are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere so our Summer runs from November to February,when most of the country is characterised by warm to hot weather.Click here to view detailed information about South Africa's climate.

气候:南非气候宜人,一年中,大多数日子都是温暖的晴日。南半球的季节与北半球的相反,因此南非的夏季是从11月到第二年的2月。夏季的南非大部分地区都具有由暖转热的特点。要了解有关南非气候的详细情况,请点击South Africa's climate。



1.In the Company,there are five departments,that is,the personnel department,financial department,R &D department,sales department and customers'service department.

2.Its modern rooms and plenty of additional facilities guarantee family satisfaction.A heated water pool and hot bath are open year round and provide fun for everyone after a day of mountain climbing.

3.ABC Company,noted for its strong capacity in researching and developing software,has a competent technical team and strong capacity to develop new products.In 2003,its worldwide sales reached$150,000,000.

4.Suzhou Overseas Chinese Hotel is your best choice not only for holiday but also for business affairs!

5.It’s extremely important to us that our clients know whom theyre doing business with.Once you take the time to find out what were all about,were confident you’ll like what you see.


1.If you drive a car then we think we can help you.

With our up-to-the-minute equipment and a team of experienced motor engineers we can service your car to keep it in tiptop condition,and can carry out all engine and body work repairs.

For your added convenience our engineers can also visit your home and solve many of those annoying little problems without your even going outside your own front door.

So,if your car isn’t quite perfect—or even if it is and you want to keep it that way―just pick up your phone.Any of our staff will be delighted to help you.

2.In this section you’ll find information regarding the people,culture,and physical plant of our company.If you want to know where were located,our hours of business,or simply what makes us tick,just follow the provided links for more information.

3.Population/People:South Africans have been referred to as the“rainbow nation”,a title which illuminates the country's cultural diversity.The population of South Africa is one of the most complex and diverse in the world.Of the 45 million South Africans,nearly 31 million are Black,5 million White,3 million Coloured(a term used for peoples of mixed African,Asian and white descent)and one million Indian.Additional information?>Population

4.The American College of Physicians(ACP)was founded in 1915 to uphold the highest standards in medical education,practice,and research.The American Society of Internal Medicine(ASIM)was established in 1956 to explore and influence socioeconomic and political questions that affect the practice of medicine.In 1998,ACP and ASIM merged.Known as ACP-ASIM from July 1998 to March 2003,the organization readopted American College of Physicians as its name in April 2003.

