首页 理论教育 法律英语的词汇特征


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第二章 法律英语的词汇特征法律英语,在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,它是在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。概言之,法律英语词汇具有以下主要特征:一、经常使用具有独特法律含义的常用词在英语语言的发展过程中,英语的词义在不断地演变。

第二章 法律英语的词汇特征

法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,它是在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。现英美法学界一般公认的法律英语“主要是指普通法国家(common law countries)的律师、法官、法律工作者所使用的习惯用语和专业语言(customary language),它包括某些词汇、短语或特定的表达方式(mode of expression)。”









英语法律术语词义单一,定义严格,可以非常准确地表达复杂的法律概念。大致分为两种:一种是由一般意义的词语转变而来;如:remote cause(间接原因),remote parties(间接关系方);remote damage(间接损害),secondary evidence(间接性证据);infant(未成年人),wrongful act(违法行为);criminal conversation(通奸);general average(共同海损);particular average(单独海损);act(n.行为),omission(不作为),applicable law(准据法),Remission[反致(国际私法)],transmission[转致(国际私法)],specific performance(实际履行),dock(被告席),summon(传票),defect(瑕疵),remedy(救济),……等等。

另一种是法律专用术语,即只在法律这一特殊领域或法律职业中使用的词语,如plaintiff['pleintif]n.(原告),domicile['dimg3misail]n .(户籍住所),recidivism[ri'sidivizəm]n.(累犯),bigamy(重婚罪),appeal(上诉),bail(假释),causeof action(案由),due diligence(审慎调查),felony(重罪),prejiudice(损害),tort(侵权行为),Certiorari(诉讼文件中的移送命令),eminent domain(支配权,征用权),habeas corpus(人身保护权),force majeure(不可抗力),jurisdiction(管辖)……等等。这些专业性用词让非专业人士费解,也是法律误译的一个重要方面。比如:“赔偿”用“indemnities”而不用“compensation”;“不动产转让”用“conveyance”而不用“transfer of real estate”;“房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用“lease of property”;“停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease a business”而不用“end/stop a business”。“composition”在普通英语为“作文”的意思,法律文件中就应理解为“当事人在破产中的和解”。又如,“依照本合同相关规定”在英语文件里很少读到“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”,而更多读到的是“pursuant to provisions contained herein”等;“合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文法律文件更可能表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”。


古词语在现代英语中已不再广泛应用了,而且逐渐在消亡,但是在法律英语中古词语的应用却十分普遍。正如David Crystal和Derek Davy(1969)所言:It is especially noticeable that any passage of legal English is usually well studded with archaic words and phrases of a kind that could be used by no one else but lawyers.(任何一段法律英语都充满了某种古词语,只有律师们才会使用它们)。


1)hereafter:after this time;in the future 此后,今后

2)hereby:by means of;by reason of this 据此

3)here in:in this 在此

4)hereinafter:later in this contract,etc.在下文中

5)hereinbefore:in the preceding part of this contract,在上文中

6)hereof:of this 于此

7)hereto:to this 到此

8)heretofore:until now 直到此时

9)hereunder:under this 在下

10)hereupon:at this point:in consequence of this 因此

11)herewith:with this 同此,因此

12)thereafter:afterwards 其后

13)thereby:by that means;in that connection 因此,从而

14)therefrom:from that从此

15)therein:in that:in that particular 在那里

16)thereinafter:later in the same contract,etc.以下

17)thereinbefore:in a preceding part of the same contract,etc.在上文

18)thereon:on that 在其上

19)thereof:of that:from that source 其中

20)thereto:to that 另外,到那里

21)thereunder:under that 依据

22)thereupon:then;as the result of that 因此

23)therewith:with that or it 与此

24)whereas:considering that:but 尽管

25)whereby:by what;by which 为何

26)wherein:in what:in which 在何处

27)whereof’,of what;of which 关于

28)whereon:on what:on which 在……上



古词的频繁使用是法律英语词汇最显著的特点之一。一些古词在现代英语中,尤其是在现代英语口语中已不再使用,但在法律文书或正式的司法场合仍在使用。古词ye是you的复数“你们”,在普通英语中早已不再使用。但在法庭开庭时仍沿用hear ye“静听”(宣读、审判),或用古词oyez“静听”。这里的hear ye实际上相当于现代英语中的listen up!古词sayeth相当于现代英语中的say,这在普通英语中早已不用了,但在法庭上仍然使用。

例1:The Contractor shall take instructions and directions only from the Engineer or,subject to the limitations referred to in Clause 2 hereof,from the Engineer’s Representative.


讲解:该条款中的hereof相当于of these conditions,或of this contract,一般翻译为“本文或(本条件)”。这里特别需要强调的是:here一般用来代替文章本身或文章中的某个词。

例2:The Seller shall deliver the goods in the kind and quantity specified herein alongside the Buyer’s vessel,within the reach of its loading tackle,at the appointed port of shipment.


讲解:该条款中的herein相当于in this contract.根据上下文将herein译为“本合同中”。

例3:In the contract,as hereinafter defined,the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them,except where the context otherwise requires.


讲解:本条款中的as hereinafter defined(如下文中所定义的)中的hereinafter应该理解为in this text which follows。

The meanings hereby assigned to them(根据本条所指定的涵义) hereby = by means of this clause.Hereinafter也可以说成hereinbelow,其反义词为hereinabove或hereinbefore。

例4:The Engineer’s Representative shall have no authority to relieve the contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the contract nor,except as expressly provided hereunder or else-where in the contract,to order any work involving delay or any extra payment by the Employer,nor to make any variation of or in the works.


讲解:本条款except as expressly provided hereunder(除在下文中有明确规定者外),中的hereunder相当于under this,under these conditions,under this text。Under在此意为according to或in accordance with,汉语可译为“根据,依照”,但也可译为under原意,即,“在……项下,在……中”。

例5:“Contract Price”means the sum named in the Letter of Acceptance,subject to such additions thereto or deductions therefrom as may be made under the provisions hereinafter contained.


讲解:该条款中的thereto和therefrom与hereto,herefrom等词词意类似,但there一般用来指本文中提到的事,物或情况,而不指本文或本文中的某些词句,而here则一般用来代替文章本身或文章中的某个词句,故there相当于that(mentioned above)。在additions thereto or deductions therefrom中,there指句中前面提到的the sum,即additions to that sum or deductions from that sum,to和from是additions 和deductions所要求的。又如:the specifications referred to in the Tender and any modification thereof or addition thereto,投标书中引用的规范的修改或增加(there在此指前面的the specification)。

例6:All the samples shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost if the supply thereof is clearly intended by or provided for in the contract,but if not,then at the cost of the Engineer.


讲解:该条款中的thereof相当于of that,from that,there修饰前面的名词the supply,一般译为“由此,因此”,有时也可根据thereof所处的上下文恰当的译出其意思。

例7:The Contractor shall not assign the contract or any part thereof or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder,otherwise than by a charge in favor of the Contractor’s bankers of any monies due or to become due under this contract,without the prior written consent of the Employer.


讲解:该合同条款中的therein相当于in that,thereunder相当于under that。Therein和thereunder中的there均指前面所提到的“contract”。

例8:IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement by there duly authorized representatives on the day and year first above written.


讲解:该条款中的whereof意为of which,在由where组成的复合词中,一般用来指前面的句子和词语说明的某见事情的情况。Where在这里指合同双方在前面达成的协议。IN WITNESS WHEREOF一般可译为“此证明,为证明上述”。这里补充说明一下,以上条款中的on the day and the year first above written可译为“于上开规定日期”,或直译为“在上面开首语中书名的日期”。有时on可改为“as of”(of含有from的意思),但译文可不变动。

例9:The terms shall include a provision whereby,in the event of any claim in respect of which,the Contractor would be entitled to receive indemnity under the policy being brought or made against the Employer,the insurer will indemnify the Employer against such claims and any costs,charges and expenses in respect thereof.


讲解:该条款中的whereby应该理解为:by means of which,where指前面的provision,根据上下文将其翻译为“据此”。

例10:These are the points wherein the two parties to the contract disagree.


讲解:该条款中的wherein相当于in which,in which respect。Where指代前面的points.一般应根据其上下文恰当译出其在句中的意思。

例11:WHEREAS,Party A desires to export to Party B the goods as specified in Attachment A hereof(hereinafter called the“Goods”)and whereas,Party B desires to import the Goods from Party A.Now,therefore,Party A and Party B hereby agree as follows:


讲解:本条中的whereas是一个惯用的公文或合同套语,whereas意为considering that,since,在句中起连接词的作用,引导句子。由where-构成的常用在合同中的复合词还有:whereto(向那里,对那个)=to which,wherewith(用以)=with which。












法律法规明确了有关各方应该享有的权利和必须承担的义务,制约着人们的社会行为。因此,法律文本中通常使用“必须”、“应该”、“可以”、“不许”、“不能”等带有命令语气的词语。英语法律文本中频繁使用shall,may,can,should,ought to,have to等规约性情态动词,以对适用对象做出规定、许可、授权、禁止等,充分体现了法律的权威性和约束性。

例1.In the case of pollution damage to the marine environment resulting entirely from the international or wrongful act of a third party,that party shall be liable for compensation.


例2.The content of an advertisement must be true to facts,sound,clear and easy to understand and must not cheat users and consume in any way.


例3.Vehicle and vessel license plates may not be sold,given as gifts,loaned or used beyond their expiry date.


例4.The Disposing Party shall provide the Non-Disposing Party

with a duplicate of its executed transfer agreement with the transferee within fourteen(14)days after the agreement is executed.





在法律英语中经常出现的词含义模糊的词汇有:adequate,clean and neat condition,extreme cruelty,due care 等等。例如:《中华人民共和国刑法》第13条规定:“一切危害国家主权和领土完整,分裂国家,……以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受到刑罚处罚的,都是犯罪;但是情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪。”

A crime refers to an act that endangers the sovereignty,territorial integrity and security of the State,splits the State,...and any other act that endangers society and is subject to punishment according to law.However,if the circumstances are obviously minor and the harmdone is not serious,the act shall not be considered a crime.

法律英语模糊性一定程度源于一些表达抽象概念的法律英语的多义性特征。例如:dominion在民法中指“所有权”而在国际法中指“主权”;instrument一般指“法律文件”,而在。negotiable instrument中则是“票据”的意思;deceased指“死者”,但用于继承法规中,可以指“被继承者”;custody民法中指“监护权”,刑法中则表示“拘留”lien意为“优先权”,在普通法中则是“占有留置权”;estoppel在合同法中是“不可反悔”之意,而在刑事诉讼法中则为“禁止翻供”。

例如:The actus reus may include the circumstances in which the act occurs,the condition itself and its consequences.







例如:terms and conditions(条款),rights and interests(权益),losses and damages(损失),null and void(无效),sign and issue(签发),aid and abet(同谋)、heirs and devisees(继承人和受遗赠人),minor or child or infant(未成年人),null and void(无效的),acknowledge and confess(承认),fit and proper(适当的),will and testament(遗嘱),stipulation and provision(规定),any part or parts of it(其任何一部分或若干部分),loss or damage(灭失或损坏),express or implied(明示的或暗示的),purchase or sell(购买或销售),in contract or in tort(在合同中或侵权中)……等等

例如:If any person over the age of 16 years who has the custody,charge or care of any child or young person under that age willfully assaults,ill-treats,neglects,abandons or exposes such child or young person...such person shall be guilty of an offence.


the custody,charge or care将“抚养”、“管教”、“照顾”这三个语义相近或交叉的概念并列在一起,使“法律义务”定义表达更加明确、严谨和全面。

再以香港《防止贿赂条例》为例:...Any such advantages as is mentioned in this ordinance is customary in any profession,trade,vocation or calling.




Profession:Any calling or occupation by which a person habitually earns his living.

Trade:Anything practised for a livelihood.

Calling:Ordinary occupation,means by which livelihood is earned.

Vocation:One’s ordinary occupation,business or profession.

这四个词也有差别义项:Profession可特指神学界、法学界与医学界人士,有时亦指军界人士(Applied spec.to the three learned professions of divinity,law and medicine,also to the military occupation);Trade可特指商人与熟练的手艺人(Usually applied to a mercantile occupation and to a skilled handicraft);Calling与 Vocation都曾有神职、神圣事业的意思。(董晓波,2004)


在法律英语中,经常会看到使用复杂的介词短语来代替简单介词的情况。如用in respect of,with reference to,with regard to 等代替about,用in accordance with,according to,in the light of,by virtue of 等来代替by/under。这些复杂介词短语的使用,增强了法律文献的准确性,避免了含混不清、模棱两可。

例如:1.Without prejudice to section 24,the following shall be treated as properly executed...


2.A judge may,on the application of an appellant who is in custody,order the appellant to be brought up to the court in custody for the purpose of attending his appeal or any application or any proceeding therein.


3.Where an employee is granted any period of annual leave,the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on which he is next paid his wages after that period.


4.All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic,social and cultural development.


