首页 理论教育 汉英语差异在英汉法律词汇层面的体现


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈

第二节 汉英语差异在英汉法律词汇层面的体现






在翻译时,应根据西方人“长于条分缕析、精于分门别类,善于演绎、强调个体”的特点进行处理,切忌如汉语一样通过在基本词基础上增加修饰语的方式进行处理。例如,上述例子中,“本诉、反诉、上诉、申诉、抗诉”应分别译为“claim;counter-claim;appeal;petition;appeal by the prosecution”;“减刑、缓刑、判刑、徒刑、死刑”应分别译为“commutation;reprieve;sentence/conviction;imprisonment;death penalty/capital punishment”;“一审法院、二审法院、终审法院”则可分别表述为“court of first instance/trial court/district court;court of second instance/appellate court;court of last resort”;而“一审裁决、终审裁决、终局裁决”应分别译为“judgment of court of first instance;judgment of last resort;final judgment”。


表4-1 英汉语在词类层面的差异



例1 第一条 品安全,保障公众身体健康和生命安全,制定本法。

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事下列活动,应当遵守本法:




官方译文:Article 1.This Law is enacted to ensure the food safety and guarantee the safety of the lives and health of the general public.

Article 2Those engaging in the following activities within the People’s Republic of China shall abide by this Law:

1.food production and processing(hereinafter referred to as food production),and food circulation and catering services(hereinafter referred to as food business operation..);

2.the production and business operation of food additives;

3.the production and business operation of packing materials,containers,detergents and disinfectants for food and utensils and equipment for food production and business operation(hereinafter referred to as“food-related products”)..

冠词“the”在语篇衔接中的作用与指示代词相似,不同之处是“the”不能单独使用,须与名词连用(作定语)方能起到指示作用,[15]而译文中的the production结构并不能指示前面的某个实体或行为,故属于误用。而第二条的第1款中的food前未使用the,但在另二款中却使用the,令人费解。此外,在条款序号的标注也与原文亦步亦趋,显然违反标点符号使用规范。《食品安全法》的英译本中不乏类似的例子。此外,在本该使用“the+名词”表示照应的情况下,不少译文却并未添加the。

例2 第十五条 国家实行固定资产投资项目节能评估和审查制度。不符合强制性节能标准的项目,依法负责项目审批或者核准的机关不得批准或者核准建设;建设单位不得开工建设;已经建成的,不得投入生产、使用。具体办法由国务院管理节能工作的部门会同国务院有关部门制定。

官方译文:Article 15The State applies an energy conservation assessment and examination system to fixed-asset investment projects.If a project fails to meet the mandatory energy conservation standards,the authority responsible for examination and approval of projects as prescribed by law shall not give approval for its construction,and the developer shall not start construction;where construction of such a project has been completed,it shall not be put into production or to use.The specific measures in this regard shall be formulated by the department in charge of energy conservation under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under the same.

该译文中,if与where引导两个并列结构,if引导的句中提及“建设”(start construction),在后面的where从句中再提及该“建设”时,就应使用定冠词,以凸显其照应功能,但斜体的construction前却并未使用定冠词,显属不当。类似忽略定冠词的照应功能而未增加the的例子在法律法规英译本中不乏少数。


