首页 理论教育 币值应逐渐降低的理由


时间:2022-11-18 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:凯衍斯当欧战结束以后,目击许多国家正准备恢复他们的币值,就感觉那种政策不甚妥当。当他著《货币改革论》的时候,他还只比较货币膨胀与货币紧缩两种政策孰为最劣,而未曾提议一个具体办法。“Thus Inflation is unjust and Deflation is inexpedient Of the two perhaps Deflation is,if we rule out exaggerated inflations such as that of Germany,the worse;because it is worse,in an impoverished world,to provide unemployment than disappoint the rentier.”[15]后来,他著《货币论》到第二册末尾,就提出了一个具体的主义,是货币逐渐地贬值。



“Thus Inflation is unjust and Deflation is inexpedient Of the two perhaps Deflation is,if we rule out exaggerated inflations such as that of Germany,the worse;because it is worse,in an impoverished world,to provide unemployment than disappoint the rentier.”[15]


“As we have seen in BookⅡ,the prices of commodities are likely with the progress of technical discovery,to fall relatively to the price of service,and the wholesale standard is likely to fall relatively to the retail standard,because the latter includes a larger proportion of services of a kind not likely to bemuch affected by technical improvements.Consequently,stability of the Tabular standard will mean a tendency of the Consumption standard to rise,and,besides,the Earning standard will rise more than the Consumption standard;i.e.,money-incomes will increase and the cost of living will tend upward,but not so much asmoney-incomes.”[16]


“The second reason for favouring a downward,rather than an upward,tendency of the Purchasing Power of Money and of Labour Power of Money appeals to me,but not so much,possibly,to those who value more highly than I do the vested interest of the past.I think it desirable that obligations arising out of past borrowing,of which National Debts are the most important,should,as time goes on,gradually command less and less of human effortand of the results of human effort;that progress should loosen the grip of the dead hand;that the dead hand should not be allowed to grasp the fruits of improvementsmade long after the live body which once directed ithas passed away.”[17]

