首页 理论教育 制裁模式及其翻译


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈

第四节 制裁模式及其翻译

制裁为法律后果,指法律规范对人们的行为的态度,合法的予以保护许可,违法的予以撤销、制裁等;常使用“处……(徒刑、罚款)(impose a fine)”、“取消(资格)(be disqualified)”、“剥夺(deprive sb.of)”,或者具体的制裁(如吊销营业执照)(revoke the license)等;//be sanctioned/sentenced/fined;be guilty of..;on conviction(convicted of);..is liable to..;a fine of not more than..等。


例1 In any proceeding instituted pursuant to section 15of this Act against any person,the commission or the appropriate regulatory agency may impose a civil penalty if it finds that such person has failed to supervise another person who commits such a violation,if such person is subject to his supervision.



例2 76-3-205.Infraction conviction-Fine,forfeiture,and disqualification.

(1)A person convicted of an infraction may not be imprisoned but may be subjectto a fine,forfeiture,and disqualification,or any combination.…(Utah Criminal Code of 1973)


例3 76-3-301.Fines of persons.

(1)A person convicted of an offense maybe sentenced to pay a fine,not exceeding:

(a)$10,000for a felony conviction of the first degree or second degree;(Utah Criminal Code of 1973)



例4 违反第二款规定构成犯罪的,一经定罪,可就每项罪名处250,000元以下罚金。

译1:A person/Every person who contravenes subsection(2)is guiltyof an offence and,on conviction,is liable to a fine of not more than¥250,000for each offence.上述译文比较严格按照原文句式进行翻译,将“犯罪”和“定罪”分别处理。从上面的结构例子可以看出,其实可以使用缩略结构(convicted of)表达了“犯罪”和“定罪”。故可改译为主动或被动模式:

译2:A person convicted of an offence under subsection(2)is liable to/maybe sentenced to a fine of not more than¥250,000for each offence.(即以被处罚人为主语)

译3:Where a person is convicted under subsection(2),a fine of not more than¥250,000for each offence may be imposed.(即以具体的处罚为主语)

