首页 理论教育 茶的烹制方法的翻译


时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:二、茶的烹制方法的翻译◆ 大家入座,小丫鬟捧上茶来。这些古人以“雪水”煎茶的诗文,反映了自唐宋以来“雪水”煎茶的风俗。因此,古人称雨水、雪水为“天水”,食用雨水、雪水是常见的现象。那妙玉自有茶具。And Xichun in her delight told Caiping to fetch some rain-water kept from previous year to brew some choice tea.Miaoyu would not drink out of any cups but her own;however,before long her maid brought over her things and Xichun herself made the tea.◆ 当下锁了门同道士一直进了旧城,一个茶馆内坐下。


◆ 大家入座,小丫鬟捧上茶来。宝玉自觉清香异味,纯美非常,因又问何名。警幻道:“此茶出在放春山谴香洞,又以仙花灵叶上所带之宿露而烹,此茶名曰‘千红一窟’。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五回)

As Baoyu marveled at this they took seats and young maids served tea with such a pure scent,exquisite flavor and refreshing quality that again he asked its name.

“This tea grows in the Grotto of Emanating Fragrance on the Mountain of Expanding Spring,”Disenchantment told him.“Infused with the night dew from fairy flowers and spiritual leaves,its name is Thousand Red Flowers in One Cavern.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

◆ 黛玉因问:“这也是旧年的雨水?”妙玉冷笑道:“你这么个人,竟是大俗人,连水也尝不出来。这是五年前我在玄墓蟠香寺住着,收的梅花上的雪,共得了那一鬼脸青得花瓮一瓮,总舍不得吃,埋在地下,今年夏天才开了。我只吃过一回,这是第二回了。你怎么尝不出来?隔年蠲的雨水那有这样轻浮,如何吃得。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十一回)

“Is this made with last year's rain-water too?”asked Daiyu.

Miaoyu smiled disdainfully.

“Can you really be so vulgar as not even to tell the difference?This is snow I gathered from plum-blossom five years ago while in Curly Fragrance Nunnery on Mount Xuanmu.I managed to fill that whole dark blue porcelain pot,but it seemed too precious to use so I've kept it buried in the earth all these years,not opening it till this summer.Today is only the second time I've used it.Surely you can taste the difference?How could last year's rain-water be as light and pure as this?”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 惜春欣幸异常,便命彩屏去开上年蠲的雨水,预备好茶。那妙玉自有茶具。那道婆去了不多时,又来了个侍者,带了妙玉日用之物。惜春亲自烹茶。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第百十一回)

And Xichun in her delight told Caiping to fetch some rain-water kept from previous year to brew some choice tea.Miaoyu would not drink out of any cups but her own;however,before long her maid brought over her things and Xichun herself made the tea.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

◆ 当下锁了门同道士一直进了旧城,一个茶馆内坐下。茶馆里送上一壶干烘茶、一碟透糖、一碟梅豆上来。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》第二十三回)

He locked his door and went with the priest to a tea-house in the old city.The waiter brought them a pot of tea,a plate of sweets and another of spiced beans.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)

