首页 理论教育 黄金委员会的提议


时间:2022-11-18 理论教育 版权反馈


到了1932年,金汇兑本位制虽经过艰苦的普遍试用时期而归于失败,然还有许多专家认为是最经济而最有效力的货币制度。然而事实胜于雄辩,采用汇兑本位的国家受不了资金的损失而终于不敢再尝试。例如荷兰中央银行总裁卫士林(G.Wissering曾于前清末年充当中国币制顾问,主张中国应采金汇兑本位制)即因主持采用汇兑本位制,致遭1931年英国银币贬值,使荷兰大受损失,卒至不得不引咎辞职。而在当时,有许多经济专家还认为英国贬值不过是偶然发生的事件,他们并不相信国际信用从此就根本会要破坏。黄金委员会(Gold Delegation)所以提议两国补救办法:第一,采用汇兑本位制的国家,应注意选举将来币值最有稳定希望的世界金融中心。第二,应利用国际清算银行这一类的国际机关,使它转存出去,使损失的危险可以分散。

“We regard the gold exchange standard in this formas a useful system for many countries,for whomit still remains the most economical and efficientmonetary mechanismavailable.

“...it is inevitable that those countries which choose,or are forced by circumstances,to retain,or readopt a gold exchange standard for the regulation of their currency will endeavour as to organize as tominimise the possibility of once again being faced with heavy losses.

“Two possibilities have been suggested.The first is that such countries will choose carefully among the principal financial centres those which offer the greatest promise of future stability.The other is that an endeavour should be made to spread the risks of losses by utilising such an international institution as the Bank for International Settlements as the agency through which the systemshall be administered.In the latter case,the reserve assets of the gold exchange standard country would be deposited with the International Bank which would in turn spread its deposits among itsconstituent Central Banks.”[7]

