首页 理论教育 输入关键词语,查找同题新闻背景


时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:3.6.5 输入关键词语,查找同题新闻背景新闻背景是指新闻中与主体新闻密切相关的历史情况、环境条件以及新闻产生原因和注释性的材料。一条新闻,可以只用现实发生的新闻材料写成。汉英电视新闻翻译绝非一般意义上的翻译。一方面,背景解释本身就是新闻写作的重要元素。比如说,有一篇中文新闻报道说的是江苏省成功救治首例胎龄最小的早产儿。

3.6.5 输入关键词语,查找同题新闻背景


汉英电视新闻翻译绝非一般意义上的翻译。正如张健(2003:165)所述,对外报道的翻译是用外文进行“再创造”,而背景解释就是这个“再创造”过程中的重要环节。一方面,背景解释本身就是新闻写作的重要元素。另一方面,在对外宣传报道中,由于目的受众是外国人,而外国人对于中国的情况大多缺乏了解,吴自选(2005:24)指出,一般英语受众对中国及其文化的了解相当有限,甚至一无所知。因此,在很多情况下,如果一篇内宣新闻报道已经非常完整和完善的话,以这篇内宣新闻稿为基础翻译而来的对外报道新闻稿有必要增添上一些必要的背景,这些背景在中国人看来或许是多余的,没有必要的,但是在对外报道中却是不可或缺的。在从事对外新闻报道翻译的时候,在译文中增添一些原文中并不需要解释的新闻背景就大有必要,也非常重要,有助于外国受众对新闻事件获得更加全面的了解和理解。如在一篇关于台湾商人春节包机回台湾过年的英语新闻报道中,在GOOGLE中输入“两岸包机”的译文cross-Straits charter flights进行查询便可找到多篇我国中央级媒体对这一事件的报道,其中就有如下一段背景介绍:Mainland commercial planes landed and took off on Taiwan for the first time in January 2005 under a landmark agreement on direct cross-Straits charter flights for the Spring Festival.Taipei banned transport,trade and postal links between the island and China mainland back in 1949.这样的背景在中文稿件中是没有的,但是在翻译过程中增添上这一背景,就有助于外国受众更好地理解。又如,在翻译一篇关于某慈善机构为弱势群体募集冬衣的新闻报道时,如果在新闻报道的末尾加上一段文字介绍我国慈善机构在救济贫困人口的公益活动中发挥的积极作用,该新闻报道的价值就更加凸现。China currently has more than 280,000 non-governmental charity organizations registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs by the end of 2004.And the membership of the China Charity Federation has risen to 168 in the past 11 years since its founding in 1994.It is estimated that by the end of 2004,about 5 billion yuan or 617 million US dollars had been donated to China's charitable organizations,accounting for 0.05 percent ofthe gross domestic product.In comparison,it was 2.17 percent in the United States.

在翻译专业背景很强的新闻稿件时,GOOGLE查询所获得的新闻背景更是能够大显身手。比如说,有一篇中文新闻报道说的是江苏省成功救治首例胎龄最小的早产儿。要做好这篇新闻的翻译,首当其冲的任务就是要确认“胎龄”在英语中怎么说,尤其是新闻正文中还提到了医学上对不同胎龄婴儿的分类介绍,很显然,“胎龄”在该新闻中属于重要新闻内容,翻译时无法回避。由于专业背景知识的缺乏,一下子无法确认“胎龄”对应的英文关键词可能是哪几个单词,从而给查询带来一定的困难。于是,只能尝试用“胎儿”和“年龄”分别对应的英文单词fetus和age作为线索,希望至少能够获得可利用的有效线索,为下一步查询提供方便。没想到的是,查询结果可谓令人喜出望外,因为输入fetus age进行查询之后获得的结果中,第一个网页是美国著名的生活网站About.com提供的答案:gestational age(http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/Gestational-age.htm),而之所以会出现这样一个令人喜出望外的结果是因为该网站对gestational age提供的释义中出现了fetus和age这两个单词,而GOOGLE的高相关性特点把这两个单词联系在了一起,从而使得查询“胎龄”的过程颇有得来全不费工夫的感觉。此外,About.com网站对gestational age的释义对于做好该新闻正文的翻译也大有裨益。根据该网站的释义,Gestation is the period of time between conception and birth during which the fetus grows and develops inside the mother's womb.Gestational age is the time measured from the first day of the woman's last menstrual cycle to the current date.It is measured in weeks.A pregnancy of normal gestation is approximately 40 weeks,with a normal range of 38 to 42 weeks.Infants born before 37 weeks are considered premature.Infants born after 42 weeks are considered postmature.The gestational maturity rating is measured by the Ballard scale or Dubowitz exam.

在获得了正确答案之后,为了进一步确认这个说法的可靠性,再输入gestational age进行验证查询,结果发现著名网络百科全书维基百科有着更为详细的释义:Gestational age is usually considered to be the age of an embryo or fetus(or newborn infant)from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period(LMP).This standard system of counting the progression of pregnancy starts approximately two weeks before fertilization takes place;it does not in itself constitute the beginning of pregnancy.There is some controversy over the beginning of pregnancy,and alternative counting systems have been suggested.A full-term human pregnancy is considered to be 40 weeks(280 days),though pregnancy lengths between 38 and 42weeks are considered normal.A fetus born prior to the 37th week of gestation is considered premature and faces increased risk of morbidity and mortality.An approximation of the due date is given by Naegele's rule.The gestational age should not be confused with the fertilization age,(also called conceptional age or developmental age)of an embryo or fetus;the fertilization age is always counted from fertilization,and the gestational age is usually greater by about two weeks.








When delivered by caesarean section at least 13 weeks prematurely,the infant weighed 1.1 kg and measured no more than 30 centimeters in length.The doctors said he is an extremely premature infant because he was prematurely born 90 days earlier than the typical gestation of approximately 40 weeks.A pregnancy of normal gestation is about 40 weeks,with a normal range of 38 to 42 weeks.Infants born before 37 weeks are considered premature.Infants born with a gestational age of between 24 and 28 weeks are considered extremely premature.

分析:由于上述中文新闻的正文中在其他地方提到了这是一起剖宫产,因此在译文中介绍孩子出生时的体重和身高时就提前提及了When delivered by caesarean section。根据网络搜索到的专业背景,胎儿的正常妊娠周期为38周到42周,考虑到该中文新闻援引医生的话说该婴儿早产70多天,因此,译文就取妊娠周期为38周,再减去新闻中明确指出的25周,因此就决定其出生提早了至少13周at least 13 weeks prematurely。不过,这里其实有些矛盾,因为13周至少有91天,与中文新闻中的70多天不符,出现这个时间跨度差异可能是由于中文新闻写作随意性较大的原因。但为了确保在英语新闻中提供可靠的说法,因此把中文新闻中的70多天改为90天,这样做也许可以被视为是新闻翻译再创造的灵活运用。

在翻译该中文新闻的过程中,同样得益于GOOGLE提供的丰富专业背景,新闻正文中出现的“腹膜透析”、“中心静脉置管”和“生命体征”等其他专业性较强的词语都在网络查询中找到了答案。此外,通过这一新闻的翻译,我们还得以知道,虽然中文同为“妊娠”,但《现代汉语词典》对“妊娠”只提供了如下释义:人或动物母体内有胚胎发育成长。但是,其相应的英语说法却大有学问,如果是指胎儿的妊娠过程,其对应英语单词并不是我们很熟悉的pregnancy,而是绝大多数人并不了解的gestation。根据《朗文当代高级英语辞典》,所谓gestation指的是the process by which a child or young animal develops inside its mother's body before birth,而pregnancy则是the condition of being pregnant or the period of time when a woman is pregnant。

