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时间:2022-06-18 历史故事 版权反馈




[1]本书中“17世纪”涵括工业革命发生前的18世纪上半叶,从经济运行趋势上讲,18世纪初期与17世纪属于同一发展周期。当然“17世纪危机”在各地持续时间、表现形式各不相同,欧洲大陆尤其是法国和德意志经济衰退最为严重;相对来说,英国情况要好得多,但也出现人口、经济增长放缓现象,还出现一些重要社会变化,英国史学家D. C.科尔曼(D. C.Coleman)称之为“新的时代背景”(the New Context),出于方便起见,他将时限大致定在1650年和1750年之间。D. C. Coleman,1977:The Economy of England 1450-1750, Oxford University Press, pp.91-92.其他学者稍有不同,像英国著名史家琼·瑟斯克主编的《英格兰和威尔士农业史》第3卷和约翰·查特斯(John Chartres)主编的《英格兰和威尔士农业史》第4卷在论述17世纪英国农业政策变革,农产品国内、国际市场贸易活动时,就以1640~1750年为“17世纪”年限,不过大都涵盖了18世纪上半叶则是没有什么疑问的。

[2]Michael Zell,2004:Industry in the Countryside:Wealden Society in the Sixteen Century, Cambridge University Press, p.242.




[7]C. A. Clay,1984:Economic Expansion and Social Change:England1500-1700, Volume I,Cambridge University Press, pp.137-138.

[8]Michael Zell,2004:Industry in the Countryside:Wealden Society in the Sixteen Century, Cambridge University Press, pp.111-112.


[10]C. A. Clay,1984:Economic Expansion and Social Change:England1500-1700, Volume I, Cambridge University Press, p.138.

[11]T. H. Aston and C. H. E. Phlipin,1987:The Brenner Debate:Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-industrial Europe, Cambridge University Press, p.54.



[14]Joan Thirsk, 1990:Agricultural Change:Policy and Practice, 1500-1750, Cambridge University Press, pp.144-145.

[15]Martin, J. E., Fedualism to Capitalism:Peasant and Landlord in English Agrarian Development, Palgrave Macmillan, p.139.

[16]Martin, J. E., Fedualismto Capitalism:Peasantand Landlord in English Agrarian Development,Palgrave Macmillan, p.140.

[17]Margaret Spufford,2000:Contrasting Communities:English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Sutton Publishing, p.165.


[19]K. D. M.斯内尔:《贫民编年史——1660~1900年的英格兰农业和社会变化》,剑桥大学出版社,1987年,第166页。

[20]G. E. Mingay,1979:Enclosureand the Small Farmer inthe Age ofthe Induatrial Revolution, Macmillan Publishers LTD., pp.28~29.




[24]Jan de Vries, 1984:European Urbanization, 1500-1800, Harvard University Press,p.64.


[26]D. C. Coleman, 1977:The Economy of England 1450-1750, Oxford University Press, pp.111-112.

[27]Joan Thirsk,1984:The Rural Economy of England Collected Essays, The Hambledon Press, p.195, 200.

[28]Margaret Spufford,2000:Contrasting Communities, English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Sutton Publishing, p.91.

[29]Michael Zell,2004:Industry in the Countryside:Wealden Society in the Sixteen Century, Cambridge University Press, p.111.

[30]Margaret Spufford,2000:Contrasting Communities, English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Sutton Publishing, p.92, 118.

[31]Joan Thirsk, 1990:Agricultural Change:Policy and Practice, 1500-1750, Cambridge University Press, pp.133-135.

[32]D. C. Coleman, 1977:The Economy of England 1450-1750, Oxford University Press, p.120.

[33]Andrew Browning,1953:English Historical Documents,1660-1714, Eyre&Spottiswoode, p.273.

[34]Joan Thirsk,1984:The Rural Economy of England Collected Essays, The Hambledon Press, p.213

[35]Andrew Browning, 1953:English Historical Documents, 1660-1714, Eyre&Spottiswoode, p.520-522.

[36]Joan Thirsk,1984:The Rural Economy of England Collected Essays, The Hambledon Press, pp.184-185.

[37]Joan Thirsk,1984:The Rural Economy of England Collected Essays, The Hambledon Press, pp.213-214.


[39]Margaret Spufford,2000:Contrasting Communities, English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Sutton Publishing, p.87, 118, 161.



[42]G. R. Elton,1991:Englandunder the Tudors,New York:Routledge, p.238.

[43]Peter Clark,2000:The Cambridge Urban History of Britain,1540-1840,Volume II,Cambridge University Press, p.200.

[44]Susan Hardman Moor, 2007:Pilgrims:New World Settlers and the Call of Home,New Heaven, Conn:Yale University Press.

[45]R. A. Houston,1995:The Population History of Britain and Ireland 1500-1750,Cambridge University Press, p.53.

[46]John Patten,“Changing Occupational Structures in the East Anglian Countryside, 1500-1700”, compiled and edited by H. S. A. Fox and R. A. Butlin,1979:Changein the Countryside:Essays on Rural England, 1500-1900, London:Institute of British Geographers, p.104.

[47]Joan Thirsk,1984:The Rural Economy of England Collected Essays, The Hambledon Press, p.210.

[48]H. S. A. Fox and R. A. Butlin, 1979:Change in the Countryside:Essays on Rural England, 1500-1900, London:Institute of British Geographers, p.116.


[50]Peter Kriedte, 1983:Peasants, Landlords and Merchant Capitalists—Europe and the World Economy, 1500-1800, Cambridge and New York:Cambridge University Press, p.77.

[51]H. S. A. Fox and R. A. Butlin, 1979:Change in the Countryside:Essays on Rural England, 1500-1900, London:Institute of British Geographers, p.124.


[53]H. E. S. Fisher and A. R. J. Jurica, 1977:Documents in English Economic History,England from 1000 to 1760, London, G. Bell&Sons Ltd., pp.204-206.

[54]H. S. A. Fox and R. A. Butlin, 1979:Change in the Countryside:Essays on Rural England, 1500-1900, London:Institute of British Geographers, pp.127-131.




[58]Paul M. Hohenberg,1985:The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1950, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, p.104.

[59]Peter Kriedte, 1983:Peasants, Landlords and Merchant Capitalists—Europe and the World Economy, 1500-1800, Cambridge University Press, pp.86-87.




[63]Michael Zell,2004:Industry in the Countryside:Wealden Society in the Sixteen Century, Cambridge University Press, p.229.

[64]F. J. Fisher, 2006:Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England,Cambridge University Press, pp.79-80.

[65]Michael Zell,2004:Industry in the Countryside:Wealden Society in the Sixteenth Century,Cambridge University Press, p.112.

[66]John Patten, 1979:Pre-industrial England, Geographical Essays, Kent, England:Wm Dawson&Sons Ltd., pp.144-145.

[67]John Patten, 1979:Pre-industrial England, Geographical Essays, Kent, England:Wm Dawson&Sons Ltd., pp.191-192.


[69]〔英〕J. D.钱伯斯:《工业革命以前英格兰人口、经济和社会》,牛津大学出版社,1972年,第45页。



[72]C. A. Clay,1984:Economic Expansion and Social Change:England1500-1700, Volume I, Cambridge University Press, p.197.

[73]Peter Clark and Paul Slack,1979:English Towns in Transition 1500-1700,Oxford University Press, pp.36-37.

[74]C. A. Clay,1984:Economic Expansion and Social Change:England1500-1700, Volume I,Cambridge University Press, p.191.

[75]Peter Clark and Paul Slack,1979:English Towns in Transition 1500-1700,Oxford University Press, p.38, 39, 40, 42.

[76]C. A. Clay,1984:Economic Expansion and Social Change:England1500-1700, VolumeⅠ, Cambridge University Press, p.169.

[77]在17世纪早期,纽卡斯尔曾经历了两次疫病,其中1636年的疫病据说造成5000多人死亡,城镇人口在数年间迅速恢复,这充分证明该城经济在17世纪充满活力。Jonathan Barry,1990:The Tudor and Stuart Town:A Reader in English Urban History 1530-1688, Londonand New York:Longman, pp.46,54.

[78]Peter Clark and Paul Slack,1979:English Towns in Transition 1500-1700,Oxford University Press, pp.50, 51, 53.

[79]D. C. Coleman, 1977:The Economy of England 1450-1750, Oxford University Press, p. 97.

[80]E. A. Wrigley,1992:People,Cities and Wealth:The Transformation of Traditional Society, Blackwell, p.176.

[81]本图主要采用S. R.爱泼斯坦提供的数据制成,见S. R. Epstein,2001:Town and Country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge University Press, p.10。

[82]E. A. Wrigley,1992:People,Citiesand Wealth:The Transformation of Traditional Society,Blackwell, p.162, 170.



[85]R. H. Hilton, 1992:English and French Towns in the Feudal Society, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, p.32, 83.

[86]T. H. Aston and C. H. E. Phlipin,1987:The Brenner Debate:Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-industrial Europe, Cambridge University Press, p.53,325.

