首页 理论教育 细胞治疗抗衰老后有哪些注意点


时间:2022-03-18 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:细胞治疗抗衰老效果维持和再实施:①抗衰老效果维持与机体免疫力、运动、饮水、睡眠、精神状态等多因素有关。②选择自体骨髓间充质干细胞移植抗衰老,避免免疫排斥的风险,可以反复实施。[1] Gorczynski RM,Terzioglu E.Aging and the immune system [J].Int Urol Nephrol,2008,40 :1117.[2] Han GM,Zhao B,Jeyaseelan S,et al.Age-associated parallel increase of Foxp3+ regulatory and memory T cells in SJL/J mice [J].Cell Immunol,2009,258 :188.[3] Dejaco C,Duflner C,Schirmer M.Are regulatory T-cells linked with aging?




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