首页 理论教育 近五年档案学国际会议综述


时间:2022-03-04 理论教育 版权反馈


王新才 王海佼


【摘 要】本文对2006年以来的国际档案学会议进行了综述,包括国际档案理事会及其下属专业处、专业委员会、地区分会举办的会议,以及相关专业协会及国际合作项目所举办的会议。从中归纳出这些会议的研究热点,包括技术、公共意识与档案推广、档案与记忆、灾备与应对、教育与培训、合作与共享。

【关键词】档案学 国际会议 综述 研究热点

A Literature Reviewabout International Conferences of Archival Science During the Past Five Years

Wang Xincai Wang Haijiao

(School of Information Management,Wuhan University)

【Abstract】This Paper Reviews a number of international archival conferences,including that organized by the International Council on Archives and its affiliated professional Committees,Sections and regional Branches,and related professional associations and international cooperation projects.The authors summarize the researchfocus from these conferences,such as Technology,Public Awareness and Archival Promotion,Archives and Social Memory,Disaster Preparedness and Response,Education and Training,Collaboration and Sharing.

【Keywords】archival science international conference literature review research focus

