首页 理论教育 如何写好开头段


时间:2022-02-27 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:SAT作文的开头段是针对材料文本写成的分析性开头段,主要由三个部分组成:主旨句、意图句和发展句。主旨句的概括要求精确简练,全面得当。In response to our world's growing reliance on artificial light, writer Paul Bogard argues that natural darkness should be preserved in his article "Let There be dark".优点:主旨明确,语言正式,用词精准。In the article "Why Literature Matters" by Dana Gioia, Gioia make



In response to our world's growing reliance on artificial light,(意图句)writer Paul Bogard argues that natural darkness should be preserved in his article "Let There be dark".(主旨句)He effectively builds his argument by using a personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions.(发展句)


In the article "Why Literature Matters" by Dana Gioia, Gioia makes an argument claiming that the levels of interest young Americans have shown in art in recent years have declined and that this trend is a severe problem with broad consequences.(主旨句)Strategies Gioia employs to support his argument include citation of compelling polls, reports made by prominent organizations that have issued studies, and a quotation from a prominent author.(发展句)Gioia's overall purpose in writing this article appears to be to draw attention towards shortcomings in American participation in the arts. His primary audience would be the American public in general with a significant focus on millennials.(意图句)




In the argument,(阅读材料标题Title)by the author/writer+(作者全名Full Name)+(阅读材料主旨归纳Summary)。



In the article "Why Literature Matters" by Dana Gioia, the writer makes an argument claiming that the levels of interest young Americans have shown in art in recent years have declined and that this trend is a severe problem with broad consequences.

2. 主旨句的写法



Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience about what he is concerning about and feels it important to take care about.


In "Let there be dark," Paul Bogard talks about the importance of darkness.


Paul Bogard builds a very persuasive argument to persuade his audience that natural darkness should be preserved.


In response to our world's growing reliance on artificial light, writer Paul Bogard argues that natural darkness should be preserved in his article "Let There be dark".


Dana Gioia builds an argument designed and commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts.

缺点:信息片面, 并未总结出主旨。

In the article "Why Literature Matters" (2005) Dana Gioia expresses that American arts have changed and that many people are beginning to no longer read.


In the article "Why Literature Matters" by Dana Gioia, Gioia makes an argument claiming that the levels of interest young Americans have shown in art in recent years have declined and that this trend is a severe problem with broad consequences.


In response to…, the writer…argues that…

In the article "…" by …, …makes an argument claiming that…

In "…", an article from…by …, … explores…

In…'s essay "…" he/she emphasizes the importance of…

…builds an argument to persuade his/her audience about…strongly believes that…

… offers a convincing argument on…

…starts the article by presenting…

… claims that….… From the very beginning of this passage, we can see that author, …, has a concern

with…; even the title shows his/her concern.



(作者的姓)'s purpose is to…(篇章意图)His/Her primary audience would be…(目标读者群)



Gioia's overall purpose in writing this article appears to be to draw attention towards shortcomings in American participation in the arts. His primary audience would be the American public in general with a significant focus on millennials.


作者基于现状表达自己的警告或期待,以唤起读者的注意(a claim that makes a conjecture about what may happen to draw the reader's or certain group of people's attention)。


Analyze the intention of the following claim.

Scientists estimate that the universe is expanding and the expansion will occur at an accelerating rate over time which may lead to disastrous consequence.

Intention:The author's purpose is to warn that the ever-increasing universe expansion will cause disaster.


作者不但表达了自己对某件事或某个观点的支持或反对,并在文章中表达了自己的建议或提议(a claim that calls to action about something that should be done or avoided;a claim that attempts to persuade someone to do something)。


Analyze the intention of the following claim.

We should follow in the footsteps of British chef Jamie Oliver in his quest to reform the US public school lunch programs and bring out healthier eating habits to younger American in a fight against obesity.

Intention:The author makes the recommendation that we should join in the worthy movement established by a celebrity chef to end obesity in the United States.

The author's overall purpose in writing this article appears to…

The author's purpose is to persuade the audience…

The author is able to sway his/her audience…

In response to…,the author…


Identify and analyze the intention of the following claims.

1) Everyone should sign the petition in support of a new university library.


2) Even professional snowboarders should wear durable helmets since there is always a risk of concussion should they fall and hit their head.


3) Duke University's men's basketball team will again be the NCAA March Madness champions this year.


4) College graduates of 2016 will have more vocational opportunities than graduates of recent years given the global economic recovery.



1) This author is making the recommendation that people sign a petition. There is a further implicit judgment that a new library is a good thing for the university.

2) The author advises that snowboarders of all levels should protect their head.

3) This author is predicting the success of a basketball team.

4) The author projects a better job market for future college graduates.


Identify and analyze the claim in the following passage.

Text 1

No American institution is worse understood abroad than American football. British sportsmen who know their way around a rugby field, a billiard table, and even a chess-board succumb without a second thought to the facetious view of American football as a mindless bout of mayhem between brutes got up in spacemen outfits. But it would not take more than a couple of weeks of careful instruction from a coach or a fan to realize that American football is an open-air chess game disguised as warfare. It is without question the most scientific of all outdoor games.


Text 2

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue and that the wellbeing and prosperity of the nation depend on the contribution of individuals and groups of all faiths and none. Yet, as the recent visit of his holiness the Pope reminded us, churches and the other great faith traditions retain the potential to inspire great enthusiasm, loyalty, and a concern for the common good.


Text 3

The national outpouring after the Littleton shootings has forced us to confront something we have suspected for a long time: the American high school is obsolete and should be abolished. In the last month, high school students present and past have come forward with stories about cliques and the artificial intensity of a world defined by insiders and outsiders, in which the insiders hold sway because of superficial definitions of good looks and attractiveness, popularity and sports prowess.


Text 4

With today's hectic lifestyles, time-saving products are increasingly in demand. Perhaps one of the most obvious examples is fast food. The rate of growth in consumer expenditures on fast food has led most other segments of the food-away-from-home market for much of the last two decades. Since 1982, the amount consumers spent at fast food outlets grew at an annual rate of 6.8 percent (through 1997) compared with a 4.7 percent growth in table service restaurant expenditures. The proportion of away-from home food expenditures on fast food increased from 29.3 to 34.2 percent between 1982 and 1997, while the restaurant proportion decreased from 41 to 35.7 percent.



Text 1

The author is passing a judgment about their understanding of the game.

Text 2

The author supposes that such people find inspiration to do right by others in their faith.

Text 3

The author makes a recommendation to abandon the American high school model.

Text 4

The author's purpose is to make readers focus on modern consumer's demand changes.



Strategies the author employs to support his/her argument include…(3~4种修辞手法或技巧)



Strategies Gioia employs to support his argument include citation of compelling polls, reports made by prominent organizations that have issued studies, and a quotation from a prominent author.

The author explores…to…

He/She uses persuasive techniques and provides the reader with…to support…

He/She effectively builds his/her argument by using…

The author uses… to deliver a powerful argument.

The author divides his/her argument into…

The author employs/utilizes…to plead with the audience to take his/her side.

The author conveys his/her point through…

The author, in the essay "…", uses…to build his/her argument.

The author builds his/her argument through…to establish…

