首页 理论教育 英语主位推进模式


时间:2022-02-26 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Halliday只是在小句的层面上讨论主位和述位的切分,进入语篇层次后,这种研究是有局限性的,因此,国内外学者又进一步发展了这一理论。真正将主位理论运用到篇章分析中的是语言学家Danes。我国学者徐盛恒[2]也提出了区别于Danes的两种主位推进模式:TP with same rheme和crossed pattern。我国另一位语言学者黄衍[3]对前人的研究做了总结,提出了七种主位推进模式。平行型/主位延续模式:每句主位和上句的主位相同或相关,述位不同。

Halliday只是在小句的层面上讨论主位和述位的切分,进入语篇层次后,这种研究是有局限性的,因此,国内外学者又进一步发展了这一理论。真正将主位理论运用到篇章分析中的是语言学家Danes。他[1]认为,主位传递已知信息,述位传递新信息,因此,从信息价值的角度看,述位的作用更大;但主位在篇章中起到了起承转合的功用,在语篇构建中主位的作用大于述位。Danes指出,单独一个句子有一个确定的主位和述位,因为没有语境,主位和述位都是孤立的,而且没有发展;但语篇是由有意义的连贯句子构成的,小句的主位、述位之间会发生某种联系和变化,并推动语篇的有序发展,这种联系和变化被称为主位推进(thematic progression)。Danes提出了三种对语篇分析产生重要影响的模式,即simple linear、TP with a continuous theme和TP with derived themes。我国学者徐盛恒[2]也提出了区别于Danes的两种主位推进模式:TP with same rheme和crossed pattern。我国另一位语言学者黄衍[3]对前人的研究做了总结,提出了七种主位推进模式。本研究综合了Danes、徐盛恒和黄衍提出的推进模式,一共七种。


(1)平行型/主位延续模式(parallel or the same theme pattern):每句主位和上句的主位相同或相关,述位不同。

T1 = T2 =T3 ...= Tn

例如:The brain contains 10 billion nerve cells, making thousands of billions of connections with each other. It is the most powerful data processor we know.

(2)简单线性/延续型/直线延续模式(simple linear thematic progression):(前句的述位或述位的一部分是后句的主位,这个主位又引进一个新的述位,该述位又充当下一句的主位)。

R1=T2 ;R2=T3;... Rn-1=Tn

例如:Outside my window is a big lawn. In the middle of the lawn is a flower bed. This bed is full of daffodils.

(3)派生型(derived thematic progression):前句主位/述位派生或分裂成下几句的主位。

T2=part of T1;T3=part of T1;... Tn=part of T1

T2=part of R1;T3=part of R1;... Tn=part of R1


All my families are teachers. My father is a junior middle school teacher; my mother is senior middle school teacher. I work in a college.

Those, who would get a clear idea of the battle of Waterloo, have only to lie down upon the ground in their mind a capital A. The left stroke of the A is the road from Nivelles; the right stroke is the road from Genappe; the cross of the A is the road from Chain to Braine I’Alleud; the top of the A is Mont. St. Jean; Wellington is there.

(Adopted from Advanced English Writing)

(4)交叉型(alternative)/ 交叉延续模式:前句的主位是后句的述位。

R2=T1;R3=T2;... Rn=(Tn-1)

例如:The play was interesting, but I didn’t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman troubled me. I turned around and looked at them, but they didn’t pay any attention to me.


T2=T1;T3=T4 ...

例如:Americans eat with knives and forks; Japanese eat with chopsticks. Americans say “Hi”when they meet; Japanese bow. Many American men open doors for women; Japanese men do not.

(6)集中型/述位延续模式(concentrated/the same rheme):前一句的述位是后句的述位。

R1=R2 ... =Rn

例如:England is a country; France is a country; Turkey is a country; Egypt, Italy, Poland are other countries.

(7)无模式型(no patterning)。


T1≠T2 ... ≠Tn

例如:I saw the film while watching a television documentary several years ago. The report didn’t concern itself with the concentration camps, but was a filmed history of fighting in the Warsaw ghetto.

