首页 理论教育 情景教学法在高中英语阅读课中的案例研究


时间:2022-02-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:笔者以一堂英语阅读课——A Goodbye Kiss为例,试图探讨情景教学法在高中英语课堂教学中的运用。


摘 要:本文以一堂高中英语阅读课——A Goodbye Kiss为例,试图探讨情景教学法在高中英语课堂教学中的运用,通过利用图片、表格、文本、情景迁移和仿写等各种手段体现情景教学“形”真、“情”切、“意”远的特点,引导学生在教学情景里进行自主探究、合作学习,从根本上提高英语教学的科学性和艺术性。

关键词:高中英语 情景教学 案例研究

情景教学,是指教师根据教学目标、教学内容,结合实际,利用多种手段创设贴近学生、贴近生活的动态环境,让学生在动态过程中,通过观察发现、理解和运用知识,使之符合人类由感性认识到理性认识的认知规律。笔者以一堂英语阅读课——A Goodbye Kiss为例,试图探讨情景教学法在高中英语课堂教学中的运用。



StepⅠ:Lead-in and pre-reading(individual work and group work)

What are they doing?

Why did the father send his daughter away?

What are their feelings when they are looking into each other’s eyes?What did the father say to his daughter before she got into the train?


S1:Judging from the clumsy feather coat,it maybe happens during the Spring Festival.Father has to make his living by working far away from his hometown.After spending the festival with the father,the daughter must go home.Now they are in the train station.The daughter leans over to the windshield to say goodbye to her father,smiling,while the father are likely to tear up,frowning.He must be unwilling to let her daughter go.




Scanning:(individual work)


Find the main elements of Frank’s story and then combine them into the main idea for the story.



StepⅢ:Scanning(individual work)


T:Now,look at the sentence“When you got close to him,he smelled like the ocean”in paragraph 4.What does this phrase mean?

S1:He had a smell of fish.

S2:He looked tough because of the sea wind.

S3:He went through a hard life.

S4:He made his living by fishing.

T:Oh,so many answers.Good.But I want some evidence to prove your point of view.

S5:I find it.“No matter how much my Mother washed them,they would still smell of the sea and of fish.”So the answer is that he has a smell of fish and sea.

T:Exactly.You are so clever.



StepⅣ:Post reading(group work)


T:According to the story,we can conclude that Frank’s father.

A.was quite confident in his skills in fishing

B.loved his children but hardly expressed it

C.seldom gave up faced with challenges

D.was full of devotion to his family


S2:I think the answer is not B.because his father kissed his son usually.It proves he often expressed his love.The answer is D.In paragraph 3,there is a sentence:He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family.Not just enough for our family,but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home.

T:Do you agree?



T:What can you learn from this story?

S1:Cherish and respect our parents.

S2:Communicate with them as often as possible.

S3:Show out our love bravely and kiss them if we want.

S4:Love our parents more than before.

T:What’s your father look like?What does he do to show his love to you?Discuss in groups of 6.Please use the newly-learnt words as many as possible.

这篇文章蕴含了成年后儿子才理解父亲深沉的爱的人生哲理。那么怎样使学生感知作者想要表达的情感呢?笔者通过利用生活经历,迁移情景,唤起同学们的情感共鸣,通过对自己父亲的描述和父亲如何爱自己思考人性。笔者看到有些孩子皱起了眉头,有的在轻轻擦拭泪水。这时不由自主地抱住了那位哭泣的同学,我告诉她:I know.I know.We are all here with you.这时,我们再回头去让学生感受Frank和父亲之间的情感,相对容易多了。这样不仅教了学生知识,也带着同学们学会了如何为人子女。


StepⅤ:Consolidation(individual work)


1.Bob started to stand up and jostled the table,spilling his coffee over his notes.


2.He was a big man,and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch.


3.It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way,and he had this surprised look on his face.




