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时间:2022-02-18 理论教育 版权反馈









The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once on a time, there was a little mouse who lived in a hole in the trunk of a big oak tree in the country. Every day, he rushed around busily, picking up nuts and collecting fruits, preparing for the cold winter.

One day, his cousin from the town came to see him.

"Ah! How peaceful the countryside is!" exclaimed the town mouse. He was entranced by the beautiful scenery of the country.

However, that evening, the tired country mouse, who was already fast asleep, was woken. The town mouse was standing in front of his bed with a pitiful look on his face.

"Cousin," said the mouse, "what is that sound outside? Is it a ghost? I am very scared!" The country mouse listened for a moment, and discovered that it was the rustling sound of the tree branches in the wind. There was also the sound of animals running past hurriedly. He comforted his cousin, saying, "Those sounds are very normal. You will soon get used to them."











The next day, the country mouse went about his business, busy as usual. However, the town mouse just put his hands in his pockets, and whistled leisurely while he gazed around.

At noon, the country mouse wanted to prepare a picnic for his cousin. However, when they came to the bank of a beautiful river, the town mouse was scared stiff by the horses and cows grazing in the meadows.

"Oh my, what are these beasts? They are terrifying!"

And so, the country mouse and the town mouse’s picnic came to nothing.

"Let’s go into town together. It’s fantastic there. You will certainly like it," said the town mouse to the country mouse.

"Very well!" And so, the country mouse and the town mouse set off.

After a long day of travel, they finally saw a large house. It was the place where the town mouse lived.

"Look, look, isn’t it magnificent!" shouted the town mouse in a loud voice. However the noise of passing traffic was so loud that the country mouse could not hear what he was saying.








In this home, the town mouse took out some tasty morsels to treat his cousin. There was really quite a feast. The country mouse had to admit that he had never eaten such good food. He ate and ate, until there was not one crumb left.

"Now, I am going to bed to sleep," said the country mouse.

However, he did not sleep one wink the whole night. The street-lights were so bright that the country mouse could not get to sleep.

"Help! Help!" The next morning, the town mouse was woken with a fright by these cries. He jumped down from his bed, and found that his cousin had been caught by a big starving cat. The town mouse rushed over to save him. After a close fight, he managed to pry the country mouse from the big cat’s claws.

"Thank you for inviting me!" said the country mouse trembling, "I think that I am better suited to my hole in the tree. I had best go back there."


