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时间:2022-02-18 理论教育 版权反馈






The Little Elves and the Cobbler

Long, long ago, there was a cobbler and his wife, who lived on the edge of the forest. The cobbler was a good man, but they were very poor. In the end, they only had enough leather left to make one pair of shoes.

The cobbler said to his wife, "Tomorrow morning I will make a pair of shoes." On saying this, he cut the leather to size and placed it on the bench before going to sleep.

Early the next morning, the cobbler went to the bench and found a pair of brand new shoes sitting there. The cobbler was flabbergasted! Who could have made this pair of shoes?

The cobbler and his wife were still standing there, stunned, when a man walked in. "Have you any shoes to sell me?" asked the man.









"I have a pair of beautiful shoes," said the cobbler,"Look how well made they are!" The man liked the pair of shoes very much, and he bought them for a high price. The cobbler now had money to buy the leather for two pairs of shoes.

Early the next morning, the cobbler came to the bench to make shoes. However, he saw two pairs of fully made shoes sitting there. This continued to happen, and in the end the cobbler became very rich, but he still did not know who it was who made the shoes.

One evening, the cobbler told his wife, "Today let's not sleep, but go and see who on earth it is who is helping us."

That evening, when the clock struck twelve, two little elves crawled in from the window, and started to dance across the room. They came to the bench and jumped up onto it. After sitting down, they took up the leather and started to work.

Stitch by stitch, the elves sewed back and forth. With a pitter and a patter they gently knocked at the shoes. Finally, they had finished the shoes.

The next morning, the cobbler said to his wife,"We should give something to the little elves to thank them."







And so, the cobbler and his wife made two small outfits. One was red and one was blue. They made two little hats and two pairs of socks. The cobbler also made two pairs of well fitting shoes.

That evening, they put the clothes on the bench and hid behind the door to wait.

When the clock struck twelve, the two little elves came in through the window. They pranced and danced their way across the room and leapt up onto the bench. They saw the small clothes, the small socks, the small hats and the small shoes.

They clapped their hands happily, took off their old clothes, and put on their new clothes. They started to dance on the bench. Then they jumped down from the bench and continued to dance, slide, dance, slide until finally they had crossed the room and crawled out of the window.

From this time on, the two little elves never came back again. However, the cobbler continued to be fortunate, and he was successful in everything he did.

flabbergasted adj.大吃一惊

on earth 究竟

back and forth 来回

