首页 理论教育 语言领域中的英语渗透


时间:2022-02-18 理论教育 版权反馈

第六节 语言领域中的英语渗透








(1)Let's begin(our class).上课。

(2)Stand up.起立。

(3)Sit down.坐下。

(4)Sit in a semi-circle.坐成半圆。

(5)Please form a circle.请围成一圈。

(6)Sit up(straight).坐直。

(7)Put your hands on your knees.把手放在膝盖上。

(8)Is everybody here?人都到齐了吗?


(10)Come to the front.到前面来。

(11)Go back to your seat.请回到自己座位上去。

(12)Back into your group.请归队。

(13)Look and listen.看着,听好。

(14)Listen to me,please.听我说。

(15)Listen and say.边听边说。

(16)Say it after me.跟我说。

(17)Say it again.再说一遍。

(18)Say it in English,please.请用英语说。

(19)Follow me.跟我说。

(20)Read it aloud.大声读出来。

(21)Do/Say it like this.像这样做/说。

(22)Do what I do.和我一样做。

(23)You may do as I do.可以跟我做。

(24)Who will answer the question?谁来回答这个问题?

(25)Who will try? /Who'd like to try?谁想试一试?

(26)Who knows?谁知道?

(27)Volunteers? /Any volunteers?谁主动来参与?

(28)Do you want to go?你想去吗?

(29)Raise your hands,please.请举手。

(30)Put down your hands.请把手放下来。

(31)Are you ready?你们准备好了吗?

(32)Speak clearly,please.请说得清楚些。

(33)Look at the blackboard.看黑板。

(34)Do you like the story?你喜欢那个故事吗?

(35)Who wants to be ...?谁想扮演……?

(36)What is the name of this story?故事的名字是什么?

(37)How many × × are there in the story?故事中有多少个……?

(38)How is the story?这个故事怎么样?

(39)Can you tell us your idea?能说说你的想法吗?

(40)What will happen next?接下来会发生什么事情呢?(接下来会怎样呢?)

(41)If you were × × ,what would you do?如果你是……你会怎么做?

(42)How many sentences in the poem? Which one do you like best? And why?这首诗一共有几句?你最喜欢哪一句?为什么?

(43)What is the story about?故事里讲了一件什么事?

(44)Who are in the story? Who do you like best? Why?故事里有谁?你最喜欢谁?为什么?

(45)What did × × say and do? × ×是怎样说的和怎样做的?

(46)Can you say anything with the words in the poem?你能用诗歌里的话说说看吗?

(47)Let's read the poem aloud with music.让我们一起随音乐朗诵诗歌。

(48)Please listen to others carefully.请认真倾听别人的发言。

(49)Please turn to page 6.请把书翻到第6页。

(50)Can you make up a story?你能编一个故事吗?

(51)Try to finish your words in complete sentences.请把话说完整。

(52)Please circle the words you know.请圈出你认识的汉字。


案例16 A Golden House金色的房子(中班)

苏州工业园区新馨花园幼儿园 周 莱

Teaching Objectives活动目标







T:Today July will tell you a story about a house.Can you guess what kind of house it is?

C:I guess it's a ...house.


T:It's a golden house.(将金色房子图片贴在墙上,继续讲故事)

Once upon a time,there is a girl.She has a house.It has red walls,green windows and the golden roof is shining.What a beautiful house! An animal is coming.Can you guess who is coming?

C:I guess it's a ...

T:Look,it's a duck.(将小鸭图片贴在墙上,继续讲故事)

A duck came to her house.It stood in front of her house,and talked to her :“What a beautiful house! Red walls,green windows,and the golden roof is shining.Girl,girl,may I come in?”Then the girl said :“No,no,no.Don't come in!”Duck was sad and sat on the grassplot.

Can you guess who is coming at that time?

C:I guess it's a ...

T:Look,it's a rabbit(dog/cat/bird).(将小兔/狗/猫/鸟的图片贴在墙上)

A rabbit(dog/cat/bird)came to her house.It stood in front of her house,and talked to her :“What a beautiful house! Red walls,green windows,and the golden roof is shining.Girl,girl,may I come in?”Then the girl said :“No,no,no.Don't come in!”Rabbit(dog/cat/bird)was sad and sat on the grassplot.

T:Several days later,the duck,rabbit,dog,cat and bird came back to the grassplot again.They played the game together and had a happy time.Little girl looked out of the window,saw these animals playing together,and felt sad.The animals saw it.They came up to the golden house,knocking at the door.“Do do do...”They said:“Little girl,little girl,come here and play with us.”At last,little girl went out and played games with them.She also invited them to come and play in her house.They had a happy time on the grassplot.

2.Show Time演故事

T:Now we know the story“A Golden House”.Do you want to act out the story?


T:Now,I will invite some children to come here and show us the story.You can wear these caps and play it.


案例17 The Rabbit's FAMILY小兔一家(小班)

苏州工业园区新馨花园幼儿园 徐琳娜

Teaching Objectives活动目标


2.复习句型:穿衣服put on the clothes,刷牙brush my teeth,洗脸wash my face。

你喜欢什么? What do you like?我喜欢…… I like ...








5.音乐《摇篮曲》、Riding in My Car


1.Greetings and Review问候与复习

T:Hello,I'm the mommy rabbit,and you are all my babies.You see,it turns dark and we should go to sleep.



T:Oh,my dear children,it's time to get up.

T:Good morning,children!

C:Good morning,mommy!

T:Hum,my dear,what should we do after we get up?


T:Yes,we should put on the clothes.OK,say it together,and put on the clothes.

C:Put on the clothes.

T:OK,let's put on the clothes.


T:Hum,my dear,what should we do after we put on the clothes?


T:Yes,we should brush our teeth.OK.Say it together:brush our teeth.

C:Brush our teeth.

T:OK,let's brush our teeth.

(Sing the song and do the actions)

Hum,my dear,what should we do next?


T:Yes,we should wash our face.OK.Say it together,wash our face.

C:Wash our face.

T:OK.Let's wash our face.

(Sing the song and do the actions)

2.Learn the new words学习新单词

T:Hum,I feel a little hungry.Are you hungry?


(Sing the song Are You Hungry together)

T:Oh,so wonderful! Don't worry,My dear.Mommy will prepare the breakfast for you.But can you tell me what you like?

C:I like mushrooms.


T:Yes,the mushroom is very delicious.Let's say“mushroom,mushroom,come out!”

C&T:Mushroom,mushroom,come out!

T:Oh,the mushroom is coming! I like mushrooms!

C:I like mushrooms!

T:What about other food? What do you like?

C:I like turnips.


T:Yes,the turnip is very delicious.Let's say“turnip,turnip,come out!”

C&T:Turnip,turnip,come out!

T:Oh,the turnip is coming! I like turnips!

C:I like turnips!

T:Huh ...I will tell you a secret,mommy has prepared other nice food for you.Would you like to have a look?


T:OK,close your eyes.No peaking!

Oh,it's greens.Please read it after me,greens,greens,greens.



T:I like greens.

C:I like greens.

3.Game:Help yourself to some ...摘蔬菜——句型练习

T:Hum,dear,you see there are many mushrooms,greens and turnips on the field.Listen carefully,mommy will take you to the fields,and you can pick anything you want but remember you must say I like ...before you pick it.Are you clear?



T:OK,get the basket.Let's go!

(Do it for several times.)


4.Do the exercises做运动

T:Oh,rabbits,come here,and sit with mommy.Let's eat the nice vegetables.

T:Oh,I'm full,I want no more.Are you full?

C:Yes,I'm full.

T:OK,let's put the baskets here.

T:Oh,it's a sunny day.Let's have a walk,OK?


5.A wolf is coming狼来了

T:Oh,look,what's this?

C:It's a wolf.Oh,mommy,mommy ...

Wolf:I'm hungry,I want something to eat.Oh,there are so many rabbits,Haa ...

T:Oh,my dear,don't be afraid.Come here.Let's hide behind the trees.OK?


(The wolf has nothing to eat,so he has to go.)

T&C:Yeah,we are the winners.



T:Haa,the wolf is leaving! Let's get out! Are you happy?


T:Let's sing and dance,OK?

C:OK.(音乐Riding in My Car起,师生一起唱歌跳舞)

T:Oh,it's time to go home.Let's go!


案例18 My Good Friends好朋友(中班)

苏州工业园区新馨花园幼儿园 赵 贞

Teaching Objectives活动目标

1.欣赏童话,学习童话中对话。Someone says to someone :“We are good friends.”Someone says :“Yes,we are good friends.”











T:Welcome to our happy party.Now go to look for your good friend and dance together,OK?



T:Today,a lot of guests will come to our party.Let's welcome them.

T:Look,what can you see?

C:I can see ...

T:So many guests,but they don't have partners.How to join our party? Ah,I have a good idea.Let's help them find a good friend to be their partner,OK? When you get it,you should tell us in this sentence ,“somebody and somebody are good friends.”Who wants to have a try?



T:Just now,you did a good job.You helped all the guests find their friends.Now let's listen to it again.Think it over.What have they said?

T:You know,the table and the chair are good friends.Have you heard what the table says?



T:Today,many more guests will come to our party,too.They hide themselves under your chair.Please find them and stick them here.Tell me who you are now.

C:I'm a soap/noodles/...

T:Please have a look.Who is your good friend?

C:My good friend is ...

T:Please hug each other and say“we are friends”.

T:Who is your friend?

T:Now please go and find your good friend and have a dance.

T:Let's have a look,...and ...are good friends.

T:All of you have found your good friends,but you found one friend only.You can find two,three,four,or more friends.Have a try,OK?

T:Ah,why are you good friends?

C:Because we are food.

T:Why are you good friends?

C:Because we can wash.

T:Because we are fruits.

T:So we say,we are good friends.



T:So you can find a lot of good friends.Just like our class one,all the children are good friends,yes or no?


T:OK,let's go outside to find the good friends in nature.OK.Let's go.

T:Say bye-bye to everyone.

案例19 Lying on a Log躺在木头上睡觉(小班)

苏州幼师附属花朵幼儿园 王 赟

Teaching Objectives活动目标






T:What's this?

C:It's a lamp ...


T:I have a story about these animals.Listen carefully.


T:What have you heard?


T:Please have a look.



T:I hear a ladybug in the story.教师把瓢虫的图片贴到另一块黑板上。

What will happen? Please select one picture and put it on the blackboard.

Who will go on?幼儿将图片连接成完整的故事,指念。


T:What are they doing?(Lying on a log.)

T:At last,what did the lion say?(Now it's time for lunch.)


T:Who wants to be the ladybug ...(分配角色)When the lion say“It's time for lunch”,You must go back to your seat.


T:The story is interesting.Let's go back to our classroom and tell our friends.


案例20 See See See看看看

苏州幼师附属花朵幼儿园 罗 静

Teaching Objectives活动目标


2.通过游戏活动,掌握新单词(词组)spider,spider web。





3.Flash课件See See See



T:What is this?

C:A box.

T:There are many things in the box.

Now,look at me please.(教师摸出一张卡片)

What is this?(A starfish)(利用重、轻、粗、细的声音来练习)




T:Now,let us play a game.

I have the wool ball.(出示线团)

Please pass the ball from one to another.


T:(出示蜘蛛)OK! Look,who is coming?(A spider)


T:Please touch it and say“spider”.(幼儿摸一摸蜘蛛,并念单词)

C1&C2 ...Spider.

T:Oh! There is a spider web.(教师指幼儿织成的网)

C:Spider web.

T:Please give it to me.(教师收网)



T:Let us listen to the rhyme.Be quiet.(播放儿歌)

What did you hear? You can speak in English.You can speak in Chinese,too.Say something different.


T:Let's listen to the rhyme once again.Please look at the pictures.What did you hear?


T:Let's read the rhyme together,and do as I do.

4.Closure跟着音乐,初步学唱歌曲See See See,结束活动

T:Listen! Here is a song See See See.Let us sing the song and do as I do.OK? Stand up,please.Music,one,two,begin.

Let's go out and sing the song.OK? Let's go.


See See See

See see see,see the spider on the spiderweb.

See see see,see the starfish in the swimming pool.

See see see,see the snail on her shoe.

See see see,see the swan on the slide.

See see see,see the skunk on the sidewalk.

See see see,see the seashell on the sands.

See see see,see the seals on the shore.

See see see,see the stars in the sky.

How shiny!


1.An Alphabet of Single Letter Poems can be used on charts,for poetry journals,as a class Big Book,or to make individual books to illustrate.



2.Tongue Twisters(绕口令)

绕口令(tongue twister)是人们在语言实践中根据语言的特点,编出的一种语言游戏,它短小、活泼、诙谐、有趣。在外语语音的教学中利用绕口令可以训练学生的语音,提高学生的口语能力,帮助学生纠正不正确的发音,区别不同的因素。


(1)Bill had billboard,and Bill also has a board bill.The board bill bored Bill,so that Bill sold the billboard to pay his board bill.So after Bill sold his billboard to pay him board bill,the board bill no longer bored Bill.

(2)How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can as many cans can if a canner can can cans.

(3)Ask at the next grass path that you pass.

(4)The doctor's daughter knocked at the locked door.

(5)Paul called from the hall that he had slipped on the floor and couldn't get to the door.

(6)Mr.cook said to the cook :“Look at this cookbook.It's very good.”

So the cook took the advice of Mr.Cook and bought the book.

(7)Too few rulers rule as rules should rule.

(8)The first person in a dirty shirt works in the third firm.

(9)Betty Botta bought some butter.

“But,”she said“this butter's bitter

Will make my butter better.”

So she bought a bit of butter

Better than the bitter butter.

And it made her butter better.

(10)I'm afraid you are late.It's half past eight,and they'll close the gate.

(11)We have now found the roundabout without any doubt.

(12)Oh! My! How the mayor glared at the rare chair with an air of despair.

(13)The doctor wasn't sure that he could cure the poor steward of his obscure illness,but the attacks became fewer and fewer as time passed.

(14)It's a joy to watch the boy playing with his toys.


(15)A finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing-net.

(16)We have five lovely bridges over the river.

(17)She sells sea shells on the deashore,and the shells she sells are seashells,I'm sure.

(18)Little Loly writes a letter to her little sister Lily.

(19)We wonder if Wonderly and Wood would wait for another week.

(20)Only words no deeds,just like a garden full of weeds.


(1)The Crow and the Pitcher

A crow felt very thirsty.He looked for water everywhere.Finally,he found a pitcher.

But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher.His beak could not reach it.He tried again and again,but still could not touch the water.

When he was about to give up,an idea came to him.He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.Then he took another and dropped it in.

Gradually,the water rose,and the crow was able to drink the water.







(2)A Sick Lion

A lion had come to the end of his days.He lay helpless under a tree.

The animals came around him.When they saw that he was going to die,they thought to themselves ,“Now it's time to pay him back.”

So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.

Then a bull gored him with his horns.The lion still lay helpless before them.

So the ass felt quite safe.He turned his tail to the lion and kicked up his heels into his face.

“This is a double death.”growled the lion.








(3)The Frogs and the Well

Two frogs lived together in a marsh.One hot summer the marsh dried up,so they had to leave it and look for another place.

They soon found a deep well.

One of them looked down and said to the other ,“This is a nice cool place.Let's jump in and settle down here.”

The other frog was much wiser.He replied ,“Don't be so fast,my friend.If this well dries up like the marsh,how should we get out again?”







(4)The Goose with the Golden Eggs

One morning a countryman went to his goose's nest,and saw a yellow and glittering egg there.

He took the egg home.To his delight,he found that it was an egg of pure gold.

Every morning the same thing occurred,and he soon became rich by selling his eggs.

The countryman became more and more greedy.He wanted to get all the gold at once,so he killed the goose,when he looked inside,he found nothing in its body.







(5)The Fox and the Tiger

An Archer,hunting in the woods,was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals.This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the deepest part of the bushes to hide.At last the tiger stood up,pretended to be very brave,and told the other animals not to be afraid anymore.And to rely on his courage,he would attack the enemy on his own.While he was talking,lashing his tail and tearing at the ground with his claws to impress the others,an arrow came and pierced his ribs.The Tiger howled with pain.

While he was trying to draw out the arrow with his teeth,the fox went up to him and asked in surprise,“whoever had the strength and courage to wound such a brave and mighty beast as the Tiger?”

“Nay,”said the Tiger ,“I misjudged my enemy.It was that unbeatable man over there!”





(6)The Cock and the Jewel

A cock,scratching in the farmyard for food for the hens,turned up a precious stone that shone and sparked in the sun.

“Well,”said the Cock ,“I don't know what you are doing here.You are a very beautiful thing,and no doubt if your owner found you,he would be delighted.But you are no good to me.I would rather have one grain of delicious barley than all the precious stones under the sun!”





(7)The Wolf and the Lamb

A Wolf meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold,resolved not to lay violent hands on him,but to find some plea,which should justify to the Lamb himself his right to eat him.He thus addressed him ,“Sirrah,last year you grossly insulted me.”“Indeed,”bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice ,“I was not then born.”Then said the Wolf ,“You feed in my pasture.”

“No,good sir,”replied the Lamb ,“I have not yet tasted grass.”Again said the Wolf ,“You drink of my well.”“No,”exclaimed the Lamb ,“I never yet drank water,for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink to me.”On which the Wolf seized him,and ate him up,saying ,“Well! I won't remain supperless,even though you refute every one of my imputations.”





(8)The Father and His Sons

Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves.When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations,he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion;and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks.When they had done so,he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession,and ordered them to break it in pieces.They each tried with all their strength,and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot,and took the sticks separately,one by one,and again put them into their hands,on which they broke them easily.He then addressed them in these words :“My sons,if you are of one mind,and unite to assist each other,you will be as this faggot,uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies;but if you are divided among yourselves,you will be broken as easily as these sticks.”







(1)Apple Pass.Have all Ss sit in a circle.Use a fake apple and toss it to one S.But you must say one English word as you pass.The S then throws to another S and says a different English word.If the student you threw it to drops it,he/she is out.And the game keeps going until you have one winner.It can be played with different categories,such as Food,Animals,etc.My students love it!(submitted by Kim S.)

(2)Clothes Fun.Students form teams of 3.Each team has a bag with some clothes in it.The first team member puts on the clothes.He/She must say ,“This is my shirt”,“These are my trousers”,“This is my hat”,etc.,with each item of clothing.Then when all the clothes are on,they say ,“I'm dressed”and start removing the clothes,passing them to the next team member,who repeats the process.If you have some fancy high-heeled shoes and silly hats this is a really fun game! Very young beginner students will normally only say ,“shirt”,“hat”,etc.,but it's still a worthwhile game for the vocabulary.My students loved it!

(3)Colors in the Air.This is good for very young ones.Give each S 2 pieces of different colored paper(origami paper is ideal for this).T calls a color(e.g.,“Blue”)and the Ss with that color hold it up.(submitted by Jo Ruoss)

(4)Color Game.This is a good one for teaching the names of colors to young children.Arrange various colors of construction paper in a circle.Play some music and have the children march around the circle.Stop the music and all the children must sit down next to a color.Pick a color and sing(to the tune of“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”):“Who's beside the color(insert name of color)? Please stand up,if it's you.”At that point,the child next to the color mentioned stands up.Continue until all of the children get a turn.(submitted by Josie Weisner)

(5)Cross the River.Place flashcards on floor in winding manner.Each card represents a stepping stone in the river,as students must say word/phrase/question/etc.in order to step on it and cross the river!(submitted by Michelle K)

(6)Follow the Leader.Ss line up behind the T and follows him/her around the classroom.The T does an action and shouts out the word for that action.The Ss copy the action and repeat the word.Good actions include:wave,hello,goodbye,it's cold/hot,stop,go,run,hop,skip,crawl,walk backwards,jump,sit down,stand up.

(7)Give Me Game.You can use with objects or flashcards.This works well with plastic fruit:Gather and elicit the different kinds of plastic fruit you have.Then throw all the fruit around the classroom(it's fun just to throw the whole lot in the air and watch the chaos of the Ss scrabbling to pick them up).Once the Ss have collected the fruit(they'll probably do their best to hide it in their pockets,etc.)T says“Give me an apple”.The S with the apple should approach the T and hand him/her the fruit“Here you are”.Avoid having the fruit thrown back to you as they can go anywhere and takes a long time to finish this game.

(8)Number Group Game.Play some music and have your Ss walk around the classroom.Stop the music suddenly and call out a number(up to the number of Ss in your class).The Ss must quickly get together in a group of that number.Any Ss who didn't make it sit out until the next round.

(9)Question Chain.Have the Ss sit in a circle.T asks the S next to him/her a question(e.g.,“What's your name ?”“Do you like chocolate cake?”)and the S has to answer the question and then ask the S next to him/her the same question.Continue around the circle and then start a new question.It helps to use a ball to pass around as the questions are being asked and answered.

(10)Touch.Have Ss run around the classroom touching things that T orders them to do(e.g.,“Touch the table.”“Touch a chair.”“Touch your bag.”).Colors work well for this,as Ss can touch anything of that color(e.g.,“Touch something green”).

(11)Whisper Game.Sit the Ss in a circle with you.Whisper a word or sentence in the next S's ear(e.g.,“I'm hungry.”).S/he then whispers that in the next S's ear and so on until the last S.S/he then says the word/sentence out loud to see if it's the same as the original message.

(12)Window Game.You can only do this if your classroom has a window that you can stand outside of and look into the classroom(don't try this on the 10th floor!).Model first:stand the Ss in front of the window and go out of the room.Wave to them through the window and silently mouth some words(so it seems like they can't hear you through the glass).Look at a flashcard and then mouth the word a few times.Go back in and the S who first tells you the word you were saying can have a turn.





