首页 理论教育 幼儿自然科学中的英语渗透


时间:2022-02-18 理论教育 版权反馈














1)How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?一年有几个季节?分别是什么?

2)What is the weather like today?今天天气怎样?

3)What animals can foresee the weather? How can they do it?哪些小动物会预报天气?它们是怎么预报天气的?

4)Guess what will sink and what will float.猜猜哪些东西会沉下去,哪些东西会浮起来? 5)Please write down what you have seen.请把你观察到的记录下来。

6)What has happened? Why did it happen?发生了什么变化?为什么会发生这样的变化呢? 7)Let's do an experiment.让我们一起做个小实验。8)Do you have any questions?你还有什么问题?

9)Try to work out the problem with your friend.和你的朋友讨论一下应该怎样解决。10)Do you know these tools?你认识这些工具吗?

11)What can the tools be used for?这些工具可以用来做什么?

12)It is very hot in summer and very cold in winter.夏天炎热,冬天寒冷。

13)What's that over your head/below you/in front of you/behind you/on your left/on your right?你的上/下/前/后/左/右有什么?

14)What will happen if we mix two colors together?两种颜色混在一起会发生什么变化?

15)How can a tadpole turn into a frog?小蝌蚪是怎样变成青蛙的?

16)My pet(rabbit)can hop.我的宠物会跳。

My pet(fish)can swim.我的宠物会游。

My pet(bird)can fly.我的宠物会飞。

My pet(dog)can run.我的宠物会跑。

My pet(tortoise)can crawl.我的宠物会爬。

17)Can you hop like a rabbit?你能像兔子一样跳吗?

Can you jump like a frog?你能像青蛙一样跳吗?

Can you waddle like a duck?你能像鸭子一样走路吗?

Can you run like a dog?你能像狗一样奔跑吗?

Can you fly like a bird?你能像小鸟一样飞翔吗?

Can you swim like a fish?你能像鱼儿一样畅游吗?


案例8 The Animals in the Picture图画里的动物(大班)

苏州新区狮山中心幼儿园 诸玲霞

Teaching Objectives活动目标







1.Warming up

1)Go into the classroom singing the chant The Cat's Got the Measles.

2)Daily dialogue.

T:Good morning.

How do you feel today?

What's the weather like today?




T:Today I bring here a picture.Let's have a look.


T:What can you see in the picture?


在幼儿回答的基础上出示图片并强调in the sky,on the ground,in the water。


T:What's this? What can ...do? Where does ...live?


T:How many ...are there in the picture? What's the difference between these ...?



T:How many animals are there in the sky? How many animals are there on the ground? How many animals are there in the water?



T:I've prepared a piece of paper for each group.You should put these animals on the right place.And this form is also for you to record the numbers.Choose one of you to record the number,and another one to introduce the picture.



教师根据幼儿介绍情况提问幼儿:Which animal is like the flower? How many ...can you see in the picture? What's the difference between these ...? Who's the tadpoles' mommy? How do the tadpoles become frogs?



T:In these pictures how many animals are there in the sky?

In these pictures how many animals are there on the ground?

In these pictures how many animals are there in the water?

2)教师带着孩子边唱Eensey Weensey Spider边走出教室。

案例9 The Eggs卵

苏州幼师附属花朵幼儿园 罗 静

Teaching Objectives活动目标





课件(The Egg),各种卵生动物的图片。


1.Warming up

T:Please look at the picture.What is it?(出示蛋)

C:An egg.

T:Yes.The animal hides itself in the egg.Now let us guess what is in it?(幼儿自由猜测)OK! Let's say it together,OK?(教师逐一出示头、翅膀、尾巴、脚,带领幼儿边念儿歌)

Head head,come out.

Wings wings,come out.

Tail tail,come out.

Feet feet,come out.

Baby bird,come out.

T:Now it becomes a ...


T:Yes,a bird.A baby bird.A baby bird.

T/C:A baby bird.A baby bird.

2.Presentation—Let's Guess

1)T:Look.What is it?

C:An egg.

T:Yes.An egg.An animal hides itself in the egg.Let us try to guess,OK? Listen!(教师播放课件:恐龙的吼叫声)Who wants to try?(猜对则播放“掌声”,以示鼓励)

T:Now,let us call it,OK? Please act like an egg.Are you ready? Read a rhyme about a duck.One,two,start.

Head head,come out.

Tail tail,come out.

Feet feet,come out.

Baby dinosaur,come out.

T:Say“hello”to the dinosaur.


2)T:All these animals come out of eggs.Do you know others?(教师根据幼儿的回答,出示图片,并朗读)

3)T:Look.There are one,two,three,four eggs.Among these eggs,which one is the biggest? Which one is the smallest?(教师根据孩子的回答分别点击“掌声”及“降声”)


T:Let us play a game.OK? We act out these animals with the music.(幼儿根据屏幕上的动物,分别来扮演小动物)

T:Now,let us go out and play games.OK? Let's go.





Students will

●identify and describe three states of water;

●observe and predict how water will change states.



●1 electric tea kettle

●crushed ice(about 1/3 liter)


●1 plastic liter bottle

●1 small plastic baggie

●1 rubber band

●1 black permanent marker

●1 ruler

●white paper:1 sheet per student

●crayons or colored pencils


(1)To begin the lesson,fill an electric kettle with water and plug it in.Ask students to tell you what they think will happen when the kettle heats up.Have students watch the kettle as it heats,and ask them to tell you what they observe.Explain that steam is a form of water and that they are observing evaporation,the process by which a liquid becomes a gas.Write the words“steam”and“gas”on the board.

(2)After watching the program,hold a class discussion about water.Ask students to tell you what they learned about water.Write their comments on the board for reinforcement.

(3)Tell students that water has three states:liquid,solid,and gas.Show students the plastic liter bottle and tell them they will observe water changing into different states.Ask a volunteer to help you use the funnel to fill the bottle about one-third full with crushed ice.Have another volunteer help you place the baggie over the bottle top and seal it in place with a rubber band.

(4)Have a student help you measure the level of ice in the bottle with a ruler.Move through this part quickly before the ice melts,and ask a few students to confirm the measurement.Make sure that the class agrees with the accuracy of the measurement,then ask a volunteer to help you draw a line on the bottle that indicates the level of ice.Write the words“ice”and“solid”next to this line.

(5)Place the bottle in the sun or in a warm area of the classroom where students can observe it.Have students divide a sheet of paper in half.On the upper half,they will draw pictures predicting what they think will happen to the ice in the warmth.Encourage students who are able to write words or sentences that describe their pictures.

(6)After about 30 minutes,ask students to look at the bottle and describe what they see.What has happened to the ice? What is happening in the bottle?

(7)Ask volunteers to measure the water level.When the class is satisfied with the accuracy of the measurement,ask a volunteer to help you draw a line on the bottle that indicates the new water level.Write the words“water”and“liquid”next to this line.

(8)Place the bottle in the warmth again and ask students to predict what they think will happen if the bottle stays there overnight.Have them draw pictures and,if able,write words or sentences on the lower half of the paper.

(9)The following day have students observe the changes that occurred in the bottle.What has happened to the water level? Where did the water go? Point out the droplets of water that have formed in the baggie.How did the water get into the baggie?

(10)Have students share their observations and talk about the accuracy of their predictions in a class discussion.Talk about temperature and how it helps water change states.Ask students to tell you about the different forms of water and to describe how water changes from one state to another.



(1)Animals and Their Babies(小动物词汇)

Match 10 farm animals words with their babies.The farm animals and babies are:sheep—lamb,cat —kitten,dog—puppy,pig—piglet,cow—calf,goose—gosling,horse—foal,duck—duckling,goat—kid,chicken—chick.


(2)Sounds of Animals(动物的叫声)

(母鸡)咯咯声叫:hens—chuck/cackle   蚊子叫:mosquitoes—hum

(公鸡)啼鸣;喔喔声:cocks—crow    昆虫叫:insects—chirp

鸭子嘎嘎叫:ducks—quack        狮虎叫:lions—roar

狼叫:wolves—howl           马叫:horses—neigh

蛇叫:snakes—his            喜鹊叫:magpies—chatter

青蛙呱呱叫:frogs—croak        猫头鹰叫:owls—hoot

蜜蜂嗡嗡叫:bees—buzz         猴子叫:monkeys—chatter

小鸡唧唧叫:chickens—cheep       海鸥叫:gulls—mew

猫咪叫:cats—meow/meow         驴叫:donkeys—hee-haw

狗、狐狸吠:dogs,foxes—bark     (猪等)咕噜:pigs—grunt

小鸟叽叽叫:birds—chirp/twister    牛哞哞叫:cows—moo

鹅叫:geese—cackle          (鼠等)吱吱声:mice—squeak

(3)Useful Vocabulary(有用词汇)


Match 10 spring vocabulary words to their pictures.



Match 10 summer vocabulary words with their pictures.



Match 10 fall vocabulary words with their pictures.



Match 10 winter vocabulary words with their pictures.



(4)Where Is the Apple?

Cut 8 trees and put them on paper along with the following sentences:

The apple is over the tree.

The apple is under the tree.

The apple is in front of the tree.

The apple is behind the tree.

The apple is in the tree.

The apple is beside the tree.

The apple is between the trees.

(5)Apple Finger Plays

Eat an apple.

Save the core.

Plant the seeds.

And grow some more.

* * * * * * * * *

If I had two apples,

What would I do?

I'd keep one for me.

And give the other one to you.

* * * * * * * * *

Here I have five apples.

And here are five again.

How many apples altogether?

Why,five and five make ten!

* * * * * * * * *

How many apples

Do you see?

Can you count them?


How many green ones?

How many red?

Now eat an apple

And go to bed!


