首页 理论教育 腐植酸原料粗加工的效益


时间:2022-02-15 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:石兆年1 宋丽霞2 石历勤3摘 要:大腐植酸产业,是以知识为基础的战略性新兴产业。正因为如此,大腐植酸产业有着极大的发展潜力和广阔的发展前景,是构成与影响未来发展的新兴产业。本文就腐植酸作为战略性新兴产业的培育做一些探讨和粗浅论述。

石兆年1 宋丽霞2 石历勤3

(1 中国管理科学研究院 北京 100036

2 内蒙野生动物学会 呼和浩特 010000

3 东方互联科技公司 乌海 016000)

摘 要:大腐植酸产业,是以知识为基础的战略性新兴产业。它源于科技创新,不断创造新的知识资源,将推动创造更多社会财富。从一定意义上讲,大腐植酸产业已经超出了原有的腐植酸的范围:其原材料由以往采用不可再生的采矿废弃物质资源,到广泛存在于自然界可再生的各类生物资源;其加工制作工艺上由已往高耗能、高排放、高污染、低产出、低效益、浪费资源的直线型高碳发展模式,到低能耗、低排放、无污染、高产出、高效益、资源循环利用的低碳绿色发展模式;其产品的应用面由以往涉及一部分领域,到当前已发展到几乎囊括了国计民生的所有领域。这些产品达到的高度、广度、深度以及因其绿色低碳、环境友好而形成的生物多样性,将在全世界范围内成为像粮食和食物一样对于人们来说不可或缺的物品。正因为如此,大腐植酸产业有着极大的发展潜力和广阔的发展前景,是构成与影响未来发展的新兴产业。

关键词:腐植酸 战略性 新兴

Large Humic Acid, a Strategic Newly Developing Industry

——Science and Technology Innovation speed up the formation of Strategic new Industry

Shi Zhaonian1, Song Lixia2, Shi Liqin3

(1 China Management Science Research Institute, Beijing, 100036

2 Landscape Management Institute of China, Beijing, 100018

3 Eastern Interconnection Technologies companies, Wuhai, 016000)

Abstract: Large humic acid industry is a knowledge-based strategic new industry. It stems from technological innovation which continues to create new knowledge and resources to promote and produce more social wealth. In a sense, the large humic acid industry is beyond the scope of its original concept: its raw material from previous non-renewable material resources of mining waste to renewable biomass resources widely distributed in nature; Its processing and production type is transformed from high energy consumption, high emission, high pollution and low output, low efficiency, waste of resources, linear high-carbon development model, to the low power, low emissions, no pollution, high output, high efficiency, low-carbon resources recycling green; its produces cover all areas of people’s livelihood. The products are in high quality and become environmentally friendly and biological diversity. They will be as indispensable as food for humans. Because of these advantages, a large humic acid industry has great potential ability and broad development prospects. It will constitute and influence the future development of the world.

Key words: humic acid; strategic; newly developing


