首页 理论教育 腐植酸治理酸性土壤


时间:2022-02-15 理论教育 版权反馈

王曰鑫 李 强

(山西农业大学 太谷 030801)

摘 要:腐植酸具有良好的生理活性、亲水性、阳离子交换性、络合能力及较高的吸附能力等多种性质。腐植酸的这些优良特性,使其在水土保持应用上有着巨大的潜力。首先,腐植酸类物质可以改良土壤,增加土壤的团粒结构,提高土壤的透水性、持水量和抗蚀性。其次,腐植酸保水剂能吸水抗旱,促使水土流失地区的土壤保留更多雨水为植物“需时即用”,解决水土流失地区土壤保水的问题;叶面喷施腐植酸类物质能有效控制叶片气孔的开张度,减少水分蒸腾,使植物保持较多的水分,对抵御季节性干旱和干热风有十分显著的效果。第三,腐植酸固化剂和腐植酸液态地膜能固持土壤,保持水土,可广泛应用于农田覆盖、工程护坡和防沙治沙等水土保持领域。第四,各种腐植酸类肥料都能促进植物根深叶茂,提高作物的抗逆能力,发挥植物保持水土的功能,对水土流失地区恢复植被和发展生态农业具有独特的作用。因此,腐植酸在治理水土流失保护生态环境领域具有非常广阔的应用前景。

关键词:水土流失 水土保持 腐植酸 保水剂 节水抗旱 防沙治沙

The Role of Humic Acid in Soil and Water Conservation and Application Prospects

Wang Yuexin, Li qiang

(Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, 030801)

Abstract: The humic acid has a good physical activity, hydrophilic, cation exchange, complexation capacity and high adsorption capacity and other features. These excellent properties of humic acid, soil and water conservation applications to have great potential. First, humic substances can improve soil, increase soil aggregate structure, improve soil permeability, water holding capacity and corrosion resistance; Second, humic acid water retaining agent to drought and soil erosion led to retain more water for the plant “is used when needed” to resolve the erosion problem of soil water; humic substances can be sprayed to control leaf stomatal opening, reduce transpiration, the plant to keep more moisture on the hot wind against seasonal drought and the effects are very significant; Third, the humic acid and humic acid liquid membrane curing agent to immobilization of soil, soil and water, can be widely used in agricultural cover, soil and water conservation projects and other areas of slope protection and desertification; Fourth, a variety of humic acid fertilizer can promote the plant root, increasing crop resilience to play the function of plant water and soil conservation, vegetation restoration of erosion areas and development of ecological agriculture has a unique role. Therefore, the humic acid to protect the ecological environment in the areas of soil erosion has a very broad application prospects.

Key words: soil erosion; soil and water conservation; humic acid; materials to maintain water; save water drought disaster; combat desertification



