首页 理论教育 蓬塔起早拍日出


时间:2022-02-07 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:2013-03-01 11∶14∶24在南极,因为室外实在太冷太寒,我一直很遗憾无法跟着其他队员拍日出。蓬塔是海洋城市,我尽管很累,还是决定第二天四点半出发,到海边拍日出。仅仅睡了三个小时后,我与小王、小陈步行十分钟就来到了海边,等待日出。老天真是辜负了我的一片赤诚,最后我们只拍了一堆乌云。

2013-03-01 11∶14∶24


It was too chilly and too icy today to go with the others and take photos of the gorgeous coastal sunrise in Punta. So I decided to go to the seaside the next day and I set off at 4.30AM,regardless of whether I was tired or not. After sleeping for only three hours,I walked for ten minutes to the seaside with Xiao Wang and Xiao Chen and we settled in to wait for an exciting sunrise. Unfortunately,bad weather moved in and dampened our enthusiasm. My shots are all a jumble of threatening dark clouds.

