首页 理论教育 【浩然之气】


时间:2022-01-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:我善养吾浩然之气。其为气也,至大至刚,以直养而无害,则塞于天地之间。其为气也,配义与道。我善于培养自己的浩然之气。……这种气, 极其广大、极其磅礴强盛,如果用直道去培养它而不去损害,它就会充塞在天地之间。这种气,必须与正义和大道相配合。如果没有这两种品德,它就会空虚贫乏、丧失力量。This is a vital energy which is, in the highest degree, vast and unyielding. Nourish it with integrity and place no obstacle in its path and it will fill up all between heaven and earth. It is a vital energy which unites rightness and the Way. Deprive it of these and it will collapse.







我善于培养自己的浩然之气。……这种气, 极其广大、极其磅礴强盛,如果用直道去培养它而不去损害,它就会充塞在天地之间。这种气,必须与正义和大道相配合。如果没有这两种品德,它就会空虚贫乏、丧失力量。


I am good at nourishing my flood-like vital energy……This is a vital energy which is, in the highest degree, vast and unyielding. Nourish it with integrity and place no obstacle in its path and it will fill up all between heaven and earth. It is a vital energy which unites rightness and the Way. Deprive it of these and it will collapse.

