首页 理论教育 温州剃须刀


时间:2022-02-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:温州被誉为全国最大的往复式剃须刀生产基地。这个城市因103家剃须刀生产企业而享誉盛名,其中68家企业生产成套的剃须刀产品,另外的35家则生产附件。2000年,生产总值达到6亿,其中70%远销海外50多个国家,包括美国、西欧、非洲、中东以及澳大利亚等国。Wenzhou is the biggest national production base of reciprocating razors.The city boasts 103production enterprises of razors,of which 68enterprises produce the whole units and 35enterprises make accessories.In 2000the output value reached 0.6billion yuan and 70%of the products were sold to over 50countries and regions including America,Western Europe,Africa,the Middle East and Australia.


Wenzhou is the biggest national production base of reciprocating razors.The city boasts 103production enterprises of razors,of which 68enterprises produce the whole units and 35enterprises make accessories.In 2000the output value reached 0.6billion yuan and 70%of the products were sold to over 50countries and regions including America,Western Europe,Africa,the Middle East and Australia.

