首页 理论教育 梁山伯庙香会


时间:2022-02-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:宁波人把祈拜梁山伯庙作为夫妻恩爱、白头偕老的美好愿望。每年三月初一、八月十六日均有祀神戏和赛会,鼓亭、纱船、抬阁、高跷,灯彩纷呈。坐夜香会于八月初七夜举行,拂晓自散。people in Ningbo regard praying Liang Shanbo Temple as a glorious wish with which couples will love each other more,and they live together until they die.As it says that if you want your spouse love you forever,you must go to Liang Shanbo Temple.On lunar March 1st and August 16th,there are activities like worshiping opera,contest meeting,drum booths,yarn boat,carrying sedan,and stilt.The activity of setting through the night in the temple is held on lunar August 7th,when the dawn breaks people would leave.


people in Ningbo regard praying Liang Shanbo Temple as a glorious wish with which couples will love each other more,and they live together until they die.As it says that if you want your spouse love you forever,you must go to Liang Shanbo Temple.On lunar March 1st and August 16th,there are activities like worshiping opera,contest meeting,drum booths,yarn boat,carrying sedan,and stilt.The activity of setting through the night in the temple is held on lunar August 7th,when the dawn breaks people would leave.

