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时间:2022-02-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:在溪口制作千层饼已有100多年历史,它外形四方,内分27层,层次分明,金黄透绿,香酥松脆,甜中带咸,咸里带鲜,风味独特,食后令人唇齿留香。As a local specialty food,Xikou Laminated Cake has a history of over 100years.It is square and golden with a green tint,contains 27discrete layers,and tastes between sweet and salty.The taste would linger on your palate so that you would always love to have more of it.

(1)锅烧河鳗 (1)Braised Eel

(2)黄鱼海参 (2)Yellow Croaker and Sea Cucumber

(3)腐皮包黄鱼 (3)Yellow Croaker in Beancurd Sheet

(4)宁(甬)式鳝鱼 (4)Ningbo-style Eel

(5)火踵全鸡 (5)Fried Chicken

(6)雪菜大黄鱼 (6)Yellow Croaker in Seaweed

(7)苔菜小方块 (7)Seaweed Cubes

(8)苔菜拖黄鱼 (8)Braised Yellow Croaker with pickled Vegetables

(9)网油包鹅肝 (9)Goose Liver in Lard

(10)冰糖甲鱼 (10)Soft-shelled Turtle with Ice and Sugar.

3.6.2溪口千层饼Xikou Laminated Cake


As a local specialty food,Xikou Laminated Cake has a history of over 100years.It is square and golden with a green tint,contains 27discrete layers,and tastes between sweet and salty.The taste would linger on your palate so that you would always love to have more of it.

