首页 理论教育 河姆渡遗址


时间:2022-02-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:河姆渡文化是分布于中国浙江杭州湾南岸平原地区至舟山群岛的新石器时代文化,该文化最早在1973年被发现。The hemudu culture was a Neolithic culture that flourished just south of the hangzhou Bay in modern Yuyao,Zhejiang,China,and Zhoushan Islands.The site at hemudu was discovered in 1973.河姆渡文化是最早种植水稻的地方。发掘的古代器物中绝大多数包括动物的骨头,有大量用来收割麦子的动物肩胛骨。The hemudu culture is one of the earliest cultures to cultivate rice.Most of the artifacts discovered at hemudu consist of animal bones,exemplified by hoes made of shoulder bones used for cultivating rice.在动物方面,河姆渡人喜欢猪、水牛等家养牲畜。


The hemudu culture (5000-4500B.C.)was a Neolithic culture that flourished just south of the hangzhou Bay in modern Yuyao,Zhejiang,China,and Zhoushan Islands.The site at hemudu was discovered in 1973.


The hemudu culture is one of the earliest cultures to cultivate rice.Most of the artifacts discovered at hemudu consist of animal bones,exemplified by hoes made of shoulder bones used for cultivating rice.


The hemudu people like domesticated pigs,water buffalo and so on.The people at hemudu also fished and hunted,as evidenced by the remains of bone harpoons and bows and arrowheads.Music instruments,such as bone whistles and wooden drums,were also found at hemudu.

