首页 理论教育 平均气温和平均降水量怎么算


时间:2022-02-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:宁波属亚热带季风气候,温和湿润,四季分明。全市的多年平均气温16.4℃,平均气温以七月份最高,为28.0℃,一月份最低,为4.7℃。全市无霜期一般为230天至240天。多年平均降水量为1480毫米左右,五至九月占全年降水量的60%。多年平均日照时数1850小时。Ningbo offers a subtropical monsoon climate,featuring mild temperatures,moderate humidity and distinct seasons.The annual average temperature is 16.4℃,with hottest month,July and coldest one,January .The no-frost season lasts 230-240days a year.The annual average precipitation is around 1,480?mm,of which the precipitation in the months from May to September accounts for 60%,and the annual sunshine time 1,850hours.


Ningbo offers a subtropical monsoon climate,featuring mild temperatures,moderate humidity and distinct seasons.The annual average temperature is 16.4℃,with hottest month,July (28℃on average)and coldest one,January (4.7℃in average).The no-frost season lasts 230-240days a year.The annual average precipitation is around 1,480?mm,of which the precipitation in the months from May to September accounts for 60%,and the annual sunshine time 1,850hours.

