首页 理论教育 杭州南宋官窑博物馆


时间:2022-02-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:杭州南宋官窑博物馆坐落于杭州复兴路乌龟山西麓,地处西湖风景区南缘,占地1.5万余平方米,是中国第一座在古窑址基础上建立的陶瓷专题博物馆。The museum is built after Song Dynasty architecture style,separated into three parts as site protection hall,unearthed relics exhibition hall and traditional workshop producing area.杭州南宋官窑博物馆“陈列雅致、内涵丰富、环境清幽”,极大地丰富了杭州的历史文化内涵。


Situated at the west foot of the Tortoise hill on Fuxing Road,south of the West Lake scenic spot,Southern Song Dynasty Guan Kiln Museum occupies more than 15,000m2.Based on the ancient kiln site,it is the first professional museum about magnetic porcelains in China.


Southern Song Dynasty Guan Kiln is exclusively set up for use of the emperor in Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).having the reputation of “primacy in the five biggest kilns of Song Dynasty”,it develops a school of its own in Chinese pottery and porcelain history.


porcelains produced in this kiln are famous for their elegant figuration,brilliant and smooth glaze coloring and thin embryo with thick glaze.


The museum is built after Song Dynasty architecture style,separated into three parts as site protection hall,unearthed relics exhibition hall and traditional workshop producing area.


The concinnous museum exhibition,enriched connotation of relics and the comfortable surroundings of this site show the century-old history and culture of ancient capital hangzhou.

