首页 理论教育 兵马俑坑出土的青铜剑


时间:2022-02-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:兵器中最引人注目的是一把青铜剑。历经2 000多年,剑表面没有生锈,至今仍锋利无比,光亮如新。经鉴定,这把剑系铜锡合金,并含有10多种其他稀有金属。镀铬技术是在20世纪30年代由德国人发明的,而我国在2 000多年前就开始在兵器上镀铬,实在令人叹服。


兵器中最引人注目的是一把青铜剑。历经2 000多年,剑表面没有生锈,至今仍锋利无比,光亮如新。经鉴定,这把剑系铜锡合金,并含有10多种其他稀有金属。剑表面有一层10~15微米的含铬化合物氧化层,表明这把剑曾采用铬盐氧化技术处理。镀铬技术是在20世纪30年代由德国人发明的,而我国在2 000多年前就开始在兵器上镀铬,实在令人叹服。

Thousands of real weapons were unearthed from the pits,including broad knives,swords,spears,dagger-axes,halberds,arrows,crossbows,and arrowheads.The weapon can be classified into four categories:long-shafted weapons,short weapons,long-range weapons and weapons for guards of honor.They were delicately made and enjoyed a high level casting technology.

The most attractive among the weapons is a bronze sword,which still glitters in metallic luster without being rusted,though buried underground for over 2 000 years.Technical examination reveals that the sword is composed of an alloy of copper and tin and more than ten other rare metals.It is plated with a thin layer(10-15 microns)of oxidated chromium,which proves that the weapon was oxidated with chromium when it was made.The technology of chromium coating was invented by the German in 1930s,but in China chromium-coating technique was employed in the making of weapons over 2 000 years ago.It is really a wonder and compels admiration.

