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时间:2022-12-16 理论教育 版权反馈

今日关键语导读 Today’s Key Points


障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions

subsided [səbˈsaɪd ] v.(土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)(subside的过去式和过去分词);减弱;下降至较低或正常水平;一下子坐在椅子等上

gnawing [ˈnɔːiŋ] adj. 痛苦的,苦恼的 v. 咬(gnaw的现在分词);(长时间) 折磨某人;(使)苦恼;(长时间)危害某事物

emptiness [ˈemptinis] n. 空虚;空腹;无知;无能

grimly [ɡrɪmlɪ] adv. 可怕地;严肃地;坚强地;讨厌地

chastised [tʃæˈstaɪz] v. 严惩(某人)(尤指责打)(chastise的过去式)

community [kəˈmjuːniti] n. 社区;社会团体;共同体 [生态] 群落

yearned [jɜːnd] v. 渴望,切盼,向往(yearn的过去式和过去分词)

encountering [inˈkauntərɪŋ] v. 遇到(encounter的现在分词);遭遇;偶然碰到;与(人、部队)冲突

sprained [spreɪnd] v.扭伤(关节)(sprain的过去式和过去分词)

throbbed [θrɔbd] v. 抽痛(throb的过去式和过去分词);(心


好英文娓娓动听 Beautiful stories

But when the memory glimpses subsided, he was left with the gnawing, painful emptiness. Jonas remembered, suddenly and grimly, the time in his childhood when he had been chastised for misusing a word. The word had been “starving.” You have never been starving, he had been told. You will never be starving.

Now he was hungry. If he had stayed in the community, he would not be. It was as simple as that. Once he had yearned for choice. Then, when he had had a choice, he had made the wrong one: the choice to leave. And now he was starving.

But if he had stayed... His thoughts continued. If he had stayed, he would have starved in other ways. He would have lived a life hungry for feelings, for color, for love.

And Gabriel? For Gabriel there would have been no life at all.So there had not really been a choice.

It became a struggle to ride the bicycle as Jonas weakened from lack of food, and realized at the same time that he was encountering something he had for a long time yearned to see:hills. His sprained ankle throbbed as he forced the pedal downward in an effort that was almost beyond him.

And the weather was changing. It rained for two days. Jonas had never seen rain, though he had experienced it often in the memories. He had liked those rains, enjoyed the new feeling of it,but this was different. He and Gabriel became cold and wet, and it was hard to get dry, even when sunshine occasionally followed.

Gabriel had not cried during the long frightening journey. Now he did. He cried because he was hungry and cold and terribly weak.Jonas cried, too, for the same reasons, and another reason as well.He wept because he was afraid now that he could not save Gabriel.He no longer cared about himself.


Now he was hungry. If he had stayed in the community,he would not be. It was as simple as that. Once he had yearned for choice. Then, when he had had a choice, he had made the wrong one: the choice to leave. And now he was starving.


if条件状语从句表示的是对过去情况的虚拟;as...as和……一样;once 一旦;when引导时间状语从句。

It became a struggle to ride the bicycle as Jonas weakened from lack of food, and realized at the same time that he was encountering something he had for a long time yearned to see: hills.


it 引导的形式主语中,其后的不定式才是真正的主语。lack of,缺乏;at the same time,同时;that引导的是宾语从句。

Gabriel had not cried during the long frightening journey.Now he did.


He did = He cried

Jonas cried, too, for the same reasons, and another reason as well. He wept because he was afraid now that he could not save Gabriel.


as well 也、又、还 ;that引导宾语从句。

