首页 理论教育 自动的调节计划


时间:2022-11-18 理论教育 版权反馈


所谓自动的调节计划(Automatic Compensation scheme)是国家先设立公共工程基金,按照工商业盛衰情形与物价涨落状况,随时动用基金,兴办公共工程之意。此种计划,原来不是纯粹的货币政策,然与货币政策有关,就是物价上涨之时,政策采取紧缩政策,使物价上涨不至于过激;物价下落之时,政策采取松放政策,使物价下落不至于急卒。同时,此种计划,在国家可以积极建设,资金不至虚掷,且将来生产可以增加,即令国家举债,筹措此项基金,将来也不患毫无着落。

“The scheme proposed is as follow:the total cost of probable state expenditure on public works over a period of,say,five years,would be estimated.Each year the appropriation fromrevenue for public works would be the same,i.e.,one-fifth of the estimated expenditure for the period.Each year the amount appropriated would be paid into the Public Works Fund and would be left there until required....The amount expended would at all times depend upon the state of trade and the movement of prices.When trade and prices were in the decline new works would be opened up and those in hand would be accelerated.When trade and prices were recovering,expenditure would be reduced.”[9]

“...there remains the practical problemof deciding by what precise creteria the Public Works Committee is to judge when to increase or when to decrease of the amount of work done.The employment index has some-times been suggested for this purpose.”[10]

“The significant thing about capital works is that while expenditure upon their construction can be spread over a short period,their cost can be met over a period of years.They are useful forms ofmonetary expansion because they have positive merits in addition to the purely negative merit of being expenditure;they add to a nation's assets and perhaps to some extent its taxable capacity,while an ordinary income deficit does not.”[11]

