首页 理论教育 嘉塞尔购买力平价方程式


时间:2022-11-18 理论教育 版权反馈



“According to the theory of international exchanges,which I have tried to develop during the course of war,the rate of exchange between two countries is primarily determined by the quotient between the internal purchasing power against goods of the money of each country...At every moment the real parity between two countries is represented by this quotient between the purchasing power of the money in the one country and the other.I propose to call this parity‘the purchasing power parity’.”[19]


“But as soon as an inflation takes place in the money of A,and the purchasing power of this money is,therefore,diminished,the value of Amoney in Bmust necessarily be reduced in the same proportion.And if the B-money is inflated and its purchasing power is lowered,the valuation of A-money in B will clearly increase in the same proportion.If,e.g.the inflation in Ahas been in the proportion of 320 to 100 and the inflation in B has been in the proportion of 240 to 100,the new rate of exchange will be three-fourth of the old rate(approximately the case of England and the United States).Hence the following rule:when two currencies have been inflated,the new normal rate of exchange will be equal to the old rate multiplied by the quotient between the degrees of inflation of both countries”.[20]

依此规则,我们得到img41,即所谓新的正常英美汇率,亦即所谓英美购买力平价。又如某一时期,英国货币膨胀为200%,法国为600%,则新的正常英法汇率应为img42=75fcs.[21]如果实际汇率(Actual rate)发生差异(Deviation),则其原因应加以研究。



