首页 理论教育 能谈一谈中国高考的情况吗


时间:2022-10-24 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:20 能谈一谈中国高考的情况吗? Can you say something about the college entrance examinations in China?China's annual two-day college entrance examinations are held in June each year for enrollment in September.The enrollment of university students is based on moral,intellectual and physical qualities demonstrated by the national entrance examination results.In many schools students study from early morning to late at night,and classroom instruction is finished some six months prior to the college entrance examination in order to give their students time to prepare for the examination.The best first tier universities have first pick in recruiting students.Second and third tier universities recruit students afterwards.Notes: 1)enrollment 入学 2)intellectual 智力的 3)tier 等级 4)recruit 征募,吸收

20 能谈一谈中国高考的情况吗? Can you say something about the college entrance examinations in China?

China's annual two-day college entrance examinations are held in June each year for enrollment in September.The enrollment of university students is based on moral,intellectual and physical qualities demonstrated by the national entrance examination results.In many schools students study from early morning to late at night,and classroom instruction is finished some six months prior to the college entrance examination in order to give their students time to prepare for the examination.The best first tier universities have first pick in recruiting students.Second and third tier universities recruit students afterwards.

Notes: 1)enrollment 入学 2)intellectual 智力的 3)tier 等级 4)recruit 征募,吸收

