首页 理论教育 微软公司将推出新款手机


时间:2022-10-24 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:微软推出这些新手机之举进一步显示,这家公司正在更深涉足手机业务的硬件领域,以期开发出能为消费者提供更顺畅使用体验的产品。不过,微软并未采取谷歌公司今年早些时候推出其智能手机Nexus One时所用的方式。不过微软却拒绝透露此次活动的性质。微软目前正把宝押在其市场地位今年秋季将有更大提升上,届时第一批使用该公司新手机操作系统的,被称为Windows Phone 7的手机将会面市。

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据知情人士说,微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)计划在4月12日推出一个新的手机系列,这些手机具有社交功能,针对年轻消费者,此举旨在使微软陷入困境的手机经营策略重现生机。

一位知情人士说,这些手机将基于微软代号为“Pink”的开发项目,本月晚些时候将通过微软的合作伙伴 Verizon Wireless 在美国市场推出。电信运营商 Verizon Wireless由美国威瑞森通迅公司(Verizon Communications Inc.)和沃达丰空中通讯公司(Vodafone Group PLC.)共同拥有。微软推出这些新手机之举进一步显示,这家公司正在更深涉足手机业务的硬件领域,以期开发出能为消费者提供更顺畅使用体验的产品。

据知情人士说,微软为基于Pink开发项目的新手机设计出了软件、网上服务和硬件,而日本的夏普公司(Sharp Corp.)则负责制造这些手机。微软此举是在模仿Sidekick手机的开发模式,这款手机由初创公司Danger Inc.设计,通过无线通讯服务提供商T-Mobile售卖。Danger Inc.于2008年被微软收购,此后从事Pink项目的手机设计工作。不过,微软并未采取谷歌公司(Google Inc.)今年早些时候推出其智能手机Nexus One时所用的方式。这款手机由谷歌自行设计,由宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTC Corp.)制造,并通过谷歌自己的网站直接向消费者出售。而微软则决定通过与无线通讯运营商更密切的合作来把Pink手机推向消费者。

微软本周一向媒体人士发出邀请,请他们出席该公司4月12日在旧金山举办的一个活动。这次活动的宣传口号是:“现在正是分享的时候”。不过微软却拒绝透露此次活动的性质。微软和Verizon Wireless的发言人均拒绝发表评论。

微软目前需要提振其移动业务,近年来,由于微软的智能手机操作系统被苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone手机和使用谷歌公司Android操作系统的手机抢了风头,微软的这一业务受到了打击。研究公司Comscore Inc.周一在报告中说,使用微软操作系统软件的智能手机在美国市场的占有率已从去年 11 月的19.1%下降至今年二月的 15.1%。与此同时,使用谷歌Android操作系统的智能手机在美国市场的占有率却从去年11月的3.8%上升至今年2月的9%。Comscore说,这段时间内苹果公司iPhone手机的市场占有率从25.5%略降至25.4%。

微软目前正把宝押在其市场地位今年秋季将有更大提升上,届时第一批使用该公司新手机操作系统的,被称为Windows Phone 7的手机将会面市。微软在Windows Phone 7软件上开展合作的手机生产商,比它在Pink项目上合作的手机生产企业多得多,不过微软在与这些企业合作设计手机硬件方面,比以往要更加投入。据知情人士说,新Pink手机的操作系统软件与Windows Phone 7软件的元素有类似之处,但分别使用这两种操作系统的手机预计无法使用同样的应用软件。



1. The No. 6 Exhibition Hall, covering 3 000 square meters, was divided into two parts with a narrow aisle: On one side were domestic automakers, and on the other, international giants.

2. It is a rare opportunity for us, for we are always aiming at being the “Toyota” in China. This time, we’ve got an opportunity to be close to our goal.

3. Chrysler CEO Tom LaSorda declared that his company was negotiating with Chery to establish a joint venture, and details would be fixed by the end of this year.

4. From its first export deal to Syria in October 2001 to an export volume of 18 000 cars in 2005, Chery has ranked first for three consecutive years among Chinese car exporters

5. Owing to the large expenditures on technology development, smaller and smaller profit margins have become a difficulty for Chery.

6. Sales volume of Chery will reach 400 000 units next year, ranking third among all players in China.

II. 1. g 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. d 6. j 7. h 8. e 9. f 10. i




1. Several companies are competing with each other for striving to gain the contract.

2. The two rival politicians were brought face to face in a TV interview.

3. Our trading connection has broken off owing toa disagreement over prices.

4. Don’t shrink from the thought of obstacle.

5. Think of it in terms ofan investment.

V. Omitted


I. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

II. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C



1. Microsoft Corp. plans to introduce a new line of mobile phones on April 12th with social-networking capabilities aimed at young consumers, part of the technology giant’s effort to turn around its struggling mobile-phone strategy.

2. Microsoft designed the software, online services and hardware for the Pink devices.

3. It sold Nexus One directly to consumers through Google’s own Web site.

4. Because its operating system for smart phones was surpassed by technologies such as Apple Inc.’s iPhone and devices that run Google’s Android operating system.

5. Windows Phone 7 is a new mobile-phone operating system. Microsoft is betting bigger improvement in its position that will come in the fall, when the first devices based on Windows Phone 7 will become available.

II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

