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时间:2022-04-15 理论教育 版权反馈





Laura Ertz是一位退休教师,她非常喜欢来自世界各地的朋友们。她的女儿曾经在中国石家庄的一个高校当过一年的英语老师,她的女婿是韩国裔,所以她家有传统的东方情结。






Happy Holidays

By:Laura Ertz

When you come to the United States be prepared to enjoy our many holidays.They may be national days of remembrance,or others such as Easter,Thanksgiving and Christmas that began as religious celebrations and now share the limelight with Santa and the Easter Bunny.Let me introduce you to some of our major holidays.

Let’s begin with Easter which is held in the spring of the year.Easter began as a church celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Special services are held during Lent,the forty days prior to Easter.Good Friday services are solemn as we remember the death of Jesus Christ.Easer Sunday is a day of great celebrating as the resurrection of Christ is celebrated in Churches not only in America,but throughout the world.Many begin their day at an outdoor Sunrise service in the early morning hours,followed by a later church service and festive meal.

Easter is a fun time for children.They look forward to the Easter Bunny bringing them colored eggs and candy in pretty decorated baskets on Easter morning.Easter egg hunts are held in parks,at many homes,and even on the White House lawn in Washington.The children race to find the hidden eggs and candy.

The Fourth of July is a national holiday in honor of our county’s independence from England in 1776.Those who serve in our military are honored,parades are held,and wreaths are placed on graves and memorials throughout the country for those that lost their lives for our country.Federal and city offices are closed,and many have that day off to spend with friends and family at barbeques and parties.As night falls,many cities and towns light up the sky with firework displays.Be sure to be a part of this important day and evening!

In September we have Labor Day,a national holiday that honors the country’s workers.Like the Fourth of July,many Federal and state offices are closed and most people have the day off to spend relaxing.

November is the start of a busy holiday season with Thanksgiving.This holiday began with the pilgrims,our first settlers,as a religious celebration thanking God for a bountiful harvest and all His blessings.Now this day is celebrated in homes across America regardless of religious belief.Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a wonderful meal that often includes roast turkey,pumpkin pie and all the trimmings.At our home,before the blessing is asked,we stand in a circle and each person tells something that they are thankful for.If you are invited to share a Thanksgiving dinner,be sure and accept.

Certainly the biggest holiday of the year is Christmas.Yet again,this is a Christian celebration honoring the birth of Christ.As the Christ Child received gifts from the Magi,three wise men from the East,we give and receive presents.Our homes,offices,stores,and buildings are decorated for the season with Christmas trees,poinsettia plants,and many candles.Neighborhoods and cities are lit in brightly colored lights and displays.

We decorate our house with an artificial Christmas tree with the latest LED lights,little snowmen ornaments,and a wreath on our door with lovely red ribbons.Other people go out into the woods and cut a live tree to decorate for their home.On our mantle we place our beautiful,hand painted nativity set that depicts the birth of the Christ Child.It is a joy each year as I carefully unwrap the statues of baby Jesus,his mother,Mary,Joseph,the Magi,a shepherd,and an ox and donkey.It brings to mind the stable where He was born,the shepherds who were the first to know of his birth,and the Magi who came from the East(possibly China)to find the Christ Child.

Santa Claus shares the limelight of this holiday.The jolly old man in the red suit brings gifts to the good boys and girls in his sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer—or nine if you count Rudolph with the red nose.Songs are sung about Santa having a list and checking it twice,to see who is naughty or nice.American children usually try to be especially good at Christmas time,in the hope he will bring everything on their list of wanted toys.

Many cities and towns kick off the holidays right after Thanksgivingwith a Holiday Parade.Santa may be riding on a tractor,a fancy float with a sleigh and eight reindeer,or possibly on a fire truck.You will see Santas at the mall ,and ringing bells on street corners for charity.It is a wonderful time of goodwill when we think of how we can help others,and we take time to smile at strangers on the street.There are Christmas parties to attend and special cultural events for the season.When you are here,please join in the festivities!

While you are in our country,I hope you will visit an American home or make American friends.We have many international students and visiting scholars that visit our home.We have made many lasting friendships,and are excited over making more new friends.The more people we meet from other countries continues to show us as people,we have more similarities than differences even though our countries are different.

I hope you have enjoyed our little walk through a few of our American holidays.I hope you enjoy them all during your stay.





首先来说说春季的复活节。复活节最初是教会庆典活动,庆祝耶稣基督的死亡和复活。在复活节前的四十天是大斋节,期间会有特别的仪式。Good Friday的仪式非常庄严,用来纪念耶稣遇难。Easer Sunday是庆祝耶稣复活的重大庆典日,不仅美国教堂,而且在世界各国的教堂庆祝。很多人大清早在户外进行日出仪式,开始他们一天的生活,接着在教堂做礼拜、吃圣餐。











