首页 理论教育 乌鸦加冕像小丑


时间:2022-04-07 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:下列由笔者精心设计的英语句子至少包含了一个白天鹅式单词(易读词)和一个黑天鹅式单词(难读词),旨在帮助读者在比较生动的情境中通过两个以上的形近音异的词素或单词的对照重点掌握难读词的正确发音。Allow the crow to put on a crown and it will become a clown这一句子与本节的领衔之句异曲同工。我们何不就从乌鸦客串小丑的轻松滑稽的场面开始来逐句辨析该辨之音?


Allow the crow to put on a crown and it will become a clown(乌鸦加冕像小丑)这一句子与本节的领衔之句异曲同工。我们何不就从乌鸦客串小丑的轻松滑稽的场面开始来逐句辨析该辨之音?

★The crow wearing a small crown is like a clown.那只头戴小皇冠的乌鸦如同一个小丑。


★Frances bought two durians,twopence each.弗朗西斯买了两只榴莲,每只卖价是两便士。


★Roger from Class Three sold his used dictionary for threepence.三班罗杰的二手词典卖了三便士。


★She has put your table d'hôte on the table,but it doesn't include that kind of vegetable you want.她已经把你的套餐搁在桌上了,但它并不包括你所要的那种蔬菜。

【划线词正确读音】table d'hôte['tɑːbl'dəut]/table['teibl]/vegetable ['vedʒtəbl]

★The first prize for the Young Singers Grand Prix is grand pianos.青年歌手大奖赛的一等奖奖品是大钢琴。

【划线词正确读音】Grand Prix['grɔŋ'priː]/grand[grænd]

★Achargé d'affaires ad interim is in charge of relevant affairs when the ambassador is absent from the embassy大使不在大使馆时,临时代办出面负责相关事务

【划线词正确读音】chargé d'affaires[,ʃɑːʒeidə'fεə]/charge[tʃɑːdʒ]

★Mr.Jackson stops at a five-star hotel within a stone's throw of the hôtel de ville.杰克逊先生住在距市政厅仅一箭之遥的一家五星级宾馆里。


★At the advent of bedtime that evening Sophia began to read her son a novel called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.那天晚上就寝时间来临时,索菲娅开始给她儿子读马克·吐温的长篇小说《汤姆·索亚历险记》。


★Stephen took off his plaid shirt and laid it on the lawn before doing chin-up on the horizontal bar.斯蒂芬脱下方格布衬衣,将其放在草坪上,然后在单杠上做引体向上。


★ Despite the grand design of the country he will lead after his inauguration,the president designate has neither the right to sign the presidential decree nor the right to designate anybody to office for the time being.尽管那名当选总统已对就职典礼后他即将领导的国家有了宏伟构想,但他目前既无权签署总统令,也无权任命任何人担任公职。


★Europa is one of Jupiter's natural satellites,which was discovered by physicist Galileo Galilei from Italy,Europe,in 1610.木卫二木星的天然卫星之一,由欧洲意大利物理学家伽利略·伽利莱于1610年发现。


★On the voyage from Singapore to Korea the voyeur was caught red-handed.在从新加坡韩国的航行中,该窥淫癖者被逮了个正着。


★The vagabond went hungry and looked pasty and somebody offered him the alms of a pasty and two omelets.这个流浪汉饥饿难耐,面色苍白,有人就向他施舍了一只馅饼和两个煎蛋卷。


★Lyon works with a logistics company,but he has great interest in logic.莱昂供职于一家物流公司,可是他对逻辑学兴趣盎然。


★Suffering from notalgia,Norton looks back with nostalgia to the heyday of youth.患有背痛的诺顿留恋不舍地回顾其年轻力壮的岁月。


★His article about a series of concertos he listened to at yesterday's concert simply belongs to a pompous concetto.他那篇关于他在昨晚的音乐会上所聆听到的一系列协奏曲的文章简直属于一种矫揉造作的文体。

【划线词正确读音】concerto[kən'tʃəːtəu]/concert['kɔnsət]/concetto [kən'tʃetəu]

★Is Maggie the heroine of The Gift of the Magi,a short story by O. Henry?玛吉是欧·亨利短篇小说《麦琪的礼物》里的女主角吗?

【划线词正确读音】Maggie['mægi]/Magi['meidʒai](单数为Magus ['meigəs])

★This ticket entitles each diner to a free buffet dinner.每位就餐者凭此券可免费享用一次自助晚餐。


★Comprising of a fountain,a zigzag foot bridge,a swing set,a barbecue grill,a rosary and a pair of pavilion,his garden is a compromise between Chinese and Western styles.他的花园由一处喷泉、一座九曲桥、一套秋千、一只烧烤架、一个玫瑰花坛和一对亭子构成,兼具中西风格。


★On their way from school to home,boys and girls from the same patrol observed a petrel nesting in the crack on the rocky coast beyond a petrol station.在放学回家的路上,来自同一支童子军小队的男孩儿和女孩儿看到海燕正在一片远离某加油站的岩石海岸的裂缝中筑巢。


★Greatly interested in the genesis as well as the immensity of the universe,Orlando is applying for admission to Department of Physics,the University of Texas at Austin as a graduate student.奥兰多对宇宙起源和浩瀚无垠抱有浓厚的兴趣,现时正在申请到得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校物理系攻读研究生。


★No sooner had his toupee dropped off than he put on a topee on the waterfront.他的假发在滨水地带甫一掉落,他就戴上了一顶遮阳帽。


