首页 理论教育 词汇的理解和运用


时间:2022-04-07 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Ⅶ.词汇的理解和运用词汇是测试的重点之一,占总题量的三分之二左右。要求考生熟练地掌握词性、词义和搭配用法。根据每年考试的统计,大约3%左右的词汇是超纲词汇,这些超纲词汇是命题人要测试考生根据上下文来判断词义的能力,或根据词缀来判断词义的能力。在复习过程中,除了要熟练掌握“大纲”中所规定的词汇外,还要掌握词汇搭配的词组或短语。共同,连同)by common consentin consequence of(由于,因……





attend to(专心,致力,花时间)

attendance at(出席,参加)

attraction to(对……的吸引)

authority on(……的权威)

candidate for(……的能力)

care for(对……关心)

collision with(与……冲突、碰撞)

comment on(对……的评论)

attempt at(试图……)

attitude to/toward(对……的态度)

attribute to(认为……归属于,把……归因于)

bargain with(与……讨价、还价)

capacity for(……的能力)

caution against(对……的防备)

compensation for(给……补偿)

comparison with(与……比较)

key to(……答案)

leisure for(有空做某事)

likeness to(between)(相似,相像)

longing for(渴望,希望)

major in(专修……)

monopoly of/on(绝对控制,占有)

obedience to(对……的服从)

observation on(对……观察,评论)

opposition to(对……反对,反抗)

passport to(获得……保障)

pity for(对……表示同情)

precaution against(预防……的措施)

preparation for(为……作准备)

proficiency in(对……的精通)

reason for(为……理由)

reflection on(对……反思和回忆)

remarks of(对……评说)

replacement for(取代……)

reprimand for(对……谴责)

resistance to(对……抵抗)

responsibility for(对……负有责任)

search for(对……搜查)

success in(at)(在……方面成功)

sympathy for/with(对……同情)

trust in(对……责任)

want of(对……的缺乏)

wonder at(对……的惊讶)

lecture on(关于……的演讲,讲课)

liability to(易于……,趋向于……)

limit to(对……限制)

loyalty to(对……忠诚)

monument to(……的纪念碑)

mortgage on(用……抵押)

objection to(反对……)

operation on(做……手术)

passion for(对……的爱好)

perception of(对……理解,认识)

preface to(……前言)

preference for(对……偏爱)

pride in(为……自豪,骄傲)

prohibition of(对……禁止)

reference to(对……提及)

reliance on(对……依靠)

remnants of(遗存,遗迹,遗孤)

requirement for(对……要求)

research into/on(对……研究)

respect for(对……尊重)

reward for(对……回报)

sorrow for(对……遗憾)

suspicion of(对……怀疑)

traitor to(……的叛徒)

vicinity to(……的近邻)

witness to/of(……的见证人)

zeal for(对……热心)


in accord with(与……一致,与……符合)

in the act of(在做……的过程中)

to advantage(有利地,有优点突出地)

in the aggregate(总共作为整体)

on the air(广播)

in answer to(作为对……回答)

for anything(无论如何)

on approval(供试用的,包退包换的)

in brief(简言之)

behind bars(在狱中)

in accordance with(依照,根据)

in addition(另外,加之)

in advance(在前面,优先,事先)

in the air(流传中,在传播中)

by analogy(用类推的方法)

in all(总共,共计)

to all appearance(就外表看来)

behind one's back(背着某人,暗中)

in the balance(在危急状态中)

beyond belief(难以置信)

beside oneself(极度兴奋)

for the better(好转,向好的方向发展)


above board(正大光明地)

by the book(按规则,依照惯例)

in business(经商,经营)

on the button(准确地,准时地)

in any case(无论如何,总之)

by chance(偶然,碰巧)

in character(与自身特点相符)

in chorus(一齐,一致,一起)

in common(共用的,共有的)

in comparison with(与……比较起来)

in confidence(私下地,秘密地)

in confidence(与……共同,连同)

by common consent(经一致同意)

in consequence of(由于,因……缘故)

in charge(负责,主管)

on the contrary(正相反)

by/in contrast(对比之下)

in control of(掌握着,控制着)

to the core(透顶地,十足地)

at all costs(不惜任何代价,无论如何)

in the course of(在……期间,在……过程中)

by courtesy of(承蒙……的好意)

to one's credit(在……名下,……值得赞扬)

in danger(在危险中)

in one's debt(欠某人债)

to a/the day(恰好,一天不差)

in default of(因缺少,在缺乏……时)

to some degree(有点,稍微)

on demand(一经要求)

in detail(详细地)

in disgrace(很不讨人喜欢)

at sb's disposal(凭某人处理)

in the distance(在远处)

in doubt(不能肯定地)

at best(充其量,至多)

in cold blood(残忍地)

across the board(包括一切地,全面地)

on board(在船/飞机上)

in bulk(大量地,大批地)

on business(因公,因事)

in case(万一,假如)

in no case(绝对)

by any chance(万一,也许)

under no circumstances(绝不)

in/under the circumstances(在这种情况下,既然如此)

by/in comparison(相比之下)

in concert(一齐,一致)

in connection with(关于,与……有关)

in conscience(公平地,凭良心)

in consequence(因此,结果)

in consideration of(考虑到,由于)

in conclusion(总之)

to the contrary(正相反)

in contrast to/with(与……对比起来,与……形成对比)

under control(在控制之下)

around/round the corner(临近)

at the cost of(以……为代价)

in due course(到时候)

under cover(秘密地,暗地里)

on cue(恰好在这时候)

in debt(负债)

to date(迄今为止)

to death(极,非常)

by degrees(逐渐地)

in demand(非常需要地,受欢迎地)

in depth(深入地,彻底地)

on a diet(节食)

in disguise(伪装,假装)

in dispute(在争论中,处于争议中)

beyond a doubt(无疑地,确实地)

in difficulties(在困难中)

in due course(到时候,到适当时候)

in effect(有效地,实际上地)

in earnest(认真地,坚定地)

at ease(安逸,不拘束地)

in embryo(在萌芽中)

of the essence(极其重要地,必不可少地)

in any event(不管怎样,无论如何)

in excess of(超过)

in exchange(交换)

to a certain extent(在一定程度上)

in the face of(在……面前,尽管,不顾)

in fact(其实,实际上)

in good faith(真诚地,善意地)

in favor of(支持,赞同)

on fire(着火)

on guard(警惕,防范)

on occasion(有时,不时)

in the flesh(本人)

in front of(在……前面,在……面前)

for/in fun(取乐地,娱乐地)

in future(今后,从今以后)

on the sly(偷偷地)

on one's own(独立地)

on purpose(故意地,有意地)

on the go(很忙)

in the habit of(有……的习惯)

in harmony with(与……一致,与……和睦相处)

at heart(内心里,本质上)

on schedule(按预定时间地)

on the spot(当场,在现场)

on time(准时)

in honor of(为了向……表示敬意)

on the house(由店家出钱,免费)

on the increase(正在增加,不断增加)

on the whole(总的来说,大体上)

out of breath(上气不接下气)

out of danger(脱离危险)

out of doors(户外)

in duplicate(一式两份)

in the end(最后,终于)

on earth(究竟,到底)

at a low ebb(处于低潮地,衰退)

in essence(本质上,实质上,基本上)

at all events(不管怎样,无论如何)

in the event(结果,到头来)

to excess(过度,过分,过量)

at the expense of(由……付费,以……为代价)

in the extreme(非常,极其)

as a matter of fact(实际上)

without fail(决定,一定)

at fault(有责任,出毛病)

on duty(值班,上班)

on foot(步行)

on hand(在手边)

on file(存档)

in force(有效地,生效地)

in full(全部地,不省略地)

in the future(在将来)

on one's honor(以……名誉担保)

on second thoughts(经重新考虑)

on sale(出售)

on a large scale(大规模地)

with good grace(欣然地)

in half(一半)

in haste(慌忙,匆忙)

by heart(凭记性)

on the side(作为兼职,额外)

on the stage(在舞台上,当演员)

over the hill(走下坡路)

on the hour(在整点时刻)

on impulse(一时冲动)

on the way(在途中,在路上)

out of balance(失去平衡)

out of control(失控)

out of date(过期)

out of fashion(过时)

out of order(发生故障)

out of sight(看不见)

out of step(步调不一致,不协调)

out of work(失业)

out of place(不适当地)

out of practice(久而不练,荒疏)

out of touch(失去联系)


be anxious about(为……忧虑)

be concerned about(对……关心)

be excited about(对……感到激动)

be particular about(对……研究,挑剔)

be worried about(对……担心)

be angry at(对……愤怒)

be apt at(善于……)

be bad at(不善于……)

be quick at(对……很敏感)

be slow at(对……反应迟钝)

be acquisitive for(渴望)

be appropriate for(对……合适)

be convenient for(对……方便)

be famous for(以……闻名)

be good for(对……有益)

be liable for(对……负有责任)

be proper for(适合于……)

be responsible for(对……负责)

be vital for(对……极为重要)

be absent from(缺席)

be diverse from(不同于……)

be exempt from(免除……)

be isolated from(没有……危险)

be absorbed in(专心于……)

be concerned in(与……有牵连)

be disappointed in(对……失望)

be interested in(对……有兴趣)

be rich in(富有,富于)

be skillful in(精于……)

be ashamed of(因……而惭愧)

be capable of(能够……)

be characteristic of(表示……特征)

be confident of(确信……)

be certain about(对……有把握)

be enthusiastic about(热衷于)

be nervous about(因……不安)

be suspicious about(对……怀疑)

be amazed at(为……感到吃惊)

be annoyed at(为……烦恼)

be astonished at(对……惊愕)

be good/great at(善于……)

be ready at(易于……)

be accountable for(对……有义务说明)

be adequate for(适合于……)

be competent for(对……胜任)

be eager for(渴求……)

be fit for(合适于……)

be indispensable for(对……绝对必要)

be profitable for(对……有益)

be requisite for(对……必要的)

be thirsty for(渴望……)

be wild for(渴望……)

be distant from(远离……)

be divorced from(脱离……)

be free from(无……)

be separate from(与……分离)

be abundant in(富于……)

be deficient in(不足……)

be explicit in(对……直言不讳)

be lost in(沉湎于……)

be rigid in(在……严格)

be versed in(精通于……)

be aware of(知道……)

be careful of(留心,注意……)

be composed of(由……组成)

be certain of(对……有把握)

be considerate of(体贴……)

be decisive of(决定……)

be doubtful of/about(对……有怀疑)

be guilty of(有……罪的)

be independent of(独立于……之外的)

be innocent of(没有……的)

be representative of(可代表……的)

be worthy of(值得……)

be ignorant of(对……无知)

be keen on(喜欢,渴望)

be severe on(对……严厉)

be founded on(以……为根据)

be acceptable to(为……接受/通用)

be accustomed to(习惯于……)

be additional to(附加于……)

be applicable to(适用于……)

be alike to(与……相似)

be equal to(等于,胜利)

be grateful to(感谢……)

be helpful to(对……有益,有帮助)

be inaccessible to(达不到……)

be indispensable to(为……所需要的)

be paralleled to(和……平行)

be proportional to(与……成比例)

be relevant to(和……有关)

be apt to(易于……)

be blind to(忽略)

be devoted to(献身于……)

be confined to(限于……)

be prior to(在……之前)

be superior to(胜于……,优于……)

be concerned with(关心,挂念,从事于)

be familiar with/to(熟悉……)

be incompatible with(与……不相容的)

be burdened with(担负……)

be faced with(面对……)

be strict with(对……严格)

be conscious of(意识到……)

be afraid of(害怕,担心……)

be fond of(喜好,喜欢)

be incapable of(不能……的)

be indicative of(有……象征的)

be jealous of(妒忌……)

be proud of(以……自豪)

be envious of(嫉妒……)

be exclusive of(除……以外)

be intent on(专心于……)

be contingent on(视……而定)

be soft on(亲切对待……)

be accessible to(可接近,为……理解)

be adaptable to(适应于……)

be apparent to(明显,明了……)

be beneficial to(有益于……)

be allergic to(对……过敏)

be equivalent to(等于,相当于)

be harmful to(对……有害)

be hostile to(对……有敌意)

be inadequate to(不充足……)

be loyal to(忠于……)

be preferable to(比……更好的)

be relative to(和……有关)

be sensitive to(对……敏感)

be attractive to(对……有吸引力)

be approximate to(近似于……)

be loyal to(忠诚于……)

be obedient to(服从于……)

be similar to(类似于……)

be subject to(易受……)

be consistent with(与……一致)

be identical with(与……相同)

be angry with(对……人生气)

be confronted with(面临……)

be satisfied with(对……满意)

