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时间:2022-04-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:通过阅读原文可以看出“significant”用在这里是来表示所受伤害的大小,因此A、B两选项是不相干选项;C选项程度过重与原文意思不符;D选项与原文意思、程度均符,因此是正确答案。根据题干中心词“Feedback mechanisms”回到第一段段首。从第一句话可知,该词指的是一些隐含的因素(hidden fa

第四节 猜测词汇题真题练习


At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest levels can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant.This is the case when only.a few cells are hit.And if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.They can grow into cancer.Sometimes this does not show up for many years.(1998年第一篇)


The word“significant”in this paragraph most probably means____.

A.responsible  B.meaningful  C.fatal  D.harmful


There are hidden factors which scientists call“feedback mechanisms”.No one knows how they will interact with the changing climate.Here’s one example:plants and animals adapt to climate change over centuries.At the current estimate of half a degree centigrade of warming per decade,vegetation(植物)may not keep up.Climatologist James Hansen predicts climate zones will shift toward the poles by 50 to 75 kilometers a year—faster than trees can naturally migrate.Species that find themselves in an unfamiliar environment will die.The 1,000-kilometre wide strip of forest running through Canada,the US.SR and Scandinavia could be cut by half.Millions of dying trees would soon lead to massive forest fires,releasing tons of CO2 and further boosting global warming.(1998年)


“Feedback mechanisms”in the paragraph most probably refers to____.

A.how plants and animals adapt to hidden factors

B.how plants and animals interact with the changing climate

C.how climate changes

D.how climate zones shift


The pro-hanging lobby uses four main arguments to support its call for the reintroduction of capital punishment.First,there is the deterrence theory,which argues that the potential murderers would think twice before committing the act if they knew that they might die if they were caught.The armed bank robber might,go back to being unarmed.(1997年第一篇)


In this paragraph,“deterrence”means____.

A.proclamation  B.protest  C.protection  D.prevention





B.词义猜测题。可套用公式正确答案≈原文中对该词的解释。根据题干中心词“Feedback mechanisms”回到第一段段首。从第一句话可知,该词指的是一些隐含的因素(hidden factors)。第二句话“No one knows how they will interact with the changing climate.”中的“they”代指的就是该词。可据此推出该词指的是一些和变化的气候相互影响的隐含因素。从第三句所举的用来解释的例子中可以看出该词主要是针对动植物而言,因此根据这三句话所给出的解释,正确答案是B。


A.词义猜测题。原文中含有该词的那句话是在说明人们研究纯科学的目的完全是为了理解事物本身、为了满足自身的求知欲,因此通过分析上下文可知正确答案应是A选项。而且根据“quench man’s thirst for knowledge”这个短语的搭配也可猜出quench的含义。

