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时间:2022-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈

















Cultral Attractions in Quanzhou

1.Anxi’s Teiguanyin Tea

Ladies and gentlemen,it’s tea time,now!You may have been told that you would have made this trip for nothing if you did not have a sip of some genuine Tieguanyin tea in Quanzhou.Now please take a seat and enjoy one of the best beverages in the world.Chinese people have been drinking tea for thousands of years.In the 17thcentury,tea drinking became popular in Britain.China’s Qing government then enjoyed great surplus from tea trade with Britain.The British then fought two Opium Wars and forced the drug on China at gunpoint,just so that they could balance their trade deficit and pay for their tea!

Fujian has long been China’s tea capital,and Quanzhou’s Anxi County is the chief source of the best type of Oolong tea—Tieguanyin.Well,here’s a quiz on your knowledge of American history:What happened on December 16,1773? Yes,you are right!The Boston Tea Party!The British government levied heavy tea tax on American merchants and monopolized tea trade in America.As a protest,angry American colonists boarded British ships and threw 342 crates of tea into Boston Harbor.The incident remains an iconic event of American history,because it finally led to the American War of Independence.

Don’t think I’mtrying to give a lecture on history here.It’s still about tea.The tea that kind of paved the way for American independence is right here on your table!Yes it was Anxi’s Tieguanyin Tea in the 342 crates!

Tieguanyin is one of China’s 10 famous teas.The“Tie”in Tieguanyin is translated into English as“iron”.This is because as you drop the leaves into your teapot they ring like iron as they hit the pot.“Guanyin”is a Buddhist deity also known as the Goddess of Mercy in English.There are two legends about the origin of this tea.One of them tells the story of a poor tea farmer named Wei Yin.He was a pious Buddhist and everyday he brewed a cup of tea as an offering to Guanyin.One day,Guanyin appeared to him in a dream.She told himof a cave behind the temple where a precious tea shoot could be found.Wei Yin then found the shoot and nurtured it into a tea bush with exceptional quality tea leaves.The other story says the tea plant was accidentally discovered beneath the Guanyin rock,hence the name Tieguanyin.

Tieguanyin is Oolong Tea,meaning it is half-fermented,as opposed to the fully-fermented black tea and unfermented green tea.The making of Tieguanyin consists of six steps.First is the picking of the tea leaves.A standard pick is one bud with three leaves,when the buds at the top of a bush reach one-third to half the size of am ature leaf.Second is withering.Freshly picked leaves are left to cool indoors first,then moved outdoors to sun dry,before moving indoors again for final withering.Third is bruising.Workers shake and rub the leaves using hands or machines to bruise the surface of the leaves.This exposes tea juices to air and enhances the oxidation process.Tieguanyin has fat leaves,so bruising is heavier and longer than other oolong teas.It is repeated 5 to 6 times,and left to oxidize in between.However,the oxidation is much lighter than with Wuyi Oolong.Fourth is roasting.Tea leaves are roasted after the grassy smell has dissipated,when aroma substances start to develop.In this step they roast the leaves at high temperature for a short period of time to kill the enzymes and stop the oxidation process and therefore fix the qualities the tea developed during withering and bruising.Immediately after that comes rolling.Workers wrap the leaves in cloths and roll them into tightly knitted balls and then roast the leaves again.The roasting-rolling process is repeated 3 times to further bring out the flavors.Last is the baking process.They will apply low heat to increase mellow taste until the tea acquires a glossy appearance and a white surface frost.

Generally it’s not quite difficult to distinguish good Tieguanyin tea from poor quality tea.Good Teiguanyin is supposed to be dense and heavy,tightly knitted and glossy dark green,with white frost on the surface.It makes a ringing sound when it is dropped into a pot,whereas poorer quality leaves make more of a thud.The dried leaves smell like some orchid flower and the brewed tea has a full-bodied,floral taste that lingers in your mouth,while the lower quality tea smells smoky and tastes bitter and astringent.You can also look at the tea leaves after they are brewed.Good leaves are thick and glossy green with red edges and veins.Tieguanyin is no doubta pricey tea,but luckily good Tieguanyin tea can be brewed up to seven times before it loses its flavor and aroma.That makes it less expensive than it seems.

There is no better way to enjoy Tieguanyin tea than a gongfu tea ceremony.Gong-fu means skill and patience.This ceremonial drinking style is meant to relax the mind and spirit in a convivial,shared experience.Typical gongfu tea sets consist of a teapot,a serving pitcher,tea cups and a tray for unwanted water.I’ll show you a simplified version step by step.I hope you can surprise your friends with your gongfu tea at your next tea party back home.

Step 1-Rinse tea pots and cups with boiled water.This is to prevent the cold tea set from cooling off the tea too quickly,affecting the aroma.

Step 2-Fill the teapot with one small package of tea leaves that weigh around 8 grams.

Step 3-Pour freshly boiled water into the teapot.Pour away this first infusion after 20 seconds.The first brew is intended to rinse dust off the leaves and helps to“wake up”the leaves.

Step 4-Fill the teapot with hot water again to the brim,replace the lid and pour hot water on top.Steep the tea for 20 seconds.It is normal to have a film of bubbles on the surface.This film should be removed by skimming the pot lid across the surface.

Step 5-Now pour all tea into a serving pitcher and fill the cups with this pitcher.This allows each cup to receive a tea identical in taste and color.

Step 6-Now you can hold the cup and look at the tea.For lightly oxidized Tieguanyin,it will be yellowish green.For a more oxidized one,it will be more golden yellowish.Then sip the tea and let it stay in your mouth for a while before swallowing it.Now feel the aftertaste and smell the empty tea cup as well since the aroma stays with the cups.

Remember good Tieguanyin tea can be brewed for as many as seven times,but each brewing time can be slightly longer than the previous.Tieguanyin Tea has many health benefits.It helps to reduce body fat,lower cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of cancer.Please help yourself to this wonderful drink!


deficit   n.赤字

levy   vt.征收

iconic vadj.标志性的

dissipate   vi.消散

astringent   adj.涩的

pitcher   n.大水罐












2.The Luoyang Bridge

Fujian is traditionally a land of bridges.Wooden arch bridges are usually found in the mountainous northeast of Fujian,while here in Fujian’s southern coast where forest is some distance away,stone beam bridges excelled.However,more hilly inland areas of Quanzhou also have some pleasing wooden bridges.

The Luoyang Bridge is the most phenomenal bridge in southern China.It spans the Luoyang River which separates Quanzhou City and Hui'an County.Luoyang itself is the name of a city in Henan Province thousands of miles away.But the bridge does have something to do with this far away city.During the 4thcentury many people moved from Henan to the south due to the turmoil in northern China.The homesick immigrants who settled down in Quanzhou named the river Luoyang River after their home city.

The construction of Luoyang Bridge began in 1053 during the Northern Song Dynasty and lasted seven years.The bridge stood proud over the thousand years.Even the magnitude 8.0 earthquake four hundred years ago did not do much damage to her.Recent renovation was conducted in the early 1990s.Now the bridge is 730 meters long and 4.5 meters wide.However,historical records relate that the bridge was 834 meters long and 7 meters wide when it was first completed,with 500 sculptured railings,28 stone lions,seven pavilions and nine stone pagodas,all rest upon the 46 piers.The granite slabs were 10 meters long and one meter wide,weighing ten tons.

The Luoyang Bridge is not the longest stone bridge in the world,but its pioneering position in bridge building history is incomparable.It is by no means an easy job to build a bridge in the ferocious currents.Thousands of stone blocks were dumped into the river during the calmnights at low tide to forma long base on which piers would be built.Live oyster were cultivated in the cracks so that their natural secretions cemented the blocks together.Then piers were builton the base,again oysters were used as super glue.This is world’s first attempt at biological engineering,a pioneering example of using a living organism to reinforce a structure.The piers were shaped as boat prows to divert the raging currents and reduce their pressure on the piers.This is the so called“raft foundation”that has been used in modern bridge building for merely one hundred years.Those mammoth granite slabs were shipped to the construction site and set in place on high tide,hence the method of“floating erection”.

The success of the Luoyang Bridge started an enthusiasm for bridge building in Quanzhou.Over 200 bridges were built in the following 150 years.Among them are the phenomenal Anping Bridge and Dongguan Bridge.Anping Bridge stretches 2,251 meters and is world’s longest stone bridge.Dongguan Bridge is a beautiful wooden covered bridge,but unlike the completely wooden arch bridges in northeast Fujian,it is a beambridge supported by stone block columns with the upstreamside shaped like ships bows.

It was Cai Xiang,the governor of Quanzhou,who commissioned the construction of the Luoyan Bridge and came up with such innovative ideas.Amemorial temple in honor of Caixiang was erected at the southern end of the Luoyang Bridge.Within is a stone tablet,“The Records of Building Wan’an Bridge,”written and inscribed by the brilliant ship builder CaiXiang himself.It is interesting to note that CaiXiang is better known as a calligrapher and a tea expert.He is among the four most famous calligraphers from the Song Dynasty and his“Notes on Tea”is considered the bestessay on tea after Lu Yu’s Classics of Tea.There is a statue of Cai Xiang in the Tea Expo in the Wuyi Mountain.

A temple in honor of Monk Yibo stood at the north end of the bridge.Monk Yibo begged alms and spent every penny on the building of the bridge.Legend goes that once fuel for cooking was lacking and he used his own legs as firewood to cook meals for the workmen.In coastal Fujian people still joked about using legs for firewood until a few decades ago when gas completely replaced firewood.In Quanzhou,monks were actively involved in the building of almost every bridge,because building a bridge is a great project benefiting millions of people and is consistent with Buddhist preaching on doing good deeds.

As the Luoyang Bridge was supposed to span the estuary of Luoyang River,the project was highly demanding and the government’s appropriation was by no means enough to cover the enormous cost.Cai Xiang himself sold his farmland back home to raise money for the project.Legend goes that even Guanyin,the goddess ofmercy,helped to raise funds.She transformed herself into a beautiful lady sitting in a boat by the construction site.She told people that she would marry anyone who could hit her with a coin,but all the coins that fell in the boat would be donated to the ship construction.She collected a heavy load of coins until a mischievous god Lu Dongbin gave a young man,Weituo,a magic coin that hit her on her hair.Guanyin explained to Weituo that her intention was to help with ship construction rather than seeking a husband.Weituo was then converted and became a guardian god of Buddhism.Next time when you visit a Buddhist temple,look out for the statue of Guanyin and Weituo.They often stood face to face across the hall.The folks call them“the cross-hall couple”.

The demanding projects gave rise to many legends.The story of Cai Xiang and the Luoyang Bridge has been portrayed in many dramas since the 17thcentury.The latest dramatic portrayal is perhaps a movie entitled“The Luoyang Bridge”made in Taiwan in 1961.

Ladies and gentlemen,here is the Luoyang Bridge.I hope you will have a good time!


excel   vi.胜过他人

phenomenal   adj.杰出的

turmoil   n.混乱

ferocious   adj.凶猛的

commission   vt.承担施工任务

mammoth   adj.巨大的





















3.Quanzhou Maritime Museum

Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Quanzhou Maritime Museum.Quanzhou is a well-known historical and cultural city,with many historical sites such as the Qingjing Mosque and the Kaiyuan Temple.However,if you want to enjoy a historical panorama of the city,your best choice is Quanzhou Maritime Museum.It is the only museumin China that features overseas communications.The museumwas housed in the Kaiyuan Temple when it was established in 1959 and a new venue was completed in 1991.The structure looks like a large ship with two full masts.The museum has four exhibition halls:Quanzhou Overseas Communications,Quanzhou Religious Sculpture and Ancient Chinese Sailboats Models.

The first inhabitants in Fujian were a fishing people called Minyueren.They were skillful boat builders.If you have any doubts about this,just think of the 4,000 year old hanging boat coffins found on the cliffs in the Wuyi Mountains.In the 4thcentury,a large number of nobles and scholars from the north migrated towards the south and settled down in Fujian’s southeastern coast.This influx of migrants spurred the development of Quanzhou and maritime activities in Quanzhou began to increase.Quanzhou began to have ocean-going ships sailing to Southeast Asia.The earliest records of trading between Quanzhou and foreign countries dated back to the 6th century.

By the Tang Dynasty,which ruled China between the 7th and 10th century,Quanzhou had already become one of China’s four greatest ports.At that time silk was the main exported product.The Tang government appointed a special official in Quanzhou to manage foreign trade.In those days,Guangzhou was China’s greatest seaport,which,however,was soon surpassed by Quanzhou.During the 10th century,the governor of Quanzhou expanded the city and had Citong,the paulownia trees bearing fiery red flowers every spring,planted widely in the region.You can’t miss them if you walk around Quanzhou.It was then that Quanzhou began to be known as the city of Citong.The foreigners living in Quanzhou then called the city Zaytun.Zaytun is also the word for olive and the symbol of peace in the Arabic and Persian languages.So,the name might be given by the Muslims in honour of Quanzhou for her being a cultural melting pot at the time due to the flourishing trade culture.

Quanzhou’s heyday as a trading port was during the Song and Yuan Dynasties,roughly from the 10th century to the 14thcentury.As the foreign trade thrived,the city finally grew into a metropolis with a population of one million.Quanzhou’s city walls were expanded several times to accommodate the growth.The four great travelers of the medieval West,Marco Polo,Ibn Battuta,Giovanni Marignolli and Odoric,all wrote of the openness and prosperity of Quanzhou.The North African traveler Ibn Battuta compared it to the Egyptian port of Alexandria,and Marco Polo described it as“one of the largest ports in the world.”During that time,porcelain overtook silk as the main exported product and at that time,Dehua,Quanzhou,well known for its ceramic white ware,was an important white ware capital.An 800-year-old merchant ship was discovered in 1987 on the Maritime Silk Route of the South China Sea.The ship was later named Nanhai No.1 and proved to be a ship setting out from Quanzhou.The whole load of Dehua’s porcelain on the ship testifies to the once flourishing white ware trade.Merchant ships from Southeast Asia,India,the Arabian Peninsula and even Europe flocked to this booming trade center.Businessmen carried with them all sorts of precious and exotic items,and went back fully loaded with Chinese silk and porcelain.In 1027,the Maritime Trade Administration with affiliated warehouses and hotels was set up in Quanzhou by the Song government to manage foreign trade.

In order to transport cargo to the harbor more conveniently,Quanzhou people built the first cross-sea stone bridge across the estuary of the Luoyang River.Live oysters were cultivated on the bridge’s foundation and piers so that their natural secretions cemented the blocks together.The piers were shaped as boat prows to divert the raging currents.These were world’s pioneering bridge building techniques.Many cross-sea stone bridges were built near the harbor following the success of the Luoyang Bridge.Themost spectacular of themis world’s longest stone beam bridge,the 2,251 meter long Anping Bridge.

Quanzhou boasted excellent shipbuilding techniques in those times.Even the English word“junk’came from Quanzhou people’s pronunciation of“boat”in the local dialect.The kind of junks built in Fujian were called Fuchuan junks.They were China’s best ocean going ships,with a keeled hull,upturn bow and stern and a deep draught.In 1974,archaeologists excavated a 13thcentury shipwreck frombeneath 2-3 meters of mud on a beach at Quanzhou Bay.The wreck was known as the Quanzhou ship in the west.It was a merchant vessel returning to Quanzhou from Southeast Asia.The primary cargo of the ship was incense wood.The Quanzhou ship has a sophisticated and incredibly strong hull.It was divided by 12 bulkheads into 13 watertight compartments.Western shipbuilders did not adopt the technique until iron ships were built in the 19thcentury,and even then it did not always prove satisfactory,as was evidenced by the sinking of the Titanic.The construction of the Quanzhou Ship was a hybrid of both Chinese coast and Southeast Asian ship building techniques.Some of the materials came from Southeast Asia,too.It remains one of the most important marine archaeological finds in China,and is an important piece of physical evidence about the shipbuilding techniques of the Song Chinese and the international maritime trade of the period.

In 1980,another Song Dynasty shipwreck was discovered at Fashi Bay of Quanzhou.Mats plaited with bamboo rods were retrieved in a tentative excavation attempt in 1982.The bamboo mats were probably used as cheap alternatives for fabric sails.The wreck is scheduled to be excavated in 2014.

Evidence of the seafaring trade of the day is also provided by the museum’s fascinating collection of foreign religious artifacts housed in the Religious Sculpture Exhibition Center.Quanzhou’s early foreign settlers brought with them not only Islam but every other religion imaginable.People of every nation and every sect were allowed to live freely according to their creed.Buddhism,Taoism,Christianity,Catholicism,Islamism,Hindu and Manichaeism peacefully coexisted.Quanzhou deserves the title of“World Museum of Religions”given by UNESCO.

The Ming Dynasty was a phenomenal age in China’s maritime history.Between 1405 and 1433,upon the orders of the emperor Yongle and his successor,Xuande,Zheng He commanded seven expeditions which sailed to Java in today’s Indonesia,Yemen,Iran and the Holy City of Islam Mecca and further west to today’s Somalia in East Africa.The object of the voyages was to display the glory and might of the Chinese Ming dynasty and to collect tribute.

The 1405 expedition consisted of30,000 men and a fleet252 ships.Zheng He’s 400 feet long“Baochuan”ship,or treasure ship,was the flagship in the fleet,whereas.the St.Maria,a flagship,which Columbus embarked on half a century later,was but 85 feet in length.Aside from the treasure ship,Zheng He’s fleet also contained a variety of other specialized vessels:warships,supply ships,“equine ships”for carrying horses and water tankers with 1 month’s supply of fresh water.All this had taken place about half a century before the famous European sailor Columbus'voyage to America.

Zheng He carried a cargo of silk,porcelain,and lacquer ware that the Chinese wanted to trade for pearls,spices and ivory.He even acquired unusual gifts like a giraffe and ostriches.Zheng He and his enormous delegation had set foot in more than 30 countries in Asia and Africa and brought about great cultural impact on these places,but no nation was ever colonized by China.Unlike some other navigators,Zheng never regarded the places he had visited as“great discoveries.”

Quanzhou played an important part in Zheng He’s expeditions.Fuchuan Junks made up the main force of Zheng He’s fleet.Many of the junks were built in Quanzhou.Many sailors and translators were recruited fromthe city as well.Zheng He’s fleet either started or stopped by Quanzhou in five of his seven voyages.

Sadly,China was basicly an agricultural society and the Ming government showed no interest in trade.The empire underwent a 400-year-long shutting down period following Zheng He’s great expeditions.More ironically,even during Zheng He’s expeditions strict bans were enforced on private maritime activities.Through this default,China’s own coast would be dominated by a succession of non-Chinese seafaring peoples—the Japanese,the Portuguese and Spanish,the Dutch,and finally the British and the Americans.

During the Ming Dynasty’s maritime ban,Ryukyu Kingdomin today’s Okinawa,Japan was one of the few countries that were allowed to trade with China.Quanzhou was once the port designated for Ryukyu’s tributary trip and China-Ryukyu trade,though later Fuzhou took the place of Quanzhou because it was closer to Ryukyu.In order to support the diplomatic affairs between China and the Ryukyu,Chinese families from36 clans consisting of scholars,navigators and other professionals were sent to Ryukyu in the late 14thcentury,many of them were from Quanzhou.These Fujian emigrants played an important role not only in the relation between China and Ryukyu but also in Ryukyu’s,especially Naha’s social development.Genealogies of the 36 clan families are still preserved in Japan.They are the witness of the kinship between Quanzhou and Okinawa.

The purpose of the Ming Dynasty’s maritime prohibition was to curb piracy,but the law seemed to have yielded just the opposite result.It instead stimulated rebellions and piracy and deprived coastal dwellers of their livelihood,resulting in a great wave of emigrants to Southeast Asia.Quanzhou is now the home place of more than one million overseas Chinese.Following the waves of Fujian emigrants,there appeared an interesting merge of Chinese and foreign folk customs.The local Mazu belief was brought to all parts of the world by Chinese emigrants.The Chinese shigandang customis found in settlements of overseas Chinese all around the world.The general practice of the customis to erect a small stone tablet at a crucial place on a bridge or to set a stone tablet on the wall of one’s house.On the stone tablet,words like shigandang or Mount Taishan Shigandang are carved to suppress evil spirits.Another example is the Southeast Asian influence in Quanzhou’s buildings.Quanzhou’s busiest street,Zhongshan Street is flanked by buildings with verandas,which is typical of traditional Southeast Asian architecture.

As legitimate sea trade at Quanzhou quickly went downhill,pirate-merchants began to rise.The most influential one was Zheng Zhilong,the father of the national hero Zheng Chenggong,who recovered Taiwan fromthe Dutch.Zheng Zhilong is better known in the west as Iquan.He was born on 1604 at Nan’an,Quanzhou.He went to Macau to join his uncle when he was18 and started his career both as a merchant and a pirate.He amassed an enormous wealth from trading with Japan and later started a powerful pirate organization with a combined force ofmore than 100,000 people,who successively defeated the Ming Dynasty’s navy,the Dutch fleet and other pirates.The spoils of these victories made him fabulously wealthy.He built a walled town south of Quanzhou in Anhai,which became a prosperous trading center.

It’s interesting to note that Zheng Zhilong was seen as a benevolent leader by the people in Quanzhou in spite of his status as a pirate tycoon.The magistrate of Tong’an once reported to the governor of Quanzhou,saying that Zheng Zhilong never killed anyone in the city,and that he often provided those in abject poverty with rice and money.Between 1626 and 1628,serious droughts plagued Fujian Twice.Zheng Zhilong shipped tens of thousands of starving Quanzhou people to Taiwan.He even provided farming tools and money for the immigrants to start their life in Taiwan.

Later Zheng Zhilong’s son Zheng Chenggong,better known in the west as Koxinga,took command of his father’smerchant fleet and navy.He launched several attacks against the Dutch colonists in Taiwan and eventually recaptured the island.Today there are temples in honor of Zheng Chenggong in almost every city of Taiwan.

The once glorious Zayton harbor finally faded as a result of the Ming and Qing Dynasty’s policy of seclusion or self-isolation,but Quanzhou Maritime Museum will give you clues to imagine a time when most of the ocean-going ships flocking the Quanzhou Harbor were coming from afar and mearly half of the people in streets were foreign merchants.


secretion   n.分泌物

draught   n.(船舶)吃水深度

archaeology   n.考古学

designate   vt.指定

curb   n.抑制

amass   vt.积累

tycoon   n.巨头;大亨

isolation   n.隔离

