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时间:2022-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第十三单元 商务翻译(二)教学目标本单元教学目标为:一、让学生了解商务类文章的分类及特点;二、熟悉一般商务英语类文章汉译的原则;三、体会一般商务英语类文章汉译的相关策略和方法。

第十三单元 商务翻译(二)




Games Turn London into “Ghost Town”

From Financial Times by James Pickford,Jim Pickard,in London

The Olympics is creating a “ghost town” effect in central London as visitors who would normally flock to the capital’s shops,hotels and theatres stay away,casting doubt on predictions of a short-term economic boost from the games.

The games have attracted as many as 100,000 foreign visitors to London—more than in previous Olympics.But,on its own,that number significantly lags the estimated 300,000 foreign tourists who could be expected in a typical year.Theatres are among the businesses suffering most from emptier streets.

“We’re bleeding,darling,” said Nica Burns,chief executive of Nimax Theatres.“For my six theatres,last week was the worst this year.I think the Olympics are great—but I feel like I’ve been the bullseye for the archery.”

Ms Burns forecast that ticket sales at her company’s six West End theatres would be down 30 percent over the summer.

London’s major museums and tourist attractions are also being affected.The body representing them,the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions,reported a fall of 30-35 percent in attendance over the past two weeks,compared to last year.

Bernard Donoghue,ALVA’s chief executive,said its members—who include the British Museum and the Tower of London—“have been trying to compensate by telling people there are fewer queues and longer opening hours.”

Transport for London,the public body that runs the capital’s Underground and road network,has been warning for months of heavy disruption.The voice of Boris Johnson,mayor,has boomed from station platforms warning of the imminent “huge pressure” on the transport system.

TfL said journey numbers were four percent higher than usual yesterday.

In response to slow bookings,hotels have cut prices.Hotels.com research said prices during the Olympics had fallen around 25 percent in a two-week period in June.

Nick Palan,managing director for Golden Tours,an open-top tour bus company,said: “It’s totally destroyed the market for us this summer.The hotels put up prices heavily earlier in the year.We’re down by over 20 percent.”

Mr.Donoghue of ALVA said the body had asked TfL to alter its advice: “As long as you avoid peak times and stations,London is surprisingly accessible and open for business.”




英国《金融时报》詹姆斯·皮克福德,吉姆·皮卡德 伦敦报道

奥运会正使伦敦市中心地带(central London)变为一座“鬼城”,平常门庭若市的商场、酒店和剧院如今却门可罗雀,这让人们对奥运将给英国经济带来短期提振的预言产生了怀疑。



麦克斯剧院(Nimax Theatres)行政总裁尼卡·伯恩斯(Nica Burns)说:“亲爱的,我们的心在滴血啊。对于我掌管的六家剧院来说,上周是今年表现最糟糕的一周。奥运会确实很棒,但我感觉我们的角色却像是射箭比赛中的靶心。”


伦敦主要的博物馆和旅游景点也受到了影响。代表这些实体利益的英国旅游景点协会(Association of Leading Visitor Attractions)发布报告称,相比去年,过去两周游客人数下降了30%~35%。

英国旅游景点协会行政总裁伯纳德·多诺霍(Bernard Donoghue)指出,包括大英博物馆(British Museum)和伦敦塔(Tower of London)在内的协会会员“一直在宣传它们那里现在排队时间更短、开放时间更长,试图吸引游客以弥补自己受到的损失。”

管理英国首都地铁和公路网的公共机构——伦敦交通局(Transport for London)几个月来一直在警示(奥运期间)可能出现严重的交通中断。站台广播中传来伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)的声音,提醒人们交通系统很快将面临“巨大的压力”。



英国敞篷旅游巴士公司金牌观光(Golden Tours)的董事总经理尼克·帕兰(Nick Palan)说:“今年夏天我们的市场彻底毁了。酒店在今年早些时候把客房定价提得太高了……结果导致我们现在的收入下降了20%以上。”


(王慧玲 译)


这是发表在2012年7月30日英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)对伦敦奥运会期间主办城市伦敦的经济情况不升反降,旅游收入急剧下滑的一篇报道。由于奥运村在伦敦东区,而紧邻奥运村的韦斯特菲尔德(Westfield)购物中心是集购物、娱乐休闲,餐饮、酒店和交通于一体的目前欧洲最大的城市购物中心,许多前去观看比赛的游客在此就能满足购物等需求,并没有去平日繁华的市中心购物消费的想法,导致伦敦市中心的餐饮,旅店和著名景点收入急剧下降。



一、直译。直译就是按字面进行翻译,译文在结构和意思上与原文保持一致。如果英文标题直接明了,且直译后不存在文化冲突等问题,都可以这样处理。例如:“Investor fears rise over Spain”直译为“投资者对西班牙担忧加剧”;“Court battle peels away the Apple mystery”直译为“庭审大战揭开苹果神秘面纱”;“South Sudan faces finance crunch”直译为“南苏丹陷入财政困境”。


增译用在当直译不能充分传达原文的含义或不符合汉语表达习惯,需要增补词语,以达到预期效果。增词指根据正文的内容,将有关的背景信息加以词汇的填补,使译出的汉语标题准确达意。如本篇文章标题Games Turn London into “Ghost Town” 根据正文内容,“London”(伦敦)具体指“central London”(伦敦市中心),所以译文增加“中心”一词:“奥运会让伦敦中心变‘鬼城’”,使表达更准确。还有一例:“Chinese tax on US vehicles challenged”若直译为“中国对美国汽车征税被质疑”,意思表达不完整且译出的被动语态不符合汉语习惯,可调整成主动语态并根据文章内容填补相应信息译成:“美国起诉中国对自美进口汽车超额征税”。

由于英语的结构特点,英文表达的标题直译成汉语显得累赘拖沓,此时需要根据具体情况,在不影响大意和整体效果的前提下,对某些内容进行大胆地删除。如:“Google agrees outline deal with EU to avoid long antitrust battle”译成“谷歌欧盟达成框架和解协议”而省去“为了避免长期的反垄断斗争”使译文更符合汉语的行文习惯以及汉语读者的阅读口味。又如:“Canadian PM urges closer links to Asia after US pipeline stalling”直译为“加拿大总理在美国决定延缓审批石油管道后加强与亚洲的联系”,译文显得冗长且不符合汉语标题表达习惯,为了简洁又不失标题的吸引力,译成“加拿大总理:不想成为美国‘俘虏’”。

有篇文章标题叫“America must remember it is not just any other country”,直译为“美国必须记住它不是其它任何国家”,这样译出的标题读起来不够清晰明确,让人摸不着头脑,但该文是由前美国国务卿赖斯为英国《金融时报》撰稿,高调谈论美国应发挥全球的带头作用,使国际自由贸易体系向更安全、更自由、更繁荣的方式发展。汉译是可以稍作变通,译文为“美国的全球重任”。还有一例:“LME suitors woo the board”,通过正文,可以明确标题中的LME是“The London Metal Exchange”(伦敦金属交易所)的缩略语,而原文中的“suitor”有“收购方”和“追求者”两种译项;“woo”也有“争取……支持”和“向……告白”的两种译项,文中讲的是十多家公司都在竞争伦敦金属交易所的收购项目,而如今已缩减到两家,这两家公司都表明其收购意向,极力争取董事会的支持。标题直译为“伦敦金属交易所追求者向董事会告白”和“伦敦金属交易所收购方们争取董事会支持”。但两种译法都不能尽其双关之妙。但译文“伦敦金属交易所将花落谁家”,不仅文字简练,还很好地传达了原文的意思。




















Economic Woes Put Free Trade at Risk

From Financial Times by Alan Beattie in Washington

The dog that did not bark is stirring restlessly in its sleep.Trade protectionism,emblematic of the destructive economic policies followed in the Great Depression of the 1930s,has been remarkably absent since the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008.

But with high unemployment in the rich countries and renewed threats of economic weakness across the global economy,experts and policy makers are becoming less sanguine that the beast will remain deep in slumber.

Global Trade Alert—a monitoring service run by Simon Evenett,a professor at St Gallen university in Switzerland—reported on Thursday that protectionist actions including tariff increases,export restrictions and skewed regulatory changes were much higher in 2010 and 2011 than previously thought,with many more in the pipeline.

“The world trading system did not settle down to low levels of protectionism after the spike in beggar-thy-neighbor policies in 2009,” Mr Evenett says.

The World Trade Organization,whose analysis has been markedly more optimistic than Mr Evenett,set off a distress flare last week when it published its most recent report before next week’s summit of the Group of 20 leading economies.“For the first time since the beginning of the crisis in 2008,this report is alarming,” said Pascal Lamy,WTO director-general.The EU,in a similar report last week,said rises in protectionism were“staggering”.

Global Trade Alert notes that,despite the G20’s pledge in 2008 to maintain free trade,its member countries are collectively responsible for nearly 80 percent of global protectionist actions this year,up from 60 percent in 2009.The WTO says about 4 percent of G20 trade is now affected by measures introduced since 2008.Mr.Evenett’s estimates are much higher,giving 10 percent as an absolute minimum.

The extent of trade restrictions remains hard to quantify: many involve changes in licensing or regulation rather than more easily-measured actions such as antidumping and countervailing (anti-subsidy) duties on imports.Brazil and Argentina,for example,which are engaged in an escalating trade dispute,have been raising licensing requirements on each other’s exporters.

The WTO’s dispute settlement system is being called into action to mediate disagreements and particularly about whether a widespread resort to emergency blocks on tariffs contravenes international law.





Osborne’s Critics Need to Take a Long

Hard Look in the Mirror

Martin Sandbu

In the Olympics,we were told last week,honour is determined not by whether you win,but by how you compete.In politics,the rule is reversed.UK chancellor George Osborne looks decidedly like a loser after a dreadful batch of economic statistics.And Mr.Osborne’s critics,eager for glory,are taking shortcuts as they try to claim victory in the economic policy competence contest.

Some,to their credit,have been consistent in their criticism of Mr.Osborne’s economic strategy.(No credit to the opposition,whose job it is,right or wrong,to criticise what the government does.) Many more,including corporate chiefs descending on London for the Olympics,only started to prance about with their superior economic judgment when data laid bare the horror show of the government’s economic record.

The statistics are incontrovertibly awful.In the second quarter,the UK economy shrank by 0.7 percent.In July,manufacturing activity fell at the fastest pace since March 2009.This is enough to turn the practical men and women who run the world’s biggest companies into the slaves of a defunct economist.The Keynesian story that business leaders have been telling the government goes like this.Everyone knows that spending cuts and tax rises reduce demand.The UK suffers from too little demand.So the recession was a foreseeable,avoidable,self-inflicted wound; and the deficit cuts must be slowed before it is too late.

Cooler minds should hesitate to attribute a slowdown replicated all around the world,to local factors.Certainties could be tempered by the unprecedented state we are in: there are very few earlier cases of balance sheet recessions in countries where the state also has a large share of the economy—and of its debt.

That the UK economy has slumped twice does not mean the slump could have been avoided,but it is likely.Even so,deficit reduction is not the policy that needs to change.I am not a fatalist who thinks nothing can be done,but I worry that jumping to fiscal conclusions can distract us from other,untried,policies with a better chance of success.All serious observers want stronger demand.But there is an honest disagreement over whether fiscal stimulus is the first or the last resort to bring it to life.

Mr.Osborne’s critics ridicule his argument that a weaker fiscal effort would push up interest rates and choke the private sector.The Bank of England,they say,can keep gilt yields where it wants.That is true,though hardly automatic in a regime of independent central banking.More importantly,even though the BoE can target gilt yields,it struggles to hold down the interest rates faced by the private sector.The costs of small business loans,mortgages,and bank funding are all creeping up despite the unchanged monetary policy.If a U-turn on fiscal policy were to spook investors,these are the rates that risk running amok in the case of capital flight,not gilt yields.Given the huge foreign currency exposures of British banks,it is reckless to rely on BoE printing presses being able to solve such a problem.

But those presses can do more now.Companies and households face high effective interest rates: we are clearly not in a liquidity trap.On the contrary,tightening credit conditions are matched by a looser fiscal stance—Mr.Osborne is keeping his promise to let “automatic stabilizers” work and not cut harder in response to the downturn—so one should talk of a recession made in Threadneedle Street rather than in Downing Street.

Astonishingly,the BoE has not yet tried true helicopter drops of money.Its gilt purchases may have lowered long-term capital market rates,but not made businesses or households more eager to spend.So why not put cash in the hands of people likely to spend it? £30bn of newly minted money—less than one-tenth of what has been spent on gilts—could cover a £1,000 cheque to each household.If you doubt this will boost spending,how about £5,000? Call it covert fiscal policy if you must; it would not alter deficit measures that worry markets.

As for Mr.Osborne,his fault is not his ambition on public finances,but his timidity on fiscally neutral ways to stimulate demand.An obvious one is a high temporary levy on retained earnings (with tax cuts elsewhere) that would force companies to spend surpluses or see them taxed.There are others; the IMF’s list is as good as any.In contrast,blindly rushing for fiscal loosening reflects a lack of imagination—of how complicated the world is and of what better solutions are hiding in plain sight.





Our Opt-in Opt-out Solution to the Eurozone Crisis

Hans-Werner Sinn,Friedrich Sell

The distressed countries in Europe’s southern periphery fear exiting or being expelled from the currency union,partly because they believe they would lose all the euro’s advantages permanently.This fear could be laid to rest by making the eurozone an open currency union.

The core idea is to offer exiting countries the status of associated member,allowing them to adopt their own currency temporarily with the option to return to the euro at a later stage.An associated member would spare itself the trauma of a real depreciation inside the eurozone,which can only be achieved through a reduction of prices and wages that almost unavoidably entails economic contraction and mass unemployment.Moreover,an associated member could receive financial help from the other eurozone countries.It could adjust its exchange rate quickly to restore competitiveness and,once it had fulfilled all reform commitments,could fully rejoin the eurozone.

A longstanding arrangement,the European Exchange Rate Mechanism II,could provide a basis for such a currency “association”.Conceived for EU member states that have not yet introduced the euro,the ERM II at present includes Denmark,Latvia and Lithuania.All countries that have adopted the euro since 2000 have done so on condition of spending a two-year period within ERM II without stress,staying within a range of ±15 percent with respect to a central rate against the euro.This mechanism could be expanded to allow it to harbour,after a transition period,countries leaving the eurozone,too.

Any country that left the eurozone and introduced a national currency would immediately come under strong pressure to devalue.Once the exchange rate against the euro had settled down,joining the ERM II at a realistic central rate with more generous band margins could be considered.The ERM II could thus become a sort of “training space” for a subsequent return to the eurozone.As the depreciation and structural reforms of the countries affected began to make them more competitive,the band margins could be gradually tightened.Interventions by the European Central Bank and national counterparts (the ECB has such duties within the ERM II in any case) would remain manageable as the convergence with the now-smaller eurozone increased.

Historical examples show that such a scenario is possible.In October 1969,the Willy Brandt government in Germany decoupled the D-Mark from its link to the dollar in a matter of days,floating the exchange rate for a short period and later resetting it at a rate 9 per cent lower(ie an appreciated D-Mark).The British showed how not to do it in the early 1990s,when facing huge current account deficits they brought the pound into the parity grid at a rate that was much too high.After a short,intense wave of speculation,the pound had to withdraw from the programme.Argentina,which was forced to give up its 1:1 peg to the US dollar in 2002,experienced a stormy floating of the peso in the currency markets.In about 18 months,after heavy swings and depreciation,it found a new parity in the neighbourhood of three pesos to the dollar.Thus in 2004 at the latest,it would have been possible for it to re-establish a fixed exchange rate,within a band,to the dollar.

This proposal to open the currency union has a decisive advantage over either maintaining the status quo or allowing disorderly exits from the eurozone.It would give the countries affected a realistic,and therefore credible,hope of returning to the euro.Linking the new national currencies to the euro would support the operational efficiency of the single market.And countries would not be expelled from the club; their full membership would simply lie dormant for a couple of years.

That would be a significant psychological factor making governments,and their electorates,more willing to persevere with painful economic reforms.

The writers are respectively president of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research and professor at Bundeswehr University Munich.




