首页 理论教育 旅游翻译(二)


时间:2022-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第九单元 旅游翻译(二)教学目标本单元教学目标为:一、让学生了解旅游英语的特点;二、熟悉旅游英语汉译的原则;三、体会旅游英语汉译的相关策略和方法。During our week in Yellowstone,we gazed at many eruptions of old Faithful.Over the years we have observed this famous geyser hundreds of times,and we never grow tired of it.What can you say about something that not only blows water and steam over 18 m into the air,but does so according to a conveniently posted schedule?Following another display,a woman turned to a ranger and asked in a dissatisfied v

第九单元 旅游翻译(二)




Having a Yellowstone Experience

Mary Bedingfieldsmith and Scott T.Smith

We traveled through the Upper Geyster Basin,anticipating a “Yellowstone Experience”—our code phrase for the kind of fun you can have when you share nature with thousands of windshield tourists.

Recently,we did some extensive traveling along the Continental Divide Trail (CDT),which stretched from Mexico to Canada.Ninety-six km (60 miles) of the trail are within Yellowstone National Park.Although the CDT in Wyoming traverses mostly wild backcountry,a CDT hiker makes one notable brush with civilization: The trail goes right through the heart of the small city surrounding Old Faithful Geyser.

Over the previous three weeks we had hiked through several wilderness areas,seeing fewer than a dozen people.Then,entering Yellowstone,we suddenly encountered vast parking lots and an atmosphere similar to Disney World on a busy day.

Nature and the Masses

Three million people visit Yellowstone each year.It’s a good bet that sometime during their stay most of them stop in the Upper Geyster Basin to see Old Faithful.

The Upper Geyster Basin is one of the wonders of the natural world,and the thermal pools and geysers along the Firehole River are a wondrous sight.No words can really do them justice.Standing in the heat and steam blowing off a sapphire pool as the landscape dims and blurs is a mystical experience,a journey back in time to a younger,wilder earth.

More than half of the world’s geysers are found in Yellowstone National Park.There is an incredible variety: small,nearly perpetual spouters; giants that erupt rarely and erratically; fountains bursting from pools.Whatever the type of geyser,you will likely find the best example in the park.

Observers in Yellowstone have counted more active geysers in recent years than ever before in recorded history.Geyser gazing is at its best right now.

Picture Perfect?

During our week in Yellowstone,we gazed at many eruptions of old Faithful.Over the years we have observed this famous geyser hundreds of times,and we never grow tired of it.What can you say about something that not only blows water and steam over 18 m (60 feet) into the air,but does so according to a conveniently posted schedule?

However,not everyone was impressed.After one eruption,two young men complained,“We waited 20 minutes for that?” Following another display,a woman turned to a ranger and asked in a dissatisfied voice,“Was that it?”

We worry about why so many visitors find Old Faithful disappointing.Why does something we always find amazing not meet their expectations? And how much are we,as landscape photographers,to blame? To be successful,a landscape photographer must capture the world at its most spectacular.Scenes must look “better than real”.Scott has photographed Old Faithful many times,and he still doesn’t have an image he is particularly pleased with.But when he does get one,it is likely to be widely published.

People are bombarded with thousands of these perfect images in books,on cards,on TV.Each image may represent weeks or months of patient waiting by a photographer until all elements come together.Yet many visitors to Yellowstone will see Old Faithful erupt only once before rushing off to see the Grand Tetons,Zion Canyon or Yosemite.They have been set up for disappointment.

The Perfect Tourist

As we walked down the boardwalk,disappointed by the visitors’reactions,we saw something that considerably brightened our mood.A little boy about four years old was so excited to be there he could hardly stand it.He had no preconceived notions about how Yellowstone should look.He stopped every meter or so to bend over,hands on knees,to examine something—a pinecone,a steaming fumarole,a bison track.He directed a rapid stream of questions at his parents.It’s a shame that the adults (ourselves included) had not retained more of that child’s wonder.

Animal Jam

One of our Yellowstone Experiences was a typical one: an “animal jam”.Any large wildlife along a park road creates an instant traffic tie-up as folks stop to look and take snapshots.If you spend enough time driving in Yellowstone,you can guess what kind of animal it is by how the cars are parked.If they pulled all the way onto the shoulder,it is probably something common like bison or elk.If vehicles have been parked more hastily with rear ends protruding into the traffic lane,it may be a moose with really big antlers,or,perhaps a coyote hunting.Cars stopped right in the traffic lane and people running along the road indicate a bear or a wolf.

Our “animal jam” included several crookedly parked RVs and,sure enough,there was a bull elk bugling on the edge of the pines,his large polished antlers glinting in the sun.We parked the truck (all the way off the road) and joined the throng to watch and snap a few shots with a telephoto lens.

Then we were off to our destination.We were having fun being tourists and thoroughly enjoying the quirky Yellowstone Experiences that came our way.



玛丽·拜丁菲尔德史密斯 司各特·史密斯




















(陈小欣 译)


1.[原文]Having a Yellowstone Experience


该篇游记风格古朴,语言简练,逻辑严密。译文采用类似小品文的用语,以求效果自然。题目Having a Yellowstone Experience,译文则为“黄石公园亲体验”。此处译文采取增词法,这个增加的“亲”拉近了作者与读者之间的距离,有一种亲切感且译句整齐。

2.[原文]Although the CDT in Wyoming traverses mostly wild backcountry,a CDT hiker makes one notable brush with civilization:



3.[原文]The trail goes right through the heart of the small city surrounding Old Faithful Geyser.


原句中的“Old Faithful Geyser”为专有名词,一般采取直译的方法即能翻译的情况不采用意译的方法。译文把“Old Faithful Geyser”译为“老忠实喷泉”,而且该专有名词的翻译已经普遍被接受。此外,“老忠实泉”的来历是黄石公园中尤以每小时喷水一次的“老忠实泉”最为著名。“老忠实泉”就像老牛喘气一般,不紧不慢地散发着水的蒸汽。14点15分,“老忠实泉”迅速启动,开始喷射热水,并持续了15分钟左右。几百年来,“老忠实泉”总是这样准点的喷射着地热带来的滚烫的地下矿泉水,毫不含糊的忠实。“老忠实泉”又进入蛰伏期,以极其忠实的精神迎接下一批游客。“老忠实泉”就这样日复一日、年复一年地,不分昼夜地严格按照它的时间喷射带着蒸汽的地下热矿泉水,真可谓大自然的一大奇观。

4.[原文]Nature and the Masses


句中的“Nature and the Masses”译为“自然景观和不可胜数的温泉”,此处采用了增词法,既讲究字面对应,又使语义传递信息到位,从而与上下文相连,并且应对巧妙。

5.[原文]Three million people visit Yellowstone each year.It’s a good bet that sometime during their stay most of them stop in the Upper Geyster Basin to see Old Faithful.


it’s a good (or) safe bet that...句式表示“非常有可能”或“可以肯定的是”的意思。译文换为“八九不离十”的习语(出自老舍《柳屯的》:“可是比较的,我还算是他的熟人,自幼儿的同学。我不敢说是明白他,不过讲猜测的话,我或者能猜个八九不离十。”),如此处理既不太直、太实,又通俗明了。

6.[原文]The Upper Geyster Basin is one of the wonders of the natural world,and the thermal pools and geysers along the Firehole River are a wondrous sight.No words can really do them justice.



7.[原文]Picture Perfect?


此处原文“Picture Perfect?”只有两个单词,译文为一个句子“画面完美吗”此处使用了单词分译的方法。单词分译是指把原文中的一个单词拆译成一个小句或者句子。为什么要拆,拆哪个词,拆的目的是什么?采用单词分译主要有两个目的:一是为了句法上的需要。由于一些单词在搭配、词义等方面的特点,直译会使句子生硬晦涩,翻译腔十足。二是为了修饰上的需要,如加强语气,突出重点等。其实简单来说,就是我们要把某一挡着翻译通路的词或词组抽出来,先让原句得以顺利地译下去,再将抽出的词或词组作相应处理,使之独立成句。英语中的名词、动词、形容词和副词等都可分译。

8.[原文]Yet many visitors to Yellowstone will see Old Faithful erupt only once before rushing off to see the Grand Tetons,Zion Canyon or Yosemite.


“the Grand Tetons,Zion Canyon or Yosemite”译为“大铁顿公园、锡安峡谷或优胜美地”用了音译法,对于景点中的地名可采用完全音译法,虽然在国外没有与其直接对应的事物,但外国人也早已知晓,这些词就可以直接音译。

9.[原文]He stopped every meter or so to bend over,hands on knees,to examine something—a pinecone,a steaming fumarole,a bison track.He directed a rapid stream of questions at his parents.

[译文]差不多每走1米的距离他就弯下身来,双手撑着膝盖,检视着某样东西—— 一颗松果、一个冒着烟的喷气孔、一个野牛的足迹。他连珠炮似向父母提出问题。

“directed a rapid stream of questions”,此处为动词短语,中文以“连珠炮似地提出问题”以比喻的方式译之,甚妥。此处使用了增译法。增加语义上、修辞上需要的词语。许多英语句子中虽然未省略某些成分,但汉译时仍需增补有关词语才能使译文明快达意,文从字顺。

10.[原文]If vehicles have been parked more hastily with rear ends protruding into the traffic lane,it may be a moose with really big antlers,or,perhaps a coyote hunting.






























Inside Canberra

Gareth Morgan

Advanced reporter Gareth Morgan takes a bird’s eye view of Canberra and discovers there’s more to Australia’s capital city than first glances reveal.

From 300 meters (1,000 feet) up,Canberra didn’t look like a city at all.Wasn’t I supposed to be taking a hot air balloon ride over the capital city of Australia? Layers of trees,lakes and hills filled the vista before me.It looked more like national park than the seat of power of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest country.But that’s Canberra for you—a place that somehow evades description.Notice I didn’t say defies description.Defiant doesn’t seem to describe a city as refined,cultured and squeaky—clean as Canberra.

All manner of interesting places were hidden underneath and between all those trees.Our balloon flew over the recently-opened National Museum,a colorful tangle of postmodern architecture.We floated out over beautiful Lake Burley Griffin,the sprawling body of water bisecting the city.As the sun rose over the eastern hills,the precise,concentric rings of streets surrounding Capital Hill soon came into view.Parliament House itself was somewhat disguised,tucked beneath the grassy hill’s peak,with entrances at each side.A parent with preschoolers might recognize it as looking much like the Teletubby house on a grand scale.Various other old edifices and manicured private gardens were revealed beneath us as we drifted silently above.

The sun was burning off the last of the early morning dew and fog as we touched down near a velodrome on the south side of the city.What a journey! A balloon ride really shows you the contrasts of Canberra.A mix of old and new,natural and man-made,historically-rooted and forward-looking,Australia’s capital has real personality.

A Museum of Epic Proportions

In search of more of this personality,I checked out Canberra’a National Museum.Like many people,I must confess that mention of the word “museum” doesn’t usually set my enthusiasm on fire.However,Canberra’s National Museum is a true wonder throughout,and I highly recommend visiting.

The mission of this particular museum is to be not a mere display case for artifacts,but a vehicle for telling the story of Australia and its people.To wit,interactive displays and multimedia presentations pervade the entire complex.Visitors are encouraged to not just observe,but experience,react,play,and even to record their own stories and impressions among the various exhibits.One leaves the National Museum with a greater understanding of Australia—a country coming to terms with its multiethnic population,vast geography and checkered colonial past.

Time to Eat!

The profusion of eating places in Canberra’s tourist districts is good for visiting diners.Competition for customers stays high,thus restaurants are usually trying to outdo each other with top-notch service,stylish ambiance,better-than-expected prices and of course interesting food creations.

One can also gather a small understanding about Australian culture simply by visiting a local restaurant.Witness the recent Australian craze for fusion cooking.Australia itself is a veritable spice rack of miscellaneous domestic and foreign ingredients,all of which mingle and interact to form the identity of this great country.Why would Australian food be any different? In many modern Australian restaurants you can expect to come across such things as pasta dishes made with Asian vegetables and spices,Mediterranean chicken sandwiches seasoned with Indian curry,or even pizzas topped with kangaroo neat and outback bush berries.I tried all of these on my Australia trip—they were delicious!

A Wild Place

Canberra’s orderly design,bounty of amenities and wonderful food all lull visitors into a sense of relaxation and comfort,like sitting down in a plush recliner that agreeably sags more than you anticipated.Nonetheless,the reminders of Australia’s wild side emerge from time to time,in unexpected places.A taxi ride along Canberra’s perfectly manicured boulevards offers glimpses of signposts to places with strange-sounding aboriginal names that end in “ooma” or“bidgee”.During an al fresco meal in a fancy restaurant it’s not uncommon to see and hear a wild cockatiel squawking in a nearby plane tree.

Another glimpse of Canberra’s wild side comes from experiencing the increasingly popular motorcycle tours on offer to tourists.Resident Australians may consider Canberra the dry domain of politicians and lawmakers,but the friendly,leather-clad bikers I met were an entirely different breed of local.There’s definitely something incongruous about a crew of bikers converging on a Hyatt hotel to introduce their city to a bunch of mostly non-tattooed greenhorn riders.And nobody could think Canberra is a boring place after blasting down its main roads on a Harley motorcycle going 100 kilometers (60 miles) per hour.

Even the seemingly mundane act of sifting through my pocket change gave me pause to consider.From the coins in the palm of my hand,lyrebirds,echidnas,kangaroos,emus and a platypus stared back at me.How strange and bizarre these animals,this entire wild and remote country,must have seemed to the settlers who immigrated to Australia through the years.Canberra today is the tamed landscape,the civilized heart of what was once considered by snooty Europeans to be the most benighted land on earth.Tourists will find Canberra to be a city of style and flavor,with one foot in the past and the others stepping into tomorrow.







Travel Do’s & Don’ts

Kathy Passero

♦ This article was published originally in Biography Magazine©2002.A&E Television Networks.All right reserved.

Don’t give purple flowers in Brazil wave in Greece or give a thumbs-up in Australia. Global travel expert Roger Axtell explains why.

Roger Axtell was congratulating himself on how well his meetings in Saudi Arabia had gone when suddenly his client—a middle-aged businessman who served as his company’s key distributor in the region—reached over and grabbed his hand.“I was shocked,” recalls Axtell.“There I was,walking down the street holding hands with a man in a long,flowing robe.”Axtell struggled to stay calm and resisted the temptation to yank his arm away.His reaction saved the deal he’d just sealed.“I found out later that this was quite common behavior among the older generation of Saudis: the man was actually paying me a compliment.Had I pulled away,he would have been stunned and offended,” says Axtell.

That’s just one of the countless anecdotes—often humorous,something harrowing—that Axtell can rattle off about his 30 years circling the globe as an executive with the Parker Pen Company.A frequent flyer long before the phrase was coined,Axtell has filled notebook after notebook with wry observations about the cultural quirks and idiosyncrasies of different parts of the world: what gifts not to give in Brazil (purple flower; they’re associated with death),and when giving flowers in Germany,the number of flowers is important (never give even-numbered flowers,Germans think it’s unlucky).The vast store of knowledge accumulated in his notebooks launched him on a second career as a globetrotting etiquette expert—an “international Emily Post”,as The New Yorker dubbed him.Axtell is the author of eight Do’s and Taboos books loaded with advice for world travelers on everything from hand gestures to humor.

I’ll never forget getting off the plane in Buenos Aires and seeing our company manager,an Argentinean,with his arms flung open,” Axtell recalls.“The abrazo—or hug—is very common there,but Americans don’t like to have strangers touch them....I walked forward very stiffly and forgot to turn my head,so we smashed noses.”

The more Axtell explored the gaffes and glitches in international communications,the more he realized how widespread they were.Even the most skilled diplomats fell victim to faux pas.“Richard Nixon went to Brazil in the 1960s and innocently made an “OK” sign,unaware that it’s considered extremely vulgar there.

Axtell credits his nomadic childhood with preparing him for his career.Born in Kenosha,Wisconsin,on May 26,1931,he is the son of a homemaker and a World War I veteran and National Guard member.“In 1940 my dad was called up for active duty when World War II was starting in Europe,” he remembers.“We traveled to various posts and I went to nine grammar schools.I was always the new kid,so I got used to being different.”

“If you want to teach tolerance,send someone overseas,” he says.“As soon as they get off the plane,they’re a minority.It’s a wonderful experience.Being immersed in other cultures teaches you respect and awareness for them.I don’t want to sound Pollyannaish,but I really believe that if the next generation can develop that empathy and sensitivity,it could solve many of the problems the world is facing.”

A short course in travel do’s and don’ts

What’s Roger Axtell’s best tip for avoiding embarrassment and miscommunication abroad?“Do your homework before you travel,” he urges.“Spend a little time reading up on the place you’re going to visit—the customs,the culture,and so on.‘What’s the favorite national sport? What’s the predominant religion?” Here are general guidelines from Axtell on a few countries.


● If you rent a car,familiarize yourself with British automotive terms,just in case you have car trouble.For example,the hood is the bonnet; the trunk is the boot.

● Learn the difference between England,Great Britain (England,Scotland,Wales),and the United Kingdom (England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland) and use the correct reference.


● The popular American hand gesture of making a circle with the thumb and forefinger to signify “OK” is considered vulgar (the same holds true for Brazil,Germany and Russia).

● Waving is an insult; the closer your hand is to someone’s face,the greater the offense.


● It is generally deemed rude to bring diners a restaurant bill unless requested,so flag down a waiter when you want the check (the same holds true for most of Western Europe).

● Punctuality is not an important virtue.So don’t be upset if friends or business colleagues arrive later than the scheduled time (this also applies to most of southern Europe and Latin America).


● Be careful when you do the “V” for victory’s sign with your index and middle fingers.Make sure your palms face out.If they face in,that’s considered extremely rude.

● Do not give the thumbs-up sign.It is considered an insult.

