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【摘要】:13.2 科技英语翻译基于上述科技英语的特点,下面将简述科技英语翻译的要求,再分别讨论科技英语词汇和句子的翻译方法。此外,有些词在汉语中没有确切的对等译词,也可借助于音译,如新材料、药名、缩略词等等。但有的科技英语词汇却必须采用意译。

13.2 科技英语翻译


13.2.1 科技英语翻译要求



例30.We shall mention here two temperature scales, namely, the Fahrenheit scale and the Centigrade scale.

原译 这里我们将提及两种温度表:华氏表和摄氏表。

改译 这里我们将谈到两种温标:华氏温标和摄氏温标。

temperature scales 有固定的翻译方法,翻译为 “温标”,而不是 “温度计”(thermometer)。


例31.Distillation involves heating the solution until water evaporates, and then condensing the vapor.

原译 蒸馏就是加热溶液直到水蒸发,然后冷凝蒸汽。

改译 蒸馏就是要把溶液加热,直到水蒸发,然后再使蒸汽冷凝。


例32.It is forbidden to dismantle it without permission so as to avoid any damage to its parts.

原译 为了避免损坏设备的零件,未经许可不得拆卸该设备。

改译 严禁乱拆,以免损坏该设备的零件。

13.2.2 科技英语词汇翻译

方法有直译和意译两种。所谓直译,就是直接译出词汇所指的意义。直译的方法有移植(Transplant)、音译(Transliteration)和形象译(Pictographic translation)等。


就是按词典里所给的词义将词的各个词素的意义依次译出。这种方法多用于派生词和复合词,如:microwave 微波、superconductor 超导体、information superhighway 信息高速公路、centrifugal force离心力、gear box齿轮箱、mathematic model数学模型,等等。


专有名词(如人名、地名等)通常需要采用音译法。此外,有些词在汉语中没有确切的对等译词,也可借助于音译,如新材料、药名、缩略词等等。例如hacker 黑客、nylon尼龙、aspirin 阿斯匹林、topology 拓扑学等。

(3)象形译(Pictographic translation)

所谓象形译实际上就是根据物体的形状进行翻译。象形译法可分为以下三种:(1)保留原字母不译。如:zigzag-chain Z 形链,O-ring O形环,S-turning S 形弯道,X-ray X 射线 ,T-bolt T型螺栓。(2)用汉语形象相似的词来译。如: H-beam 工字樑。(3)用能表达其形象的词来译。如: cross stitch十字缝,V-belt 三角带,U-shaped magnet马蹄形磁铁。



根据原文本或原文词典中的意思进行概括,推演出汉语的译义。译文包含的不仅是原词的字面意义,还必须概括出词语所指事物的基本特征。如space shuttle 一词,按照移植的方法将其译成“太空穿梭机”显然不妥,很容易引起误解。其实,这里的space 指的是aerospace(航天),shuttle 指往返于太空与地球之间的形状像飞机的交通工具,因此,将space shuttle 推演,译成“航天飞机”。


在不脱离原文的基础上,运用延续与扩展的方法译出原文。通常的做法是:(1)将具体所指引向抽象泛指,如:brain 具体词义是“大脑”,抽象意义指“智力”,brain trust则可以引申为“智囊团”。(2)将抽象泛指引向具体所指,如:qualifications抽象意义指“资格,资历”,具体可以指“通过鉴定所具备的条件”,因此,data qualifications可以引申为“数据限制条件”。


若有某个词在用上述方法都难译好的情况下,可采用解释法,即用汉语说出英语原文的意思而不必给出汉语的对等词。如blood type 可直译为“血型”、blood bank 可直译成“血库”,但blood heat 却不能译成“血热”,而用其他方法也很难译出其准确含义,此时可借用解释法,将其译成“人体血液正常温度”。

13.2.3 科技英语的句子翻译




例33.Physics studies forces, motion, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, radiation and atomic structure.

译文 物理学研究力、运动、热、光、声、电、磁、辐射和原子结构。

例34.All four outer planets probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.

译文 这四颗外层行星的内核可能都由金属、硅酸盐和水构成。



例35.The converse effect is the cooling of a gas when it expands.

译文 气体在膨胀时对其冷却是一种逆反应。


例36.Either or both windings may be excited by alternating or direct current.

译文 可用交流电或者直流电激励其中任何一个或者两个绕组。




例37.These fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one.

译文 这些石块和铁块的碎片大小不等,大的直径有一千公里,小的不到一公里。

此例中英语单词range from … to译为汉语的分句。

例38.What emerged from this realization was a new method of planning and development in which designers learned that they first had to identify the purpose and performance expectations before they could develop all the parts that made up the system as a whole.

译文 在这一认识的基础上产生了一种计划与开发的新方法。该方法使设计人员明白必须确定该系统的目的和预期功效,然后才能够开发出整个系统的各个组成部分。

本句的主语是“What emerged from this realization”,是一个主语从句;表语部分当中,“in which designers...as a whole”为限制性定语从句。在这个限制性定语从句中还含有一宾语从句“that they first...as a whole”,由连词“that”引导,作动词“learned”的宾语。而在这个宾语从句当中又有一个时间状语从句,由连词“before”引导,其中从句中的“that made up the system as a whole”意思是“组成整个系统的”。

13.2.4 长句的翻译




例39.Plastics is made from water which is a natural resource inexhaustible and available everywhere, coal which can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost and lime which can be obtained from the calcination of limestone widely present in nature.

译文 塑料是由水、煤和石灰制成的。水是取之不尽的,到处可以获得的天然资源;煤可以用自动化和机械化的方法开采的,成本较低;石灰可以由煅烧自然界中广泛存在的石灰石得来。



例40.The very important oil industry, which has done much to rejuvenate the economy of the South since the end of World War II, made considerable headway especially in the five states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.

译文 第二次世界大战以后石油工业对振兴南部经济起了很大的作用。这个十分重要的工业部门特别是在以下五个州中取得了很大的进展:阿肯色、路易斯安那、密西西比、俄克拉何马和得克萨斯。(将从句拆分出来翻译)



例41.The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.

译文 第二个方面是全体社会成员(从政府官员到普通公民)都使用科学家们在他们工作中所采用的那种特殊的思考方法和行为方法。(插入括号,也可以在“社会成员”之后加一个逗号)

例42.In each situation soil samples revealed unusually high levels of such heavy metals as aluminum—presently thought to be a hallmark of acid rainfall.

译文 在各个调查点,土壤样品中重金属(如铝)的含量都异常高。这显然是酸雨在土壤中留下的痕迹。(郑声滔 2008)



例43.A material which has the property of elasticity will return to its original size and shape when the forces producing strain are removed.

译文 如果把产生应变的力去掉,具有弹性的材料就会恢复到它原来的体积和形状。

该句主句当中,“A material”是主语,“which has the property of elasticity”为限制性定语从句,由关系代词“which”引导,修饰先行词“A material”,因此可译为“具有弹性的材料”。有一个条件状语从句,由关系副词“when”引导;而该从句中的现在分词短语“producing strain”在这里作定语,修饰“the forces”。



例44.It should be realized that when we assign a magnitude and direction to the velocity of a body, we are really expressing its velocity relative to something which is, for this particular purpose, imagined to be stationary.

译文 应当认识到,当我们确定某一物体的速度大小和方向时,实际上我们表示的是相对于某一参考物的速度,对于这一特定场合来说,可以设想该参考物是静止不动的。


例45.Most of what we know about the earth below the limited depth to which boreholes or mine shafts have penetrated has come from geophysical observations.

译文 钻孔或矿井已达到的深度是有限的,我们对于这深度以下的地球的了解,大部分来自地球物理学方面的观测。

例46.Dr. Smith resumed the activities of anti-cancer experiment begun in 1945 and financed by the Federal government as soon as he snapped from his original disappointment at repeated failures, which had resulted in its forced suspension.

译文 史密斯医生于1945年开始着手由联邦政府资助的抗癌实验。他由于屡遭失败而感到沮丧,被迫终止了实验工作。现在他又重新振作起来,恢复了抗癌实验活动。

13.2.5 特殊结构的处理方法


(1)名词化结构: 译成汉语时需要根据英语趋向静态而汉语趋向动态的特征,根据汉语的表达习惯灵活处理,通常把英语名词化的结构译成汉语的动词或动词短语,有时也可将其拓展成汉语的句子:

例47.High blood pressure is a contraindication for this drug.

译文 高血压者忌服此药。

例48.Recent developments in the utilization of salinity power by reverse electrodialysis and other methods are discussed.

译文 本文讨论采用逆电渗析法和别的方法来利用盐动力的最新进展。

(2)被动句: 对英语被动语态,主要有四种处理方法(韩其顺、王学铭2003):

① 译为汉语里的主动句:这是最行之有效的方法。

例49.Automobiles may be manufactured with computer-driven robots or put together almost totally by hand.

译文 汽车可以由计算机操纵的机器人来制造,或者几乎全部用手工装配。

例50.More than 100 chemical elements are known to man; of these, about 80 are metals.

译文 人类已知的化学元素在100种以上,其中约有80种是金属。

② 译成汉语无主句

例51.A moratorium has been placed on the use of government funds for research into cloning.

译文 已经要求暂停使用政府用于克隆技术研究的款项。

例52.Extreme acidity or alkalinity must be neutralized before most secondary treatment processes can be properly applied.

译文 必须先对强酸性物质或强碱性物质进行中和,才能妥善实施二次处理。

③ 译成汉语的判断句:使用句型“……的是……”/“……是……的”。

例53.Produced by electrons are the X-rays, which allow the doctor to look inside a patient’s body.

译文 电子产生的是X射线,它使医生能透视病人的身体。

④ 译成汉语被动句


例54.Nuclear power has been known to scientists for quite a long time.

译文 核动力为科学家所认识已经很久了。


例55.The Space Shuttle Columbia returned from 16 days in orbit, using astronauts and animals as neurological test subjects.

译文 “哥伦比亚”号航天飞机在轨道运行16天后返回地球,在此期间,它把宇航员和动物用作精神病学受试对象。

例56.Hydrogen is the simplest substance,atoms of other elements having a more complex structure.

译文 氢是最简单的物质,其他元素的原子则具有较复杂的结构。


例57.Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.

译文 爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

例58.One mistake, quite frequently made, is that of giving too little clearance between the piece to be machined and walls or sides of the jig used for it.

译文 经常出现的一致错误是:放置待加工工件时,没有将它与加工所用的夹具的壁面或侧面留出足够的间隙。

此例多处使用了后置定语,过去分词短语quite frequently made,used for it,不定式to be machined,介词短语between the piece to be machined and walls or sides of the jig used for it,翻译时均被前置。


例59.These pests are a major factor limiting production in most of the world where corn is grown, including the entire continents of Africa and Asia.

译文 在世界上大多数的玉米产地(包括整个非洲和亚洲大陆),这些害虫都是玉米产量的一个主要制约因素。(郑声滔2008)



① 倍数增加的译法:


例60.The liquor was dilated with water to five times its original volume.

译文 溶液用水稀释到其原来容积的五倍。

例61.Since the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid, the annual total of telephone calls between UK and America has increased eightfold.

译文 自从第一条横跨大西洋的电话电缆铺设以来,英国和美国之间的年通话量增加了七倍。

② 倍数减少的译法


例62.By using this new process the loss of heat energy was reduced by a factor of 3.

译文 使用这项新工艺,热能损耗降为原来的1/3。

例63.The PVC plastic pipe is seven times lighter than the galvanized one.

译文 PVC 塑管比镀锌管轻7/8(即PVC管是镀锌管重量的八分之一)。

③ 倍数比较的译法

例64.The hydrogen atom is near1y l6 times as light as the oxygen atom.

译文 氢原子的重量约为氧原子的1/16(即比氧原子约轻15/16)。

例65.This thermal power plant is four times larger than that one.

译文 这个热电站比那个热电站大3倍。

例66.If the pulmonary capillary pressure remains elevated for more than approximately two weeks, the pulmonary lymphatic enlarge as much as 6- to 10-fold, and lymphatic flow can increase perhaps 20- to 50-fold above the normal resting level.

译文 如果肺毛细血管压持续升高两周以上,那么肺淋巴管可扩张到原来粗细的6~10 倍,而淋巴流量可能增加到正常静止水平的20~50 倍。





1.Monel metal   6.CAD (computer aided design)  11.vaseline

2.logic circuit  7.T-bend             12.mosaic

3.Doppler effect 8. twist drill         13.Photosynthesis

4.ISDN       9.L-square         14.radiophotography

5.UFPP      10.A-bedplate          15.magneto hydrodynamics


1.Our practice proves that what is perceived cannot at once be comprehended and that only what is comprehended can be more deeply perceived.

2.The pipe having a small cross-section,the water flow per second will be small.

3.Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warm-up time.

4.These many billions of cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can not begin to unravel as yet.

5.Let AB in the figure above represent an inclined plane the surface of which is smooth and unbending.

6.The engine can be run at very high speeds on condition the vibrations can be damped out.

7.As long as a rocket burns enough fuel to provide sufficient thrust, it will contribute to increase in speed.

8.Non-mobile robots, capable of learning to perform an industrial task and then of being left to perform it tirelessly, are even now in use in industrial plants all over the world.

9.A detailed examination was made of energy partition in an impacted solid propellant.

10.It is hoped that solar energy will find wide application wherever it becomes available.


1.The difficulties that would have to be encountered by anyone who attempted to explore the moon—assuming that it was possible to get there—would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in the endeavor to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

2.There is also a handy little aerator tool on the market that I use─a compost aerator that has a rod with a handle at the top and two hinged paddles at the bottom.

3.Numerical control machines are most useful when quantities of products to be produced are low or mediocre; the tape containing the information required to produce the part can be stored, reused or modified when required.

4.Those functions that describe how a computer software reacts to mechanical design, called application functions, are more often important to the engineer in engineering applications such as analysis, calculation, and simulation in connection with mechanical design because he wishes to know how they will work in use to which he wants to apply them.

5.Only by studying such cases of human intelligence with all the details and by comparing the results of exact investigation with the solutions of AI (Artificial Intelligence) usually given in the elementary books on computer science can a computer engineer acquire a thorough understanding of theory and method in AI, develop intelligent computer programs that work in a human like way, and apply them to solving more complex and difficult problems that present computer can’t.

