首页 理论教育 买方与卖方联系怎样签订合同


时间:2022-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第一节 商务英语的句式特征一、句式结构复杂,长句多作为企业间商务交流的媒介,商务英语具有句式讲究、条理清晰、结构严谨的特点。这一部分对句子主要成分进行了补充说明,从而使句意更加严谨。最后,that后面的成分是作为后置定语修饰其前面的五个并列名词。(这句取自《联合国一九七八年海上货物运公约》中有关提单

第一节 商务英语的句式特征



If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.(如果一方违反任何根据第18.1条或18.2条所作的陈述及担保或重述,则另一方除根据本合同或相关法律寻求任何可能的救济之外,违约方应当赔偿另一方或合营公司由此造成的任何损失、损害、费用、开支、责任或索赔。)

此句的主干为it shall indemnify and keep indemnified… against …the other Party and the company,前面是一个由if引导的条件状语从句(If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2)。在这个条件状语从句中,其宾语部分(any of the representations or warranties)又跟随着后置定语(given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2)。in addition to引导的是增补成分,其核心词remedies之后也跟了后置定语(available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws)。这一部分对句子主要成分进行了补充说明,从而使句意更加严谨。最后,that后面的成分是作为后置定语修饰其前面的五个并列名词。

Unless otherwise consented in writing by Party A, the Goods shall not be removed, transferred, or stored outside the place designated by Party A or be out of Party B’s physical control. In case of the occurrence thereof, Party B shall make payments for the Goods into the account designated by Party A as the repayment in full or in part of the principal of the loan on the same day or on or before the immediately following working day.


If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general mature,leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a shipped bill of lading issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion of the absence of reasonable means of checking.




In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am studying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States.(最近银根很紧,为谋求达成交易,本人代表公司正在研究如何做成这笔交易。我们希望以易货贸易为基础,进口你方能运到美国的任何商品。)

这句话的主语是由两个并列结构构成(the corporation is willing to…and would…),前面跟有一个较长的不定式短语(In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency)作状语。另外句子中还有两个定语从句(on behalf of which I am studying this proposition和which you would ship to the United States)。译者在译这个复杂句时采用了拆译法,把原文拆开译成了两个汉语句子,从而使译文更为准确流畅。

The growth of class consciousness among the workers was inhabited by continued high levels of employment and rising earnings for almost 15 years, combined with the propaganda of views in the labour movement reflecting the influence of Keynesian theories about the ability of capitalism to solve permanently the problem of“boom and bust” through a“managed economy” of built-in stabilizers.(近15年来,就业率一直保持在高水平,工资收入不断增长。凯恩斯有一套理论,认为资本主义制度有能力通过名曰“内在稳定器”的“国家调节经济”永久解决“繁荣与萧条”交替出现的问题。而劳工运动则宣传反映凯恩斯理论影响的观点。这种种因素结合在一起,就使工人阶级觉悟的提高受到阻碍。)




Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation.(双方应通过友好协商解决因本合同产生的或与本合同有关的任何争议。)

It is mutually agreed that the certificates of quality and quantity or weight issued by the Manufacturer shall be part of the document to be presented to the paying bank for negotiation of payments.(双方同意以制造厂出具之品质及数量或重量检验证明书作为卖方向付款银行议付货款单据之一。)



It is said that our bilateral deficit with Japan stubbornly refuses to shrink because their market is closed.(据说,我们和日本的双边贸易逆差很难缩小是因为日本关闭其国内市场。)

Deposits at banks and other financial institutions are also money because they can be converted into currency and because they are used to settle debts.(在银行和其他金融机构的存款也是货币,因为它们可以变为现金和用于结清债务。)

Though commissions in the over-the-counter securities market are unfettered by legal restraints, brokerages have agreed to charge the same fees in order to keep profit margins up.(场外证券交易市场上的回扣不受法律限制的约束,尽管如此,为了提高利润率,各经纪公司仍然决定收取同样数额的费用。)


Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.(请详告价格、质量、可供数量和其他有关情况。)

So far, all our purchases from you have been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.(迄今为止,我方向贵方订购的全部货物都是采用保兑的、不可撤销信用证付款。)

After a check-up by our staff, it was found that the packing bags of some 30 bags were not strong enough, thus resulting in the breakage during the transit, for which we render our apologies.(经我方人员检查,大约30袋化肥的包装不够牢固,结果导致运输途中发生破损,对此我方深表歉意。)

Unless otherwise specified in writing herein, all Confidential Information must be returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed on the expiration of the period of the receiving Party’s using such Confidential Information.(除非本协议另有书面规定,所有机密信息在接收方使用期限届满时必须退还给披露方或者销毁。)

Where the disputes arising out of or in relation to this Contract can not be resolved within fifteen (15) days after any Party hereto requesting in writing the other Party to commencing a consultation on said disputes,either Party may submit it to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration (CIETAC).(如果在合同任何一方向对方发出就因本合同引起的或与之有关的任何争议进行协商的书面请求后15天内争议仍未得到解决,则任何一方可以将该争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁。)



We’re in receipt of your letter./ We acknowledge receipt of your letter./ We admit receipt of your letter.(贵公司来函已收悉。)


Regarding your letter of/ in reply to your letter of/referring to your letter of(鉴于贵公司……来函);

We thank you for your letter dated (April 8, 2013) in which your inquire about our…[(感谢您于(2013年4月8日)来函征询我方……]


We are looking forward to receiving your positive/favourable repay; we are looking forward to hearing from you in the affirmative.(盼收到贵方肯定的答复。)


Enclosed please find…/ we are enclosing…(随函附上……)

除此之外,表示委婉礼貌的邀请时可用“May I have the pleasure of inviting you to…”、“Will you please honour me by coming…”;告知对方不利消息时可用句型“I’m sorry to tell you…”“I regret to say…”等。这些表示感情的词可以委婉礼貌地引进话题。如: We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect condition when the goods were loaded on board the ship.(因货物装船时箱子是完整无损的,请恕我方难以接受贵方的索赔。)


(1)The contract is made by and between the seller and the buyer—, whereby—

(2)The undersigned buyer and seller have confirmed—in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

(3)Party A and Party B hereby agree to conclude the contract in accordance with the following terms and conditions等。


除此之外,商务合同中还有很多固定条款,其句法结构和表达方式也在商务实践中逐渐固定了下来。这些固定句型在表达意思时更为准确,在合同中经常会用到,如: subject to,without prejudice to, for the purpose of, by and between,on and after, or other similar or dissimilar causes等。

Subject to the conditions hereafter set forth, Party B will protect…(在下列情况下,乙方将保证……)在这里,“subject”并不是普通英语中“主题”或“使服从”的意思,而是表示“在……情况下,根据……规定”的意思。

Without prejudice to any rights which exist under the applicable laws or under the Subcontract, the Contractor shall be entitled to withhold or defer payment of all part of any sum otherwise due by the Contractor to the Subcontractor.(在不影响按适用法律或分包合同享有任何权利的情况下,承包商有权扣留或暂缓支付承包商应付给分包商的全部或部分到期金额。)这里,without prejudice to表示“在不影响……的条件下;在不损害……的原则下”的意思,在商务合同中经常出现。如:Without prejudice to your powers and discretions…(不使贵行权利和任意决定受到损害),Without prejudice to the contractor’s rights to…(在不影响承包商权利的情况下)等。

For the purpose of this Agreement, each of the following terms shall have the following meaning respectively:(就本协议而言,下列各用语分别具有下述意义:)在这个句子中,for the purpose of就不是日常英语中“为了”的意识,而是表示“就……而言”。

Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20.(自9月20日起,甲方将无权接受任何订单或收据。)这里,“on and after”是“自此(包括此时)之后”。类似的双介词还有by and before,by and after等,这一类词比单纯用before或after更严谨,因此在商务合同中经常用到。

Unless otherwise stipulated in the Letter of Credit, the expression“shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or latest shipment date shall be understood to include to the expression“loading on board”,“dispatch” and“taking in charge”.


On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the contract.


The trustee has a duty to pay money and transfer property only to persons who are entitled pursuant to the trust.


This Agreement commences on the date the last party signs it and expires after 3 years, unless it is terminated earlier as provided in this Agreement. At the expiration of this Agreement, the parties may negotiate a renewal or extension of the term, provided that the Party B is in full compliance with this Agreement at that time.



英语中的条件句主要表示一种未来可能发生的事情。商务英语中,尤其国际商务合同是用来约定合同各方应享有权利和应履行义务的书面文件。由于这种权利的行使和义务的履行均需要有各种条件,所以商务合同中存在大量的条件句式。这些条件句多采用现在时态,体现了合同文体的严肃性。商务合同中的条件句多由下列连接词引导:if, in case (of), in the event of/that, provided (that), should,等等。

If there is any delay, the seller will immediately notify the buyer of the delay and the reason for the delay.(如果推迟交货,卖方应通知买方推迟交货以及延误的原因。)

In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.(若对解释产生异议,以中文文本为准。)

In case of Force Majeure the Sellers shall not held responsible for delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall notify immediately the Buyers and deliver to the Buyers by registered mail a certificate issued by government authorities or Chamber of Commerce as evidence thereof. If the shipment is delayed over one month as the consequence of the said Force Majeure, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this Contract. Sellers’ inability in obtaining export licence shall not be considered as Force Majeure.


In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, China, for arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The arbitral award is final and binding, upon both parties.


In the event of the Sellers’ failure in effecting shipment upon arrival of the vessel at the loading port, all losses, including dead freight, demurrage fines etc. thus incurred shall be for Sellers’ account. If the vessel fails to arrive at the loading port within the lay days previously declared by the shipping agent, the storage charges and insurance premium from the 16th day after expiration of the free storage time at the port shall be borne by the Buyers. However, the Sellers shall be still under the obligation to load the goods on board the carrying vessel immediately after her arrival at the loading port, at their own expenses and risks. The expenses and losses mentioned above shall be reimbursed against original receipts or invoices.


Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Commission (Beijing) and the rules of this Commission shall be applied.


Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Contract owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause (14) of this Contract, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the relative quantity of the contract, Or alternatively, the Sellers may, with the Buyers’ consent, postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyers. The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of 15 days. Penalty shall be calculated from the 16th day and shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved.


Should the Buyers not open the L/C within the time stipulated in the contract or the L/C opened not correspond to the contract terms and the Sellers fail to amend after receipt of the notification by the Sellers, the Sellers shall have the right to cancel the contract or to delay the delivery of the goods and shall also have the right to lodge claims for compensation.


Either side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other side.(任何一方都可以更换自己指派的代表,但须书面通知对方。)



I am sure you will think it fair on our part when we suggest that the total value of the parcel should be reduced by 50%.


When a party assigns, wholly or in part, its contractual rights and obligations to a third party, it must obtain the consent of the other party.


If two or more applicants apply for registration of identical or similar trademarks for the same kind of goods or similar goods, the trademark whose registration was first applied for shall be given preliminary examination and approval and shall be publicly announced; if the applicants are filed on the same day, the trademark which was first used shall be given preliminary examination and approval and shall be publicly announced, and the applications of the others shall be rejected and shall not be publicly announced.


七、shall 的使用

国际商务英语中常用带shall 的句子,来增强语气。特别是在合同类的材料中,shall不仅表示将来时,而且表达了每一方的职责与义务,常具有“必须、应当”等强制意味。例如:

The liquidation of the joint ventures shall be handled in accordance with related states laws and administrative regulations and rules as well as the venture’s contract and the articles of the association.


If the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Seller’s favour as prescribed above, the seller shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or cancelling any others at any time on the Buyer’s account and risk.


The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the Chairman be absent, the Vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting .


The carrier shall, before and at the beginning of the voyage, exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy.


When the goods have been taken over by the carrier or have been loaded on board, the carrier shall, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of loading.


