首页 理论教育 主位明确化


时间:2022-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:5.2.1 主位明确化汉语中的行为主体有时约定俗成,不言自明。英译时,译者可根据交际的需要凸显行为主体作为主位,强调动作发出者。Anyone(主位)‖who has reached the level of a graduate from the faculty of medicine of a university or a polytechnic school and,under the guidance of a licensed doctor,worked on probation for at least one year in the medical treatment,disease prevention or health care institution may take the examinations for the qualification of an assistant doctor.从上述三个句子看出,与汉语原文相比较,译者明确突出了译文中的We,He或Anyone这些行为主体作为主位,强调了施动者的角色与作用。

5.2.1 主位明确化



【译文】We(主位)‖are supportive of the Individual Action Plan(IAP)and Collective Action Plan(CAP)and we will push ahead with the TILF process through the improvement of the peer review mechanism.


【译文】He(主位)‖who learns without thinking will be lost.He who thinks without learning remains puzzled.


【译文】Anyone(主位)‖who has reached the level of a graduate from the faculty of medicine of a university or a polytechnic school and,under the guidance of a licensed doctor,worked on probation for at least one year in the medical treatment,disease prevention or health care institution may take the examinations for the qualification of an assistant doctor.


