首页 理论教育 《世纪大学英语读写教程》课文问答法教学实例举隅


时间:2022-04-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:《21世纪大学英语读写教程》课文问答法教学实例举隅工程兵指挥学院 仲 锡 李兆平普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材《21世纪大学英语读写教程》课文的教学是英语教学中的主要内容,课文教学质量的好坏,直接关系到教学质量的优劣。


工程兵指挥学院 仲 锡 李兆平




本文以第二册第一单元Winston Churchill—His Other Life一课为例,从课文的文化背景知识、思想道德教育内容、课文内容所涉及的人物、事件和课文中的字、词、句法结构等方面入手,分述问题的设置及其答语方法。



Q1: What was the nature and outcome of the“mission”mentioned in the first paragraph? How did it affect Churchill personally?

Q2.Who was Mary Soames?

Q3.How do you understand the expression“begin his love affair with painting”here in this text?

Q4.Why did Churchill begin his love affair with painting?

Q5.What trouble did Churchill get into?

Q6.How do you understand the sentence“Churchill paid the price,both publicly and privately”?

Q7.What would happen if the campaign in the Dardanelles hadn't failed?

Q8.Where is Dardanelles?














1) How do you understand the expression“begin his love affair with painting”here in this text?(节1)

2) How do you understand the sentence“Churchill paid the price,both publicly and privately”?(节1)

3) What does the word“muse”mean here in this text?(节2)

4) What does the word“wander”mean here in this part?(节3)

5) How do you understand the phrase“chance upon”in the text?(节3)

6) What is the grammatical function does the word“sketching”serve as?(节3)

7)What does the word“overwhelm”mean here in the text?(节4)

8)What grammatical function does“delighted with anything that distracted Winston from the dark thoughts that overwhelmed him”in the first sentence of this paragraph serve as?(节4)

9) What does the phrase“turn out to be”mean in the first sentence of this paragraph?(节5)

10) What is the grammatical function of“painting”here?(节5)

11) What does the phrase“in oils”serve as grammatically?(节5)

12) What doe the word“contemplate”mean in the sentence?(节5)

13) How do you interpret the sentence“Anyone could see it could not hit back”?(节7)

14) What does the word“anonymous”mean here in the text?(节11)


1) What was the nature and outcome of the“mission”mentioned in the first paragraph? How did it affect Churchill personally?(节1)

2) From whom did Churchill learn the art of painting?(节8)

3) What have historians regarded the decade Churchill spent after 1929 as,and why?(节12)


1) What is the difference between“painting and drawing”?(节2)

2) How many daughters did Mnemosyne and Zeus have,what are their names and what did they preside each?(节2)

3) What is an amateur art exhibition?(节11)


1) Where is Dardanelles and how much do you know about it?(节1)

2)Where was Hoe Farm that Churchill retired to with his family?(节2)

3)Where and what was Chart well?(节10)

4)Where is London and how much do you know about the city?(节11)


1)Who was Winston Churchill?(节1)

2) Who was Mary Soames?(节1)

3) Who was Lavery?(节8)


1)What happened in 1921 to Churchill?(节9)

2)What happened to Churchill after the death of his mother and daughter?(节9)

3)What happened to the Churchill's family in September 1922?(节10)


1)What would happen if the campaign in the Dardanelles hadn't failed?(节1)

2)What did Churchill mean by the statement“The muse of painting came to my rescue”?(节2)

3) What were the dark thoughts that overwhelmed Winston?(节4)

4)Why were Churchill's first steps of painting strangely difficult?(节5)

5)What caused Churchill's nervousness when he first tried his hand at oil painting?Why does the author call it“unaccustomed nervousness”?(节5)

6)Why didn't Churchill hesitate anymore?(节7)

7)Why did Lavery say Churchill would have been a great master with the brush if he had chosen painting instead of politics?(节8)

8)What had Churchill found in painting?(节9)

9)Why did the author think that her father must have felt a glow of satisfaction in the mid-1920s?(节11)

10)What does the pronoun“they”in the second sentence of this paragraph refer to?(节12)

11)Why did the author say“artistically those years of her father's bore abundant fruit”?(节12)

12)Why did painting remain a joy to Churchill to the end of his life?(节13)

13)Three women played key roles in getting Churchill involved in painting.Who were they,and what parts did they play?(全文)

14)Does the writer agree with the historians who have called the decade after 1929 Churchill's barren years?(节12)

15) What did Churchill mean when he wrote that“painters shall not be lonely”? What did painting mean to him,and what does this tell you about his relationships with people around him?(节13)


1)What is“First Lord of the Admiralty”?(节1)

2) Is one's“sister-in-law”a female or amale?(节3)

3)Why was Churchill's painting almost disqualified from the exhibition in the mid-1920s? And why were the judges later delighted?(节11)


1) Why did Churchill begin his love affair with painting?(节1)

2) What trouble did Churchill get into?(节1)

3) Whom did Churchill see when he was wandering in the garden one day?(节3)

4) What was his sister-in-law doing when Churchill saw her?(节3)

5) Why did Clementine rush off to buy whatever paints and materials she could find?(节4)

6) Where did Churchill make am ark?(节6)

7) How big was Churchill's mark on the snow-white field?(节6)

8) How did Churchill make am ark as big as a bean on the snow-white field?(节6)

9) What did Churchill hear at the time?(节6)

10) What did Churchill feel when he heard the sound and then saw what happened later?(节6)

11) Whom did Churchill see?(节6)

12) What did the lady do when he saw Churchill painting?(节7)

13)Why did some of the judges insist that Winston's picture—one of his first of Chart well—was the work of a professional,not an amateur?(节11)














