首页 理论教育 《柯林斯合作英语词典》


时间:2022-04-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:12.3.3 《柯林斯合作英语词典》《柯林斯合作英语词典》是一大批语言专家历经15年在对英语书面语与口语进行深入研究的基础上研编而成的,被称为英语语言学研究最新成果的结晶。

12.3.3 《柯林斯合作英语词典

《柯林斯合作英语词典》是一大批语言专家历经15年在对英语书面语与口语进行深入研究的基础上研编而成的,被称为英语语言学研究最新成果的结晶。这部词典共收录英语词目75 000余条,其中4000余条为近年来进入英语的新词,适合中高级读者使用。该词典利用了柯林斯出版公司和伯明翰大学联合开发的语料库(The English Bank)。该语料库内容丰富,已积累了64 500万词次的语料,其范围广泛,涉及英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚、加拿大等国家的英语,取材覆盖了书刊杂志、电视广播、日常交谈等的正式与非正式语体,从而使词典更加准确地反映了当代英语的特点,更具实用性。更新速度快、语料新、定义准和信息多,这是柯林斯词典的显著特征。


arrange[Ior T]to plan or prepare for; to organize


arrange 1 If you arrange an event or meeting,you make plans for it to happen.

2 If you arrange with someone to do something,you make plans with them to do it.

3 If you arrange something for someone,you make it possible for them to have it or to do it.

4 If you arrange things somewhere,you place them in a particular position,usually in order tomake them look attractive or tidy.

5 If a piece of music is arranged by someone,it is changed or adapted so that it is suitable for particular instruments or voices,or for a particular performance.


从上面的例子可以看出,《柯林斯合作英语词典》的释义不但清楚明白,而且更加精细。编者通过这样一种方式使读者明白词语是怎样运用的。在许多情况下,这样的释义提供了该词典型的语法环境。例如,释义的措词就表明了词目所属的词类。因此,一个普通可数名词的词条(如door)会这样开头:“A door is…”;一个及物动词的词条(如conceal)的开头是:“If you conceal something,you…”,表明具有这个意义的动词的典型主语是人,其直接宾语是范围很广的无生命的或抽象的名词;而“To sink a ship means to…”则暗含着具有这个意义的动词的直接宾语应被限制在船或类似于船的物体上。


disgust[U]strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation or person's behaviour,etc.

juice[U]the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables


legislative[only before noun]concerned with making laws


disgust 1 Disgust is a feeling of very strong dislike or disapproval.

juice 1 Juice is the liquid that can be obtained from a fruit.

legislative Legislative means involving or relating to the process of making and passing laws.


