首页 理论教育 对写作与翻译的启示


时间:2022-04-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:4.5.4 对写作与翻译的启示语篇结构是人们语言运用的表层现象和组织,但是它在某种程度上反映了人们特定的思维方式和思维结构。Andy Kirpartrick曾对40篇我国学生写的英语作文进行分析,通过研究中国学生的40封中文信,发现文化差异造成语篇结构和语言运用的差异。

4.5.4 对写作与翻译的启示


Andy Kirpartrick(1996)曾对40篇我国学生写的英语作文进行分析,通过研究中国学生的40封中文信,发现文化差异造成语篇结构和语言运用的差异。他举了如下的例子。

我国有位学生写信给澳大利亚电台(Radio Australia),想得到一本该电台的英语节目的教材,信的英译如下。

(63) Respected Radio Australia producers,

I have been a loyal listener to Radio Australia's English teaching program mes and to“Song You Like”for several years.I consider both program mes to be extremely well produced.

Let me describe myself a little: I am a middle school student,I am eighteen and my home is in×××,a small border city.The cultural life really isn't too bad.Because I like studying English,I therefore follow those program mes closely.But because the Central broadcasting Station's English program mes are rather abstruse,they are not really suitable for me and therefore I get all my practice in listening comprehension and dialogue from Radio Australia's English program mes.This practice has been of great benefit.As I progress,step by step through the course,I am keenly aware that not having the teaching materials presents several difficulties.Because of this,I have taken time to write this letter to you,in the hope that I can obtain a set of Radio Australia's English pro gramme's teaching materials.Please let me know the cost of the materials.

In addition,I hope to obtain a Radio Australia calendar.Wishing Radio Australia's MSC programmes more interesting.



高远(2002)分析说,从语言上看,西方人先说请求的内容,然后再说请求的理由。而中国人与此相反,先说请人帮忙的理由,然后再说请求的内容。此外,中国人虽然用了很多客套话,认为自己很礼貌了,但Kirpartrick仍然觉得中国人用的英语太直接、不够客气,因为中国人用了陈述语气(hope I can obtain),而没有用虚拟语气(I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to□)。从章法看,Kirpartrick认为中国人写的请求信行文间接,采用归纳法组织内容。西方人写同样的信,行文直接,采用演绎法组织内容,这种信如出自澳大利亚人之手将会写成这样。

(64) Dear Radio Australia,

I would be very grateful if you would be kind enough to send me teaching materials for your excellent English language teaching program mes.I am learning English from your program mes but I am finding it difficult without the materials.

I would also be very grateful if you would be kind enough to send me a Radio Australia calendar.

Yours sincerely,



(65) Since China opened to the world,English is becoming more and more important.Because of it,many Chinese,including young,middle-aged and old men,begin to learn English.Asa result,the young parents begin to have their children to learn English,which they themselves can't learn well.They think that their children must be better than they and the earlier,the better.Nowadays,it is very popular for children to learn to play piano,violins,electrical drawings and so on,and English is what children have to learn.Even though the young player can play the musical instrument well without understanding the contents of the music,but English,as a language,is quite different.Language is for communication.That is to say,you have to learn to speak and read and you have to understand others and make yourself understood.If you don't do this,it doesn't mean you have learned the language.


(66) Many young parents nowadays expect their children to learn English as early as possible.This tendency is,first of all,caused by the importance and growing need of English in China.Another reason why parents are so eager to do this is that they want their children to do what they themselves haven't done well.Besides,some parents are ignorant of the nature of learning a language and they simply compare the learning of English to learning to play a piano.In fact,one can play music without understanding the meaning of it,but cannot speak a language with outunderst anding what the words mean.Thus,learning English as early as possible is a doubtful idea which needs further investigation.(引自杨玉晨,2003)



