首页 理论教育 习语的特点


时间:2022-04-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:二、习语的特点1.民族性习语是人民大众在劳动中创造出来的,与人和人生活的环境密切相关。习语好比一面镜子,能清楚地反映出一中民族文化的特色。水手们用英寻测量水深,因而,“deep-six”表示最深处,即海底最后的六英尺部分。The defence lawyers were battening down the hatches for testimony by an eye witness to the crime.辩护律师正在准备对付犯罪行为目击者的证词。正是这些普通老百姓的生活创造了成千上万充满诗意的习语,从而给英语习语打下了“民间性”的烙印。




deep-six 抛弃,拒绝

根据语言学家考证,它的原意是“海底”(the bottom of the ocean)。这个习语中的“deep”表示“最深处”(deepest),“six”来源于英寻(fathom),一英寻等于六英尺,合1.8米。水手们用英寻测量水深,因而,“deep-six”表示最深处,即海底最后的六英尺部分。如果水手们永远不想见到哪样东西,他们就“deep-six”(抛弃)它,从船上把它抛向海底。它也可以表示埋藏东西或者把它放到看不见的地方。例如:

You might deep-six a book you had not enjoyed.


The company gave his ideas the deep-six.


batten down the hatches 做好准备,战胜困难


A news report says that people in Washington were battening down the hatches for a big winter storm.


The defence lawyers were battening down the hatches for testimony by an eye witness to the crime.


to sail under false colours(船)挂着别国国旗航行;(转义)打着招牌骗人,以假面目出现,假装,冒充


I had so much wisdom as to sail under false colours in this foolish jaunt of mine.


Cowperwood had decided that he did not care to sail under any false colours so far as Addison was concerned.


to nail one’s colours to the mast 不后退;不投降;不退让;(对某个问题)明确宣布并坚持自己的看法


The home secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of arming police.


Everyone tried to convince him that the measures would improve conditions,but he nailed his colours to the mast.



美国著名诗人Walt Whitman(1819~1892)曾说过:“英语的根基宽广而低下,靠近土壤。英语里交织着普通人民的爱与恨,欢乐与痛苦,需求与满足。”正是这些普通老百姓的生活创造了成千上万充满诗意的习语,从而给英语习语打下了“民间性”的烙印。例如:

铁匠们说:A good anvil does not fear the hammer.(好砧不怕锤打。)

鞋匠们说:The cobbler’s wife is the worst shod.(鞋匠的老婆没鞋穿。)

木匠们说:Such carpenters,such chips.(什么木匠出什么活。)

裁缝们说:Cut the coat according to the cloth.(看布裁衣。)

农夫们说:As a man sows,so shall he reap.(种什么,收什么。)

渔民们说:The best fish swim near the bottom.(好鱼居水底。)

猎人们说:A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。)

磨房主说:All is grist that comes to the mill.(到了磨里都成粉。)

淘金者说:All is not gold that glitters.(发光的未必都是金子。)

驯马人说:A boisterous horse must have a rough bridle.(烈马要套粗笼头。)

牧马人说:Make hay while the sun shines.(晒草要趁太阳好。)

主妇们说:A stitch in time saves nine.(一针及时省九针。)


习语是由两个或两个以上的词组成的短语或句子,但在语义上却是一个整体。例如:till the cows come home作为一个习语,它的意思并不是till,the,cows,come,home这些单个词意义的简单叠加,而是要将它们作为一个整体来看待才能明了这一习语的意思为“无限期地”。类似的例子还有:do sb.brown(使某人上当),do up brown(把……彻底搞好),show the white weather(显示胆怯),Diamond cut diamond,crook cut crook.(棋逢对手),Like cures like.(以毒攻毒),red tape(官样文章,繁琐和拖拉的公事程序),cold comfort(简直不起作用的安慰),hit or miss(无论成功与否;漫无目的地),neither head or tail of sth.(对某事一点摸不着头脑),sink or swim(沉浮全凭自己;无论好歹),rain or shine(无论晴雨;无论如何),now and never(机不可失),neck and neck(并驾齐驱,不分上下),out and out(十足地,彻头彻尾地),by leaps and bounds(飞跃地,极迅速地),with might and main(尽全力),as blind as a bat(有眼无珠),as large as life(与原物一般大小;千真万确)等。


习语与自由词组的一个最大的差别就是习语的结构具有稳定性(structural stability)。具体表现为,首先,习语的成分具有不可替代性。例如,under the weather(不舒服,有点小病),keep the weather(占上风;操大权),make heavy weather of sth.(对某事考虑太多,对某事小题大做)中的weather是不可以用climate或别的什么词来替代的。同样,give sb.the axe(解雇某人;开除某人),hang up one’s axe(停止无用的计划;洗手不干;退休),have an axe to grind(另有企图;有个人打算),lay the axe to the root of(着手根除,着手消灭),put the axe in the helve(解决难题,解谜),send the axe after the helve(坚持做没有指望的事),set the axe to(着手砍倒,着手破坏)中的axe是不可以换成chopper或hatchet的。其次,习语中的语序是不能改变的。例如:by twos and threes(三三两两),tit for tat(以牙还牙,针锋相对),the lion’s share(最大的份额),alive and kicking(活蹦乱跳),beer and skittles(吃喝玩乐)等不能改为by threes and twos,tat for tit,the share of the lion,kicking and alive,skittles and beer等。第三,习语的成分不能取消也不能添加。例如:at the last gasp(在奄奄一息时,在最后关头),to hit the nail on the head(说得中肯,打中要害,做得恰到好处),to have a finger in the pie(染指,参与其事),to see far into a millstone(有特别敏锐的目光),to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds(两面讨好),the salt of the earth(社会中坚),on the carpet(受训斥),to take the bull by the horn(不畏艰险)中的不定冠词a和定冠词the都不可以取消;同样地,to kill time(消磨时光),to cry wolf too often(假话说得太多以至于说真话时别人也不相信),to smite hip and thigh(不留情地痛打,彻底压倒),to fall from grace(堕落,犯罪),in apple-pie order(整整齐齐),in full blast(飞快地,最有效率地)中是不可以在其名词前加进定冠词the或不定冠词a的。最后,有些习语在语法结构上是无法分析的。例如,diamond cut diamond(棋逢敌手,旗鼓相当)中的cut就不可以用正常的语法规则来进行分析。


明喻、暗喻、换喻、提喻等比喻手法往往被用在了各种不同的习语之中,从而使得习语形象生动、富于吸引力。例如,as fresh as a rose(像玫瑰花一样精神饱满),as gentle as a lamb(像羊羔一样温和),as proud as a peacock(像孔雀一样骄傲),as cool as a cucumber(极其镇静,泰然自若)中用的是明喻手法;to set one’s home in order(进行内部整顿),a stage whisper(有意让别人能听到的耳语),between the devil and the deep sea(进退维谷)中用的是暗喻的手法;red tape(官样文章;官僚作风)用的是换喻的手法,因为,据说在17世纪,英国习惯用红色的带子束捆扎官方文件,因此,red tape就成了官方文件的象征;earn one’s bread(谋生)则属于提喻辞格。



头韵指的是“在两个或两个以上邻近的词或音节中,通常为起首辅音的重复”。例如,fall flat(未能产生预想效果或完全失败),chop and change(时常改变,不断变换主意或观点),make ends meet(量入为出,节俭度日),through thick and thin(不顾艰难险阻),dish the dirt(四处散布别人的谣言),might and main(尽最大的努力),part and parcel(最重要的部分),toss and turn(辗转反侧),bay and baggage(全部财物),as busy as a bee(忙如蜜蜂),as dead as a doornail(确死无疑),as good as gold(很乖),as still as a stone(稳如盘石),dilly-dally(磨磨蹭蹭),at sixes and sevens(乱七八糟),hot and heavy(猛烈地),sum and substance(要旨),neither fish,flesh,no fowl(非驴非马,不伦不类),Money makes the mare go.(有钱能使鬼推磨)等。

尾韵(rhyme)指的是两个或两个以上的词的尾部读音相同。例如,wear and tear(损耗,磨损),toil and moil(辛辛苦苦地工作),by hook and by crook(不择手段地),fair and square(正大光明地),art and part(策划并参与),as snug as a bug in a rug(舒舒服服),high and dry(孤立无援),hurry-scurry(慌慌忙忙),hoity-toity(神气十足),out and about(病人在病后能够起来活动,出外走动),A little pot is soon hot.(量小易怒),A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难之交为挚友),There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.(智者千虑,必有一失),Might makes right.(强权即公理)等。

同词重复指的是同一个词在习语中重复使用,既表示强调,又增强了和谐之美。例如,neck and neck(并驾齐驱,不分上下),out and out(十足的,彻底的),such and such(某某,这样那样的),through and through(彻头彻尾地),over and over(反复地再三地),on and on(连续不断地),by and by(不久),measure for measure(针锋相对的),turn and turn about(依次轮流),call a spade a spade(直言不讳)等。

同义重复指的是习语中利用同义词的重复来达到和谐的修辞效果。例如,aches and pains(各种疼痛),babes and sucklings(天真而单纯的人们),by leaps and bounds(飞跃地,极迅速地),waifs and strays(零碎东西),toss and turn(翻来覆去),puff and blow(喘气,气急),pick and choose(挑剔),cool and calm(镇静),safe and sound(安然无恙)等。


Man proposes,God disposes.


To err is human,to forgive,divine.


Least talk,most work.


Deeds show what we are;words,what we should be.


Silence is deep as Eternity;speech is shallow as Time.


Where there’s marriage without love,there will be love without marriage.


